What percentage of Venezuelans are mestizo?

What percentage of Venezuelans are mestizo?

Attached: Venezuela_protest.jpg (1600x1064, 532K)

most of them are mixed

I mean mestizo as in predominantly White-native admixed like Colombians. Majority of Venezuelans look more niggerish.

Most venezuelans are brown, mestizos are considered white by most people here, that's how fucking brown we are

All Venezuelans I personally know are white.

Attached: Miss_Venezuela.jpg (397x640, 75K)

Only thing I know is that I don't want those beasts in my cuntry.

Don't reply to this ogre.

mestizo means mixed so 99%

Venezuelans are truly ugly mofos

I estimate about 65% mestizos and castizos and 35% trirracial or pardo

Here it is about 25% trirracial, Pardo or blacks and 75% mestizo or castizo

Your pic is Maduro supporters, obviously people from the working classes and not exactly average for the whole country