How much does it cost to maintain a gf?
Such as dates, cloth, handbags, vacation... the man is expected to pay for all these things, right?
How much does it cost to maintain a gf?
Such as dates, cloth, handbags, vacation... the man is expected to pay for all these things, right?
oh look this thread again
She pays for her own stuff and we do 50/50 on all expenses.
If anything it saves money on food and random household stuff.
Zero if you're not a pansy.
Get the gf to maintain you instead.
You gotta be worth something to achieve that, though. Not like any of the neets here could do such a thing.
This user may be a normie but he's right.
dont pay for any of that shit
she's sure going to need a lot of cloth.
Just stick with mummy. She makes sure you're looked after for life.
Delusional cunt
It doesn’t cost anything. When we eat out we just split the bill. She buys her own clothes and shit, and I buy mine. Large expenditures like vacations are also split equally.
I feel bad for you if the man paying for everything is the expectation where you’re from (I’m assuming India?)
>the man is expected to pay for all these things, right?
only if you are a cuck
Chad=> Zero
Everyone else: 25% of your salary/net worth
splitting rent is the biggest win really, cause you have to buy almost twice as much food for 2 people.
>just be homeless bro
Do I ask her to pay or will she naturally pay 50%? I don't have any real experience with girls. I want to go on a sunny vacation but want a gf by my side to enjoy it with.
Zero? I'd feel insecure and less of a man if she paid for everything.
>Get the gf to maintain you instead.
That would be nice. I'd love to have a wife / long-term gf... finally can experience hapinness.
So, is it like a zero-tolerence policy? Say she knows I'm rich and makes an argument over money... do I just dump her, or threaten it?
She has BPD
Yeah but with 2 people at home you can buy food in bulk and you tend to cook at home more often too. You save on rent, but not that much since you need a larger house or flat to live.
Of course you can also save on water since you shower together.
You pay during the divorce proceedings.
Around $17 per day
yeah but 2 people especially if they are fucking are more likely to go out in the weekends and that shit is expensive. don't think you have real savings on food irl.
This. Unless your gf takes care of everything at home (cooking, children, cleaning etc.) then she should be paying about half. You can actually save money overall because you only pay 50% of the rent and grocery shopping is slightly cheaper.
>yeah but 2 people especially if they are fucking are more likely to go out in the weekends and that shit is expensive
wew no
You're less likely to go out and spend mad cash in booze, and walks in parks of hiking or biking in the countryside are pretty cheap.
22 years married user here. 1 wife and 1 son and anything left over is for yourself, you should figure $1.2m
Don’t overthink it. If she doesn’t pay about 50% of most things then just ask her. Women are only human just like you. Me and my gf don’t really keep track of how much we each pay (it’s about 50/50 though) and I really like that. After the dating phase (where I paid like 80%) I simply told her that ai think it’s fair that she pays about 50% and she immediately agreed. That’s the norm in my country (Northern Europe) though, idk about other countries.
You may split everything
That cunt needs to eat out at least 1-2x a month
she wants at least have an ice there, go to the cinema here or do that shit there 3x a month
she NEEDS that stupid vacation somewhere which you wouldn't have done
and she NEEDS 3x a year a weekend break at a spa.
If you aren't in in that stuff you are an asshole for her.
And the most expensive thing is not the money, nonono, it is the time.
Time is the most valuable good you have and guess what she takes a shit ton of every day.
>Time is the most valuable good you have and guess what she takes a shit ton of every day.
>spending time with your loved one is worthless
get a load of that faggot
there's only two kinds of normies
those who trick themselves into thinking THEY want all the stuff they would never do without the gf
and those with soon-to-fail relationships which haven't failed yet - "what do you mean bro, my bitch pays for everything because i'm chad"
There is a difference between "spending time with your loved one" and having to cut down a lot of your own time and cacelling this and that and not making progress in your overall life because she wants to do women stuff which has no higher purpose.
I hope you understand how it was meant.
Not in a women hating way, more like that your personal time will decrease a lot. Which can lead to problems if one is busy.
I have a gf my dude, I'm telling you what's what. You don't NEED to spend time nor money on that. You choose to, or not if you are both ok with that.
