Why do French cars look like they were crafted by designers passionate about beauty and aesthetics but German cars look...

Why do French cars look like they were crafted by designers passionate about beauty and aesthetics but German cars look like they were designed to be as boring as possible?

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germans aren't human beings

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swiss detected

French cars have never been successful in Anglo cunts because they're just too weird. They seem to defy all conventions of automotive engineering as we know it.

will buy a 108 soon

Attached: peugeot.jpg (651x443, 103K)

French cars are one of the shittiest cars both in design and performance, only good manufacturer is Renault.

Buy a 205 gti if you're a man.

t, ivan
i am poor

French cars nowadays are really ugly.
At least Germans keep it clean.

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Speaking solely for appearance I just like to say that from all the cars I see on the street it looks like only Mazda actually got some designers to make beautiful cars.

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It's either Peugeot or Renault anyway you retard. Bugatti is the frankish empire all over again.

You're a Romanian nigger.

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>not buying the glorious 508

Attached: 2019-Peugeot-508-First-Edition-10.jpg (1537x798, 414K)

why do I need a CEO car

i would honestly buy that one if i could afford it

Attached: lady.webm (480x600, 582K)

Can't wait for those devalue so i can get one for cheap.
Same goes for the Stinger.

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To pretend that you are successful in life

Talisman is pretty good too

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Everyone knows that French cars are worse quality than other cars and their design is pretty shit too.

Looks to much like a krautmobile, yikes and hard pass to me

Pic unrelated?

Can be Citroën also

reflects their respective cultures

Was true until 10 years ago. 508 Peugeot is more reliable than every Mercedes.


You better not start arguing with those brainwashed fans of french cars lololo


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>*blocks your path*
How can a car be so based?

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Do we live in the same reality?
French cars look like faggy shopping boxes for single moms that have a niglet waiting at home while, german cars look like sleek chad-machines.

The best looking compact car currently on the market is Japanese though. The Italians possibly contend but I don't know what models they even sell these days.

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Imagine having the opportunity to revive a legendary brand, and coming up with the most generic and bland design possible.

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Peugeot is far better than Renault

Attached: Peugeot3008.jpg (3000x2000, 1.47M)

do you like japanese girls

I agree with you, sadly there's no way to convince these faggots that their french cars will break down and cost them a fortune to repair.

>the quality of nissan cars went down when they merged with Renault

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>1.8L 4-cylinder engine

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French cars are either reliable or good-looking. There's no compromise.

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UK market :
OVERALL RELIABILITY SCORE (Out of 5, based on repair incidence and cost of repair)

SUBARU - 4.8
HONDA - 4.6
SMART - 4.6
SUZUKI - 4.6
FIAT - 4.4
SKODA - 4.4
TOYOTA - 4.3
JEEP - 4.2
KIA - 4.1
FORD - 4.1
MINI - 4.1
NISSAN - 4.1
LEXUS - 4.0
MAZDA - 4.0
SAAB - 3.9
SEAT - 3.9
VOLVO - 3.9
JAGUAR - 3.9
AUDI - 3.6
BMW - 3.6



krautwagen btfo


>all the german brands are below Peugeot

That's not the v6 rear engine version.

(shitty track car btw)

Attached: 01_clio_V6.jpg (1500x1000, 470K)

You wanna know how I can tell those stats are complete horse shit? Fiat are in the top 5.



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Attached: 1980 renault le car.jpg (940x627, 99K)

>SUBARU - 4.8
>HONDA - 4.6
>SMART - 4.6
>SUZUKI - 4.6
>FIAT - 4.4
>SKODA - 4.4
>TOYOTA - 4.3
>RENAULT - 4.2
Yeah, like I said Renault is the only decent one of them, Japanese cars were always the best but the atrocious design of the French cars would never even make me think of getting one, I'd rather opt for a german one that you can be a chad in.

>Why do French cars look like they were crafted by designers passionate about beauty and aesthetics but German cars look like they were designed to be as boring as possible?

People don't post opposite opinion here because they can't stop laughing at this statement

Why is Ireland green?

>american way of stressing the French origin of something is putting "le" in front of an english word
Reddit: the country

Looks like an VW Arteon and and Opel Insignia had a baby.

Nice bullshit statistic they pulled from their ass. They calculate bullshit like cost for repairs etc. in. I mean, yeah, fucking surprise that an S Class costs more to repair than an fucking Twingo.
>pic related, cars actually breaking down on German roads per 1.000 cars build of each model year

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pero caca

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Did the French even try?

Le cope

it carries over the styling cues of the classic A110 pretty tastefully. how is generic when it looks like nothing else on the road? I can't even think of any other modern car with quad headlights

in a car that weighs only 1100kg

Attached: A110 old v new.jpg (1221x687, 124K)

He, he, BLACK BVLL....
I'd never drive a French car built past last 80s.

Attached: carpixel.net-2018-audi-a7-sportback-73249-wide.jpg (1920x1200, 664K)

Toyotas are the ugliest cars I see actually. I know they're supposedly maybe the most reliable, but they look like shit.

which look like a 508 I phase 2

Of course you wouldn't, only Eastern Europeans and Arabs think that a German car is sign of wealth.

Modern Mercedes are the ugliest cars of the world.

... and Burgers, an Chinese, and Europeans...
There is a reason there is pretty much no premium brand outside of Germany.

Nisi ti u redu, ha?
Jel i ti malo previse volis Peugeot?

manufacture and distribution of German cars
>east asia
manufacture and distribution of French cars
*where they made the peugeot 504 until the tooling broke
**iran where they still make the 405

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Don't care about status and shit like that, I just prefer German cars. I might be a krautboo, but I like their styling, the way their engines look like, that feeling you get while driving and old BMW while blasting Kraftwerk and Neu! on the way to the seaside with your beloved girl...
French cars, aside from several good ones (Peugeot 205, Citroen DS3, Renault Twingo), are for people who know shit about cars. It's all meme crossovers and ugly hatchbacks.
Have you ever seen modern Renaults?

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