One of the core tenets of Chaos Magick practice is the creation of magic sigils (also called “glyphs”) to “codify and project one’s Will into the Universe.” Basically, you make an image that represents your “will” (desire fueled by powerful emotions or altered states) and the universe will take care of the rest. When a lot of people pool their united willpower towards a single sigil, its called a Hypersigil, and its exponentially more potent.
Our sigil is the LINK symbol.
Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut
good. Do this for a few minutes, then - VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists MOST IMPORTANTLY FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it! FEELING THE EMOTION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN JUST VISUALIZING THE IMAGES!
Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it) I AM RICH I AM WEALTHY I AM A MILLIONAIRE LINK HAS GIVEN ME INFINITE ABUNDANCE It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.
Preferably. You can also try extreme pain, fear, or if an advanced meditator a jhanic state (among others). You need a state of gnosis basically. But honestly, fapping is easiest and it should be somewhat appropriate, as if the thought of becoming a sorcerous tycoon of the post-Singularity age from buying memes off a Tibetan frog-cult suicide pact site doesn't get you hard nothing well.
Luke Ortiz
Kek has spoken.
Colton Robinson
it's important to understand how sigils actually work. it's not about putting anything "out into the universe". the best way to understand the metaphysical concepts of reality is through the 7 hermetic principles. an important one being the principle of mentalism: the universe IS mind. you do not have to put anything anywhere, especially "out there" the universe and consciousness are inseparable. second, the principle of gender is important. everything has masculine and feminine qualities. masculine is penetrative by nature, feminine is receptive. there are countless examples of this throughout nature, symbolism, etc. the conscious mind is masucline, the subconscious mind is feminine. the masculine conscious mind penetrates the feminine subconscious mind IF IT KNOWS HOW. sigils are encoded symbols that bypass the conscious filter and impregnates the subconscious mind. just as our subconscious mind speaks to the conscious mind symbolically through dreams for example, that is how the conscious mind must speak to the subconscious mind. through symbols; that is its language. VERY IMPORTANTLY, the subconscious mind has a link to the super conscious mind, or god, if you will. think of it as linked hierarchy: super conscious > subconscious > conscious. "the divine feminine" is so called because of this. this is mirrored in birthing where the feminine has the link to the infinite in which a masculine energy impregnates the feminine and the feminine is linked to the infinite (creates a new lifeform, new consciousness). masculine energy does not have this link. so when you cast a sigil, you are sending a coded symbol into your subconscious, or impregnating your subconscious with an intent. your subconscious then births into creation, your intent. with this knowledge, you can be better equipped to create sigil magick and other forms of magick (see: principle of correspondences, you can affect anything by affecting something that corresponds with it).
Cameron Long
what did Ariana Grande mean by this? How much BTC does she own?
Are there any informative books about your theory?
Sebastian Davis
this is just spooky fpbp
Parker Campbell
watch mark passio's 'the real law of attraction.' look up hermeticism
Luis Clark
yea anything on hermeticism. i haven't seen the real law of attraction but i'll look into it. anything based around the kybalion. the youtube channel "mind and magick" is really good. honestly any teachings based around hermeticism has a good foundation. hermes knew his shit.
Samuel Clark
Get lost with your occult shit. What kind of fag are you, that you need something so stupid to explain and structure the world for you? Sage.
James Rogers
Possible boommer or spaz gay libtard trolling u Kuwait marines. Semper fi faggots
Cooper Brooks
> get lost with your occult shit > scram with that jibber jabber! > we don't like your kind round here