Honestly, if you are complaining that having a gf would be cutting your wanking to anime porn or vidya time, you probably shouldn't be looking into that in the first place.
It is funny how you incels blame "normies" for actually doing things in the outside world whereas you guys literally threw years away as a shutin playing "vidya" and fapping to anime porn. All in all the things you guys are best in to categorize everyone and putting someone in boxes. Like for example "chad" and the "beta". It seems your autism thinking only allows to think in black and white pretty much like the 1's and 0's in coding.
> you are complaining that having a gf would be cutting your wanking to anime porn or vidya time
There is no need to have a discussion with you any further if this is how you reply, am I right?
get a load of this faggot calling people an "incel"
nice try plebbit nigger
Well, please enlighten us how do you spend you most valuable time making progress in your life my dude, because most incels around here just spend their time browsing the four chins, watching anime and playing vidya.
This sounds awfully familiar.
>that person shouting 'incel' in every thread that tries to analyse the status quo from the point of view of the male
It's like they don't want to be know what's really happening
>mfw this faggot has some fat slovenly gf and somehow is under the impression he's above anyone on this board
Kill yourself, my dude
Women perform such analysis incessantly and among themselves. You know it's important, and because of that shame the male from doing it.
Litterally wtf is going on in your brain ?
- working in a start-up
- also getting self-employed and having to work on a businessplan, financing, planing shit all around, getting everything regarding taxes and law shit
- maybe hitting the gym a few times per week, because that body got me where I am now and I want to keep it
- reading books would be great, that one got totally throw aside the last year
- meetups and networking -> that one is important, too bad the last ones I could never attend because some stuff on her side
- of course some (well not shitposting, mostly lurking) quality time on biz and fit
- and since I moved away from my place, social interaction with my friends is down to teamspeak when I'm on the PC and some quick vidia every now and then
and what quality time am I crying about?
not wanting to watch shit on netflix
not wanting to go out eat or other stuff just because it's the normie thing to do. Of course I do it and want it, but not that frequently and not because of having nothing better to do and muh girly things.
>the man is expected to pay for all these things, right?
if you are a cuck and not in a legit relationship yes
seems pretty standard socializing to me even at the lower end of what most people do.
If you are that much focused on saving money a gf is not what you want at the moment anyway.
So if you want a gf look for one who doesn't spend her life watching netflix ? I mean, it's not that rare. You are already going out and spending time socializing.
>mfw gf cleans apt and cooks for me while also paying half the rent and working a more strenuous job.
feels good man.
>Never eating out
>Never performing activities with friends (seriously, don't do this)
>Never visiting other cultures
>Never spending time on yourself (normal gf would pay for her own vacay/treatment anyway)
Guess how I know you're never gonna make it?
I'm not about saving money, that is my last concern.
It's about being free to-do whatever I want whenever I want.
To be honest, what I'm crying about is probably only because of having the wrong gf.
I need to change some things.... thanks frens.
Proof that feminism was a fully masculine movement. As in women who are pro-abortion just want to appease their men.
>It's about being free to-do whatever I want whenever I want.
If you feel not-free and unhappy about it in your relationship you probably need to reconsider it in the first place my man.
read a study on this a few days ago.
roughly $642 for each time you have sex.
>mfw gf cleans apt and cooks for me while also paying half the rent and working a more strenuous job
Mine does that too but that's because I have more commuting time than her.
Zero. She pays half and I been borrowing from her recently while I'm in between jobs. She gives me 50 a day and puts it on splitwise as allowance. Life couldn't be better. While she's working all day, I'm on biz with you fags.
my gf is russian and she really is into saving money.
We split the rent (which makes a big difference on my bank account) and she pays for shit like her shoes and clothings from her personal money.
Since I am with her (and her moving in) I actually spend less money.
there is no way to know this for any couple.
is she a gold digger ? are you a huge exploitable pussy? if these are true it’s probably gonna be expensive.
are you a man who gets what he wants and dominates her ? does she love you ? if these are true you can split everything but you might still have extra costs for doing stuff together.
that’s what i do with my gf and she is happy as she could be and does whatever i tell her to
A gf who is neither a coal burner or a freak will cost you MORE THAN HALF YOUR INCOME unless she works.
No you actually save a shit load of money when you cook for more than one person. The key word here is cook.
