>this is how the average LATVIAN and LITHUANIAN woman looks like
whelp that settles it, that's where im gonna go searching for a wifey. do Baltic women like swarthy, Jow Forumsmode manlets(im 170cm) with tatts?
>this is how the average LATVIAN and LITHUANIAN woman looks like
whelp that settles it, that's where im gonna go searching for a wifey. do Baltic women like swarthy, Jow Forumsmode manlets(im 170cm) with tatts?
>Baltic women like swarthy
Not really
>Jow Forumsmode
>manlets(im 170cm)
God, no. Most girls are tall here.
> with tatts
I think some girls like tatts and others don't
Hair is not potato skin color. 0/10
I kinda resemble this guy a bit in skin color and looks (not even close to fit like him though), also have full sleeves and tatts on my chest, back and neck. would I clean up with blonde white girls from your countries?
Try Sweden.
Latvian girls do not go for Turkish weightlifter look.
Looks russian
>im gonna go searching for a wifey.
>im 170cm
That too. Not enough manjaw.
That woman doesn't really look Baltic. Balts tend to have square heads and iron jaws that could bite through a steel pipe.
You are thinking about men again, Abdull
This is the first result on google images when I type in "baltic woman"
you seem a bit like a butthurt, white pride incel tbqh. most blonde white women love naturally tanned southern men. dark and handsome they call it, even most northern men accept that as a fact by now
Brown eyes?
Not really popular in Latvia.
>ask a question
>gets an answer
just like, chill, pint size brah
> most blonde white women love naturally tanned southern men
I have bad news for you.
Gypsies are not popular here.
>most northern men
are Swedes and cucks
Why need to be so butthurt, turk?
fake hair color. looks west russian..
yep.. just look at all those blonde bitches there! look at them!
I just feel like you guys are bullshiting me, you know?
everywhere were blonde girls live be it USA, Sweden, germany, England etc. they prefer swarthy med-looking men and somehow, without any explanation, small-ass micronations of Latvia and Lithuania is the only place where blonde women don't like dark and handsome men?
it just doesn't add up
I can't speak for other countries, I bet self hating Sweden loves anything that is diametrically opposite them.
Dark skin and features are considered lower class/untrustworthy/foreign.
This perception has been cultivated by our xenophobia and racism. Being oppressed by multiple countries in past made Latvians resentful towards foreigners.
Not to mention Baltic girls are tallest in the world and no woman likes a ''man'' shorter than her
sounds like Baltic men are very jealous and controlling, if your women had more freedom and you guys weren't so judgemental they will be slumming it up with Italians, Spaniards and such sorts just like polish women
We have coalburners and muslim lover here but those girls are usually barrel bott om
>had more freedom
>would go dumpster diving
No one if forcing women not to go dumpster diving. How deluded are you?
I have a Latvian gf but I'm not very swarthy, moderately tall (185) and grey eyed. I don't look very nordic though so there's that
There, there, little man. No need to get so upset
most of your women want freedom to get bred by swarthy southern men, by denying them this privilege you force them to immigrate to England were they lash out against the Baltic ethnos and race by becoming breeding machines for pakis and nigerians. if you have a patriotic fibber in your bodies you will make it easier for Baltic women to enjoy sex with southern men thus preventing your country from extinction
>And after that they showed their tiddies n' sheet
Tumblr fiction
>preventing your country from extinction
It can go extinct for all i care
A guy I knew married a Lithuanian girl so guess there's hope for you?
>Balts tend to have square heads and iron jaws that could bite through a steel pipe.
This, but unironically
Swarthy looking men here are manlet incels, i personally never seen a blond girl with some darker skinned man, let alone a shorter guy.
Girls are quite focused on height here, if you're not at least 180cm you should kys
I thought bulgarians were white
I want a Lithuanian gf. If I visit, will I leave with a very beautiful wife?
this is closer to Belarussian than Lithuanian
was she blonde babe or some darkhaired russmutt?
white men here are mostly betabux or incels, swarthy Turkish-looking types are the biggest slayers in here even if they are drunkard low-wage they still get the hottest girls. our Turkish cultural influence might be the reason I have honestly never seen a blonde woman in here with a blonde man or even with a blue eyed child, they seem to love dark features in men
>I have honestly never seen a blonde woman in here with a blonde man or even with a blue eyed child, they seem to love dark features in men
That could be because you dont have blond people at all and your "blond" women are already mutts themselves with dyed hair. Blond couples are far more common than blond/dark hair couples and interracial couples are virtually non existent. I remember reading a thread on lithuanian forum where women said that the hottest guys are scandinavians and dutch
my neighbour is a blonde, blue eyed woman married to swarthy gypsy-looking dude and her child resembles him. I know two more blonde women both married to gypsies with brown children, in Bulgaria 7% of women have blonde hair and 3% of the men but it doesn't make sense why blonde women love shitskin gypsy men so much more compared to the more med looking brunette women
v*lnius is not lithuanian. that place should be nuked
>doesn't make sense why blonde women love shitskin gypsy men so much
Because it's not really true (except degenerate Western Europe with their self hatred )
If I recall correctly yes, and no she wasn't Russian.
