
>tfw I will never have a gf as peng as pints gf

Attached: whyevenbother.jpg (573x400, 85K)

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You can if you start looking for Desi girls lad

Thou shall not worship false Chads

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>tfw have a big penis so never thought women could tell
Feel bad you small willy lads

>Caring about laws at that point
I'm not gonna lie I'd just kick her head in at that point

if girls could detect your dick size through pheromones, how do you know that they're disappointed by the size of your dick per se versus the size of your dick relative to the pheromones you produce?


>caring about pleasing a woman
i have a 5 inch dick and i dont care if she enjoys it as long as i do

>Glenn McGrath asked 21-year old West Indian batsman Ramnaresh Sarwan, "What does Brian Lara's dick taste like?" The West Indian responded saying, "I don't know, ask your wife." This agitated McGrath whose wife was suffering from cancer at the time. McGrath then went onto say to Sarwan: "If you fucking mention my wife again, I’ll fucking rip your fucking throat out"

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