What should I invest into as a Black person in 2018?

What should I invest into as a Black person in 2018?
I have $700 to spend.

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Skin bleach


maybe short 50% on blacks and long 50% whites?, and since youl be in profit on both leverage those profits and long asians once whites start to reverse

why do you think your skin color is relevant to your question? fucking retard

buy TRON of course

I'm serious. I went to pawn and they have rally nice ass antiqies. Furnitire, old coins and shit. It good? How do I know how much are they worth


Probably cocaine or heroin. In all seriousness you can’t do shit with 700 dollars unless you get lucky on some alt coin.

Bulletproof car windows if you are in the us


Cuz whiteys only invest in some Stock markets and funds. And I dont know shit bout it. I just have some spare bucks I need to stash for later

No man I ain't doing this shit

Fuck off pussy

i know this fried chicken company with secret recipe they gonna be HUGE



Then fucking learn about it.

> also why do you have to specify you’re black ?

It has nothing to do with the fact they are white dumbass, they just did the work that you didn't do.

Fuck you. Seriously. I just thought you know smth bout business and making money but yall just fucking thrash racists

There was some nigger pyramid ponzi "forex" so go ahead with that chimpo

I'll give you real answers from a white man.

1. Don't spend it. Assuming you're in the US, most black people don't have 400 dollars available for an emergency. Don't be that guy.

2. Put it in a current account that gives a % interest on depositing X amount every month. Usually around 1k a month needs to be put into the account to qualify for the interest, it's paid monthly. You can often juggle the same 1k in and out if needed to make the % interest. This won't make you a lot at all, but good accounts (in my country at least) have some good saving / bonus schemes if you switch around enough. It's safe and easy.

3. If you don't need access to the money nay time soon, put it in a conventional ISA or saver account.

People don't often get wealth quick, they accumulate slowly. Try and compound 25% of you income in these simple ways for a few years before buying into risky investments like crypto / antiques / drugs / stock.


Bailing your father out of prison

>spoonfeed me cause I'm black and unable to research shit by myself
>WAHHHH why are they being such meanies? it must be because I'm black

imagine being this triggered

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>thinking skin color has anything to do with investment opportunities

not going to make it

why did you post this toad on my frog board

Dont know

Slot machines, since you've come out as a nigger.

KSI vs Logan

WTC (watermelon coin)

Amount of hate ITT is unbeliveable.

unironically spend it all on LINK right now. you'd have ~2000 and if you hold on tight for even a couple years you'll be set on that.

Why bring up that your black on Jow Forums. There is no life racist ppl on this site

>niga buy LTC through atm

An attorney

Why is your race relevant? What do you hope to accomplish by making this thread?

[spoiler]buy bitconnect[/spoiler]

Kek. This is bait, right? What’s up with all the “I’m black and retarded” threads as of late?

Invest in LINK so it crashes and I can accumulate more.

Half Bitcoin half this

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buy a rope and hang your self you fuckin porch monkey

Put it 100% in link


It's this easy to bait Jow Forums? we really are the most normie board

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Invest in this:


Even if it's with $0.

You don't invest your last $700, keep it for emergencies so you don't have to get a payday loan



Choose one and only one.








Buy 1 bch
Keep the rest for a rainy day

Tron, of course. Also PATIENTORY bahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhaha

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This is how I know you aren't a burger

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>longing chinks


Chainlink all in. And hold in 2022-2025.
You will have sooooo much money

A fuckton of Nike Air/Kanye replicas and sell them
Or a bunch of fake Gold lookalikes bling with weight

pls don't tell

Hi guys. What should I invest into as a Gender fluid questioning mtf vegan squirrel kin feminist socialist in 2018? I have 400$ to spend thanks brahs

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Honestly, YES! Superior black athletes are starting the genocide of inferior white players. However, this only applies to real sports like football and basketball. Baseball, hockey, golf and all of that other weak stuff isn't entertaining. White qb's are the only excepting to this rule as black qbs are too dumb to study tape and react on the fly

it's all part of the master plan. whites will be receiving affirmative action and gibs me dat reparations checks within 5 years. we are being discriminated against purposely. This is like a pump n dump of race. blacks are getting pumped now for the ultimate dump.

OP is a white guy LARPing as a black guy. If you’ll accept my challenge then we both post our hands with timestamps.

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Get a 40 and play some dice.

Make sure you stay strapped up nigga.

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Where to get them nikes

Matrix AI network.

Bitcone, Bitconnect, or Tron. Nice larp though fag.

High risk- HMNY
Low risk- APTS

$1k in NEO in jan 2017 = $938k in jan 2018

Jewelry from pawnbrokers

same thing every other race should invest in:

Unironically this nigga, how is it even a question? link doesn't descriminate

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>mfw people actually think this is a black man

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Hey Anons, Pajeet here, What does kek mean?

>as a Black person

What the fuck does that have to do with anything.

Fuck you people.

Rope stocks.

child support

>came here to say this
>first response
