A Racially Superior people with Superior Brainsize Height and Strength, (Check the Strongest man Championship)
They were Both Vikings bringing Europe From the Dark age to the Middle age and The Ones who Destroyed Rome for being a Cesspit of Degeneracy and Brown people
Alareiks the Gothic Swede was a stout Christian and did God a favour by burning down Rome and dominating the filthy brown meds for 300 year putting them into their place with the Gothic Empires,Lombards and Vandals
Not to speak of ancient History and the Nordic Sea peoples
Yeah, a few centuries ago you won some wars agains't a very divided and impoverished Germany, but soon after you became irrelevant and got BTFO by russians. Up to this day, you're still irrelevant and your King is a weakling frenchfag whose heir is a girl.
Besides, northern germans are I1 too. You know, the germans that you fought agains't
Wyatt Rodriguez
Logan Edwards
We won against Russia
Look up Wladyslav son........
Austin Kelly
Cameron Cruz
Yet you lost and a swede became king of all Russia
Wisen up boy
Asher Morales
Wladyslav IV? It was mostly the poles. Yes, the king had swedish roots, but so what? The majority of the war was fought by poles-lithuanians. Also this is what I was thinking
Joshua Sanders
Im gonna have to say meds are superior. Cause of Roman empire and greeks
Gavin Adams
I will not argue with some Brazilian mongrell
I will tell you this however
Swedes conquered Poland and took over Russia
Jordan Morgan
Holy shit based. How can Medogs even compete?
Parker Murphy
Poles-Lithuanians are trash, imagine fucking up so badly