What's your opinion on Mexico?

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they're america's natural enemy so i hate them

love the ladies. The guys are usually super chill

they're america's natural enemy so i love them

do you mean nueva españa?
Mexico doesnt exist anymore

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they're america's natural enemy so i love them

no bueno, muy bad hombres

I don't have an opinion on Mexico

They're dumb as shit but I want one as a wife so I can have a bimbo Latina cutie.

Mi mexico lindo querido.

Fuck you fags and your CHI crap. MI MEXICO LINDO QUERIDO.

you domt know what an actual mexicam is, kys retard

I like them but they don't like me.

mexican guys seem cute

Fuck off ladyboy

No one cares you Latinoid, literal pagans who worship death goddess instead of Mary. Puto.


if you arent a mostly amerindian person from the region in red you arent a real mexican

I grew up around a lot of Mexicans in the rural midwest. They're alright, but I can see why people don't like the ones you typically find in cities.

Yeah, but they're america's natural enemy so i love them

hispanic chistcucks who larp as mexicans deserve to die


Pagans are literal niggers, stop doing that.

But Uruguay is based

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im not americas enemy, i only hate hispanics mestizos & castizos who pretend to be mexican

I can't seem to find Cuernavaca Morelos. So I'll just pretend it's there.

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they aiight

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Zapatistas are not independents, retard. They wanted/want to cause a "revolution" in Mexico so all of Mexico agrees with their ideology.

Im mexican and one thing that makes me wonder is how hard chicanos cry for mexico and stuff. Last night, I was talking to my friends and one of them sounded like a str8 up fuccboi when another one mentioned his neighbors (who are mexican) hung up an american flag outside his house. Nigga sounded real fucking dumb.

Thank you. I thought Mexicans hated us because I've been insulted by a Mexican poster in at least two recent occasions.

They're okay

Stop objectifying/fetishising our latina sisters you incel, thank you.

hispanic christcucks get tbe bullet

im not a pagan, I only worship my nation

So a nigger, gotcha chief.

you could have a harem of brownies for the cost of a chicken sandwich here

kike worshipper


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kys hispanic you arent a real mexican.

What are you, a faggot?

Exponentially better than Africa and niggers, possibly by more than 100%. Most Mexicans are willing to work very hard for an honest living. A little more than 3/4ths of Africa is surrounded by water. I think God did this for a reason because he knew Africans would always be too dumb to make ships, therefore keeping them where they belong. Africans who have turned to niggers in America are lazy and don't have any motivation to better themselves. They demand free things, while still playing the victim's card, but fail to look at the race's ongoing failures for themselves. Mexicans don't do any of that.


disgusting hispanic mongrel, he looks nothing like a mexica

I don't know I heard there are uniformed gunmen performing mock execution extortions for like fucking 200$ fun for the whole family

Big fan

would u lick his peepee clean?

shut ya bitchass mouth up ya ego-massaging cock-juggling gimp

people who do that are subhumans from sinaloa not real mexica mexicans
Id castrate that subhuman, I dont want more mongrels reproducing

(you, faggot) #
m-kay, lemme break it down for you, dummy; there ain't no santa, no easter bunny, no tooth fairy and bitches want money

whatever man, i'm not visiting

I never really had any strong opinions about anything or anyone

would u clean his smegma with ya tongue? lml O_o lml ?

i wouldnt dislike it so much if central americans didnt flood our country

¡cállese, hombre horrible!

average sinaloan

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have never met anybody from mexico except one. my cousin married a mexican girl and settled in south carolina with her as she was a US citizen. he joined the national guard there and I love going to visit and shoot guns of his back porch into the fields beyond while drunk.good times.

Im gonna flood yore ass with my foot

Stop being upset that I want to marry a cute Catholic girl.


average sonoran

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why is that mongrel crying?

Probably not a mexican

average sonoran tetas

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>I am going to haunt your ass with my foot

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im ok now gracias por preguntar anón

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Because you're LARPing as an Aztec that got blown the fuck out by based Hernán Cortés

You better not Mexican my dude if you are then let me tell you, YOU NEED TO GO BACK

im a mexica not an aztec, aztec is a stupid made up term

are you that stupid irl?

No one cares what you are, you're just a LARPing faggot on the internet.

la vacas dicen: Mooo!
las cabras dicen: Beeëë!
los retardados dicen: soy mexica we x’dddddxdz!!1!1

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im a descenadnt of mexicas, how am i larping you stupid hispanic mongrel?

yup! what's your excuse?

Because you're acting like a giant faggot you Spanish rape baby, lmao.

I cant even grow facial hair, im a mexica indio

>rape baby
im not a north mexican

Who cares?

Take your medication dude

kek, the hispanic mongrel thinks everyone is a rapebaby like him

how can't you grow facial hair, are you a woman?

jannies delete this thread pls

Report it, otherwise they'll just ignore it

indio genetics
how does it feel to be a norteño mongrel rapebaby with no sense of identity?

hispanic mongrels are triggered LMAO

I'm white though, I just want to fuck some Latina cunny.

this nigga is flakier than a Frisco faggot, do you even know what Jow Forums is? Get yourself 86'd, outcast

¡Bienvenido a Habbo!

why CHI's, mexicans and muricans are always fighting in this hours? why are all obsessed? europe hours are better than this shithole

It's literally just Americans fighting ITT

DA THREAD: what's yo opinion on them Mexican n-ggas?

Mexican n-ggas: can't even get along between themselves

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fuck all the latina mongrels you want then

norteños arent real mexicans

The country's history is rather cool desu.

I like that they're the wall now


are you retarded? look at the latest posts, It's just some mentally ill dude

Stop bumping it

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what have I done

Sour opinions.

im just calling you out for being a fake mexican, im not mentally ill