How do you guys come with this shit? I lost literally everything I worked for my entire life in crypto...

How do you guys come with this shit? I lost literally everything I worked for my entire life in crypto. I know there is so many in the same situation. I just cant take it anymore. JUST fuck my shit up.

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nice larp faggot off by 3

Don’t go all in on speculative assets with no current use case or, in many instances, working product, you dumbfuck.

50 Retards on Bitmex are running this Cryptoshow.
I would say exit all markets. This thing is coming down hard tomorrow.

>he bought at 20k

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Everyone who made money made it because people like you gave it to them.

I'm still at almost 2x of my initial investment but still feel shitty if that makes you happier.
I could've bought a small apartment in january and rent it out to wagecucks collecting some passive neetbucks.

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The worst thing about crypto is the community. Just a bunch of self-loathing ugly rotten souls with literally zero personal quality only living to collect more of material quantity. You guys will never even see a vagina in your life.

buy into solid projects at a point where they have a lot of room for growth (don't worry too much about buying in at a "cheap price") and then hold for many years. never day trade. if a better project comes along only reinvest your assets after careful deliberation.

t. bought btc at ath 2013, have only ever held btc and link, went from $1.5k starting out to $92k ath

Why do retards go all in in an obvious bubble and not think something bad will happen? If you put more than 1 months wages in crypto you’re a fucking dumbass.

I just want my money back...

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>bought in 2010 when was 17
thanks for the fiat!!

and i want to say, i originally found out about bitcoin to buy drugs xD
so a drug using teen like me made more than the rest of you combined?

don't worry man


I don't understand how people aren't making money hand overfist. Solid projects are out and another will be released Sep 1. It's not Link, even though I own Link.

yup this.
ENG, LINK, UTN, EOS, are solid af projects for the future for example. Utility tokens usually aren't just keep that In mind as well



Don't ever go literally all in in shit.

Not even the shit you believe in the most.

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How does one determine when a project is solid? It all seems to be a matter of opinion and the flying of buzzwords.

If you don't buy your chosen coins at these prices you didn't believe in them in the first place and don't deserve to make it.

If you think that they wont bounce ever again, why did you buy such shit coins?

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i'm in profit, life's good

And how does the utility of a token have anything to do with the speculative price of the token?

Go fuck your bags Shekelstein.

I'm up 12x my initial investment but was up 55x at ATH. Only been in since October. You impatient fggts don't deserve to make it so just sell now you zoomer scum.

What the fuck, you actually bought crypto?

I thought it was just a joke that we all were on board with where we pretended to buy crypto and make tons of money. Haha were you actually stupid enough to put your hard earned money into literal vaporware?

tell us your rekt pleb story op