DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2211.REVENGEANCE

DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

Previous Thread:

Attached: tamanokedama3.jpg (1654x2339, 2.33M)

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Don't bother talking to those shitposters, they got their heads so fucking far up their asses they will never bump or make the thread, let alone answer any questions in the thread and would rather just constantly shitpost about a nonexistant problem, spamming how everyone left the thread while they're still here. Literally autistic.

Jup, fuck these autistic fags.

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why are these threads so dead
did people finally realize they have no point since N4 learners asking other N4 learners is stupid and nobody wants to converse in nip

most good regulars have jumped ship
I know meta whining isn't the solution to anything really, so I'd like to contribute more but the normie life is taking a heavy toll on my fun posting time...

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everyone's on the /jp/ djt board instead

How were people leaning Japanese doing before internet?
And what anime are you gonna check this summer?

Japanese textbooks and accompanying casset for their imported Sony Walkmans. At least that's how a relative of mine said she learnt, some 30 years ago.

For what reason did she learn it?
Just out of curiosity? Or any specific reason?
Has DJT already been there for her convenience?