>muh meetings and networking
Just lmao at wasting your life on that kind of shit instead of rather spending time with your gf
t. incel and/or huge pussy. If you live in a rich western country it’s standard for women to pay half. Unless she’s a stay at home mom there’s absolutely no reason why you should pay more than 50%.
networking got me into some nice things
networking is important for business related stuff
>needy piece of shit
Are americans really this brainwashed by Hollywood?
I never pay anything for my girlfriend. She has her own money. Once or twice a year I invite her to a nice dinner, which I'll pay, but only because I want to.
>cucked mutt spending his ONLY life on working instead of spending time with people that matter
As long as I'm bending reality to my will, I'm happy.
>putting this much significance on his GF
She'll be disgusted of you sooner or later and leave little cucklet
No she won't
maybe not significant for you since you never had one
This. I was spending 500-700 a month on restaurants and entertainment when I had a gf. Now that she is gone I barely spend 200.
Also, the assumption that she will be willing to pay 50% rent is a pile of crap. Women pick and choose which traditionalist practices they want to keep around and the man paying for housing is a huge one.
it's because they know that if they marry and get a divorce they will get the house for free.
The harpie will need more more more
it takes nothing but pleasure in the beginning, and then eventually she crawls into your brain and puts you into tilt and you will lose ALL your money trading because your threat receptors get fucked. Not projecting or anything
not really... if you had a home the woman moved into she only gets half of the homes appreciation over the years up to divorce. which could be as low as 2-3%.
More than it costs to maintain a wife.
>shared household expenses reduces cost
>propagates genetic lineage
>contributes with job of her own if she's not raising kids
>contributes with housework
>regular gifts, dates, and trips are relatively small expense
My finances have only improved since getting married.
Has she got jaundice? She looks frightfully yellow
If you’re the alpha then nothing.
If you’re beta then minimum 5-10% of your disposable income.
Guys who offer to pay for shit are automatically placed into the “Beta Provider” box in her mind.
>give money to mother because she needs to buy some home maintenance thing back at family house
>after declaring that, she immediately, on the spot, starts to micromanage me and noticeably starts thinking lesser of me.
very true
It’s a bit fucked when you realize even your mom is still a woman
unless you are dating a land whale or a faggot women burn less calories than men. also economies of scale kick in when you cook for more people than yourself. its like you have no clue about costs, optimization, return on investment on a business focused board.
We split food 50/50 and she gets mad when I try to pay for more, also the apartment is hers, but we don't reallu live together.
you get her husband, boyfriend to pay for it
>listening to trainwreck coworker talk about her beta provider husband
>”omg and it’s just amazing!”
>”I never experienced being treated like a lady before”
>”he’s a real godsend”
>”that’s what a man should be like!”
>”my babydaddy is lazy, arrogant, disloyal, narcissistic, aggressive, manipulative, etc. and ugh! I can’t understand what I ever saw in him”
Women have zero self awareness
>I'd feel insecure and less of a man if she paid for everything.
A real man wouldn't give a fuck about any of that.
>She has BPD
You're fucked.
>Of course you can also save on water since you shower together.
Virgin incel detected. You shower with a gf for sexy time, not to get clean. You're either a complete virgin or you're a pajeet.
I've never paid for fucking spas, jesus, how big of a pussy are you? I don't pay for hair, nails, clothes, makeup, that's her fucking job, especially if we're just dating. I don't do the valentine's bullshit, I don't buy them expensive shit when we're just dating, and if she's mad enough to leave over it, bye felicia. You're setting yourself up with that shit - you pay for all that shit while dating? You'll be expected to do more, over time, and way more if you're dumb enough to marry her.
I can tell most of you have never had a gf. Pay for spas? Are you fucking kidding me? It's fucking hilarious watching you virgins sperg out trying to tell other spergs how it works, though.
Could be a virgin pajeet? Wait nevermind, pajeets just rape women whenever they feel like it.
>tfw african gf, came to america 4 years ago
>has rich parents but they're still extremely frugal, like most african parents are
>now she's frugal too and always paranoid about spending too much money
>loves typical girl things like shopping, eating out, traveling etc but basically never does them
>still pays half the rent and groceries, cooks everyday
I offer to take her shopping, take her out to eat, etc often but she says we need to save. I once spent $200 on a birthday present for her and she was actually a bit upset. The cool thing is externally she looks like a typical trophy wife gf. Great looks, great body, thousands of social media followers etc. Yet she hates for me to waste money on her.