As a student of archait indoeuropean language, i'm amazed by lithuanian.
If you want to hear how our ancestors spoke, you must hear a lithuanian peasant speaking
>Western Europe
> Western Europe
Yep, they wish
>Out ancestors
If you're Shitalian then you are just a rape baby
Welcome back Lugoj gypsy romanian boy, we missed you! It's your sister ok?
Like EVERYONE loves gypsy manlets. It's true.
One time I saw Scarlet Johannesburg or some other girl and she said she loves shitskin men like me.
I would TOTALLY fuck every blonde girl on the planet because they all love me...but I have some shit to do...
>where the Balt women at?
average Latvia/Lithuanian chick has no tits?
>I feel like you guys are bullshitting me
The stereotype is "TALL, dark and handsome", while you're basically a midget as far as local women would be concerned.
What he actually posted a picture of is a prepubescent russian-latvian boy.
I more than make up with my alpha allure and dominant personality ;)
you guys just went full incel, all blonde women love swarthy men, only women who like lameass pale blondcuck "men" are 3rd world chinks who want a piggybank. blond men can only moneymax and still can't get a hot and loyal gf compared to even the lowest unemployed southern drunkard
I'm sure you think that you do, but women are a bit like rollercoasters - you must be this tall to ride.
>all blonde women love swarthy men
I mean if your government scientist says that they do...
my beautiful full of melanin skin will negate any of the downsides of my height. the white blonde womans lust for swarthy, racially ambiguous men will make me more desirable then any non-oligarch in Pribaltiland
Why are you so square?
Looks Russian
I've also heard that white women's vaginas have enlarged melanin receptors (so sensitive that white mothers often experience multiple orgasms when giving birth to a Brown baby) , which makes sense given the lack of melanin in white penises. It also explains why white women get so aroused and orgasm so frequently and intensely with darker mates.
The woman's multiple orgasms, coupled with the high levels of melanin in the penis cause the cervix to dilate. This allows the brown male to penetrate directly into the womb, killing any white fetus present and allowing him to ejaculate directly into the womb, ensuring fertilization.
They keep our heads locked in a square vice until our first birthday and only feed us asbestos chips. You know, to develop jaw muscles.
balts are not white though. We're pure mongolians
>my beautiful full of melanin skin will negate any of the downsides of my height. the white blonde womans lust for swarthy, racially ambiguous men will make me more desirable then any non-oligarch in Pribaltiland
Nah, he probably in not swarthy enough n'sheet.
Little Bulgarian is on suicide watch
How bulgarians look like?
I am half bulgarian, unitonically have turk look. In Russia a lot of people believe that bulgarians are white and I’m sort of caucasian guy
I sorta look like the chad in the middle with the flag. me and mah boys coming to baltia next month to beat that blonde Baltic pussy up! we are gonna have sooo much sexy fun time with white womens. drip drip
>170 cm Chad
Absolute state of Bulgarians
Bulgarians look exactly like this. big amount have gypsy or part-gypsy blood so if you combine all of us we will look like armenians
I would prep my gf from a strong Mongoloid Volga Bulgar bull...
for fuck sake stop calling us white you racist incell. we're mongolians
Lithuanians have square heads
Latvians generally are horsefaced
I would write something about fucking Bulgar women, but no one likes them.
Bulgarian is going to have his manlet heart broken.
Sure, just wave some money around, talk in english and 3/10 girl is yours.
My sister is taller than you lmao.
Don't know about lithuanian women, but latvian women like money.
It doesn't matter if you're white, black, brown or yellow, any girl will be yours, as long as you have of money.
>that schnooz
>not even olive skin but pale armenoid tier skin
you're not bulgarian, us THRACIAN BVLLS have totally different noses, skin and faces
we're mountain euronigger people, not sandrats
1. Incel response
2. Bulgarian has no money for dog food
>swarthy men
>These are Dagestanis from Dagestan university
lol, we are racist as fuck, especially since you look like a gypsy
I know that in Estonia is actually acceptable to be a Nazi
Estonian I talked to hates Germans as much as Russians
oh no no no...
Jow Forums said germans are based aryan liberators from bolshevism...
these are somalians tho, post bulgarians
she looks ugly
that's not very lady like