What's your experience with corruption, Jow Forums? Or extortion? Did you have any? What did you do about it?

What's your experience with corruption, Jow Forums? Or extortion? Did you have any? What did you do about it?

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Nothing? Really? Is corruption or extortion really just a 3rd world thing?

Last bump. Our 3rd world problems really are that unique, huh.

Some forms of corruption are legal here.

never had any personally, even when I went to Mexico for tourism

Interesting. Like what?

I'm just here to manage the reconquista, when i'm at home in mexico I can usually speed freely and pay off any cops that annoy me.

Tourists are rarely targets. Maybe if you drive the cop would ask for a bribe or something.
Usually tourists are targets of pickpockets and whatnot, but rarely by corrupt people. Sometimes it happens, but still.

Nothing much tbqh
Just the usual government officials getting some money from companies so they can get some tax money back
It's all like that and getting pretty boring because it's never going to be solved

>i suffer in the third world

How do you pay off a cop in Mexico? Usually here I just tell him straight up.

>Just the usual government officials getting some money from companies so they can get some tax money back
That is pretty boring and isn't really corruption

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>be thirdy
>can do anything you want if you pay the cops enough
>instead sit on Jow Forums and whine about your life all day
I wish I was a thirdie.

Nothing serious besides some fake calls where they tell me they've my mom sequestered and that I should pay a certain quantity of money but all those calls turned out to be fake, this has happened to me like 3 times during my life

I am pretty sure it is still corruption though
And if you mean of cops be like pay money or I'll fine you type of corruption, there's just too less of that shit in Japan and I think it's a 3rd/ 2nd world thing

No personal experience with corruption. Our glorious Leader doesn't allow it to exist.

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>"Oy guey, no te puedo pagar la multa directamente a ti? no necesitamos implicar a nadie mas, verdad?"

Oh shit you get those kinds of calls too? Annoying as hell.

You do know that means you have to pay for the government to do their job, right?

How is it corruption, isn't all of that legal?

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are these sort of calls common in mexico?

We have corruption too

Paying someone to avoid larger taxes is corruption mate. And it's the one that fucks a country the most.

Not the same lad, but it is somehow common. Just as your number might get into a shitty telemarketing company it might go into a prison.
It is usually from there where this calls are originated.
I personally haven't had one where they tell me something like my family is kidnaped but it is common to have a call and the guys tells you "Hey, how are you, it's me, your cousin!" And you answer asking, "My cousin XXXX" And from there they start trying to convince you they are that cousin and that they need money

I just tell them if they want "lunch money" or just wait for them to imply they want a bribe. You even do it in their own office. They just don't care.

Well, do you need to pay people off to get anything done?
I do, almost any time I visit a government institution
God, the libertarians were right.

Oh, if you put it that way sure. I thought it's one of those "donate and get tax breaks" schemes.
I'm pretty sure 95% of businesses do it here too.
I mean, why wouldn't they? The government extorts you either way.

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It's annoying when it's not only calls, but they text you too like "Hey it's me your mom I need money" or "You won XXX money pls send me money"

>I'm pretty sure 95% of businesses do it here too.
Yeah, the problem is that that tax money could have been used to infrastructure or some shit. Well, then there is the problem that the government officials actually use it that way but that's another story

So right, I almost have never received calls but I do get several text a year

I have a similar experience with the cops. I was in the car with a friend. They pulled me over. Apparently, I didn't turn my headlights on because it was already 6:01PM.
He started telling me "You have to go to jail user, but look, I'm a easy guy to talk to if you want (basically asking for a bribe).

Anyways, I didn't want to pay and was arguing with the dude saying "give me the ticket and take me already", until my friend (also in the car) said he was a priest and then the cops says "why didn't you say so? I'm a devout Catholic man, I love Jesus" and he didn't ticket us at all

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It's illegal to pay government officials to make government job all yours
I mean isn't this pretty obvious? It's should be fair to all people by making sure the company is selected by its abilities, not how much money they bribed

I do it with pocket money my parents give me, I distribute it not the way they told me to.

As for my cunt govt officials do it all the time, the congress is basically just a place for corruption and distribution of state assets towards the political parties.

Most of the money goes to bloated infrastructure projects that were designed to fail after a year so they can do the "project" again.
The bidding processes of that is rigged towards what the public official wants to win.

But that's beside the point. I know many businessmen who pay things right, and they still get extorted by the government.

So if that were the case, why pay right taxes at all? When the extortion money is basically your tax payment? Anyways, he stopped paying taxes after that and just pays off the government every year

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My entire government you mean?

I dunno, isn't that all done in bidding or something?


The local cops warned me about speedtrap location while chatting, does that count?

So they don't do the bidding or government officials just go ahead and kick off some good company and don't let them bid using some fake reason so that the only capable one left will be the one that bribed
It's not that common though

I betrayed my ally once in EU4

Well, if you put it that way it could be corruption. As I've said here that happens here all the time, really annoying.
At least the company doing it does their job, unlike here where they intentionally do it in a shitty way.

I dunno.

I dunno, lobbying happens in every government

what nation was it?

My uncle got E. coli from a swimming spot out in the country. The government had recently made announcements about e coli outbreaks. He went to his local hospital, they told my mom it was alcohol poisoning and he didn't have much time left. She wanted to take him to a university hospital for a second opinion, but they said no, so she got a court order for them to release him. She took him to a uni hospital and they immediately diagnosed him with E Coli, and said that e coli and alcohol damage aren't even similar and there's no way to confuse the two. He died the next day, the hospital said he would have made it had he got to that hospital sooner

Aq Qonyluq

Sue the hospital for damages and malpractice then, at least get millions out of it


You haven't seen 3rd world corruption, friend.

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Are you fucking kidding me?

Who's kidding who?

I didn’t make the original reply. Just mentioned lobbying, since it is unbelievably ridiculous.

I know. Lobbying is a double edged sword in my opinion