Is this common in your country?

Is this common in your country?

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A lot.

five degrees is quite cold by med standards so I guess they have the right to stay NEET until it gets warmer

it's normal
funny enough now we are starting to have useless courses like gender studies and people will end up jobless even if they emigrate

5 degrees is cold by anyone's standard, it's a miracle that they're even alive

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that's why i think the basic income for this kind of people is a good idea.

>I spent all my youth in school and have no work experience, why won't anyone hire me for a high paying job?
I get that the job market isn't great but some of these people just keep applying for jobs that they're not ready to handle, never learned to make a proper CV or just have traits that employers see as a massive red flag.

You know the solution yurokucks. Your shitholes are irrelevant.

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fuck she's right

Less than in Greece, but it happens.

While this is technically correct, it is also proof from how disconnected the political aristocracy is. Does she think moving abroad is as easy as booking a plane ticket and a hotel? It requires a lot of effort and, more importantly, a lot of money. You also need the guarantee of a job the moment you move abroad, so you don't end up roaming the streets of Stockholm homeless (because you're not entitled to welfare in a different EU country). Only rich banker types are called abroad with the guarantee of getting a job there.

Maybe if the whore was presenting an actual solution like a resolution that allows employment agencies to recruit and offer jobs across the entire EU she'd have a point. As it stands right now, finding work abroad is more difficult and more risky.

>Does she think moving abroad is as easy as booking a plane ticket and a hotel? It requires a lot of effort and, more importantly, a lot of money
That is of no concern to them obviously


immigration within europe is significantly easier though with much lower barriers to entry, you can't get welfare in other countries no but you can get it in yours and you can get a shit job at places that are always hiring to get yourself on your feet if you have literally no savings, within 6 months to a year you should have had enough time to actually look for jobs in other countries or other areas within your own country that will hire you, I realise that this is a shit thing to hear straight out of uni but if you're 30 and down on your luck europe is the best place to be
compare it to trying to immigrate to somewhere like america or canada, you can't get in unless you're well educated or have skills in a high demand job and even then you're on a lotto system, are refused entry unless you actually have a job secured, and you need to live and work there for years before you have any sort of security in residence

>you can't get welfare in other countries
But you can.

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I can't get welfare in my own country tho

>I've got a degree in Art, Women studies, African American studies, Gender Studies and Sociology, why won't anyone employ me?
Typical gayreek behavior.

it generally depends on the country and a lot of things, you can't get jobseekers in the uk unless you've been here for at least 3 months for instance and there's an upper limit on how long you can claim it for, you also need to be eligible to work in the uk to even claim it (which is true for most europeans I think)

Bootlicker apologist, the job market is down in Greece. Instead of starving them with austerity the EU/Germany should've stimulated their economy and take the surplus as interest.

Have sex (with asian women)

I prefer only snow white and pitch black women.

my nigga

To get a job you need social skills. I mean sure you can just go and do an interview and hope that your CV is good enough, but if you know the right people or friends with someone it’s gonna be much easier to secure a nice position. It’s especially true for IT.

You can't get jobseekers at all senpai, it's universal credit now. And not available to EU jobseekers.