Just get a third world gf. Import one if you have to. Even if you end up with a gold digger, the amount of money you'll need to spend to impress them is nothing. And tons of them are smoking hot. African girls in particular almost always have thicc hips and ass, even if they have a super small waist.
>unless she works.
You don't support a woman you're not married to. Are you fucking kidding me? This is fucking hilarious, you autists are just making this shit up as you go along. Park a gf in my apartment with no job and pay all her bills? Oh, suuuuuuuuure, that's totally happening, lol.
You guys have pussy on a pedestal a mile fucking high.
You're an idiot for moving a woman into your home for free, even with a ring on her finger. I've never done that. Who the fuck even does that? Nobody I know does that. You must be a pajeet.
My coworker’s cuck husband literally does hat type of shit
This is the most depressing thing I've ever read. You poor, poor soul.
My daddy always said “Never spend money on a woman you ain’t fucked yet, because I bet you anything there’s a nigga out there she gave it to for free.”
Having a frugal woman is basic cuck-proofing your relationship
college...everything is split, mostly. girls in college are using their parents' coin
post-college...first couple dates might be on your dime, but decent girls with ambition are going to offer to pick up tabs. girls in their 20s with college credentials are making decent money and if they're rich, their parents are paying their rent
only certified gold digging trash is going to be at ease with a guy paying for everything. run away from that
Nothing if you find the right girl. If a girl expects you to pay for everything she probably has a really bad character.
>mfw a girl asked me out and offered to pay my drinks
Sweetest girl I ever met, to bad I fell so in love that all I could do is stutter and mumble and eventually panicked and left.
>>mfw a girl asked me out and offered to pay my drinks
>Sweetest girl I ever met, to bad I fell so in love that all I could do is stutter and mumble and eventually panicked and left.
Jesus fucking christ, how much of a fucking autist are you? A woman buys me a drink? Free fucking pussy. And you ran away. Jesus fucking christ - who's your father, and where does he live? I want to go over and put a foot up his ass for raising such a big fucking pussy son.
The happiest and most loving relationships are relationships where the woman pursues the man first. When you pursue the girl first ultimately there’s always that imbalance where she knows you felt like you needed her more when you saw her. And she’ll remember that.
interesting... could be true i can't tell i never pursued a girl in my life.
>A woman buys me a drink?
I had this and fucked it up by not giving her the attention she deserved and instead hooking up with someone else that night. Serves me right, she's an amazing person and I'm still single as fuck.
Better busting my ass now as long as Im young instead of having a mediocre live till Im 60 or even older.
t. nigger
No shit sherlock
eh, I shower with my gf occasionally just to get clean. Especially if we were swimming together or something. Once we get married and live together i assume we will do that more often too.
the one reason she doesn't like to is if it's at night and she's scared that a murder will break in undetected while we are showering together lol
>My gf is a real catch, she's a nigger with lots of instagram followers
Fake gf, got it.
>not working out, dressing nice and taking care of yourself to be sugarboy for rich, attractive, lonely, spiteful women
I mean, you should do all those things just for yourself anyway, but sugarmom is just an icing on the cake. Those women are so frustrated with their lives, so full of spite and jealousy that they will do anything to show off in front of their equally rich and spiteful friends. But since they're also lonely and sad about their lives, in private-eye they can be often really sweet.
Until they find some mature, professional man who is even higher than them in business hierarchy (which can take months to years), they are more than willing to cover all your expenses, be it rent, education, hobby, clothing, and get you expensive gift every now and then. You get to go with her to high-class social events where you can build your network, or you can often land some cozy job in their business, usually secretary-man, HR, or reception. In the public most of the time you have to play this young but mature, highly professional, half-subordinate-half-confident towards her, well-mannered guy, think of modern version of victorian era butler in a suit. In front of her female friends you can expect she will tease you, maybe even grab your ass every now and then depending on the time and place, and in front of male busines partners you're expected to be kind of courting her while still maintaining this professional cool.