1. your country

1. your country
2. do you like smell of burned tires as much as i do?


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JapFest soon

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nah, all kinds of races are show for peasants.

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>supposed to be about racing cars, even has racing in name
>it's all stancefaggotry

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a lot of chix around.. you can ask them to pose near cars and they do it for free

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As an upper class person I consider car worship to be the most lowlife trash thing one can do

you must have respect for power of this engine

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>no shitkskin gangs or niggers in sight
must be a paradise
go on, post more pics of sexy polish twink and hunk legs and bulges since everyone is in shorts and sweatpants

too many people here already... impossible to buy food without waiting in a long queue

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just found two negroes just for you

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the second one on the left

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one of my favourite microbreweries made beer for the event... but i need cash to buy it because their cardreader got broken... i need to walk to ATM now bbl

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this negro looks based tho

are you the same photography pole from the beer festival?

this is sacrilege

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mustang from belarus kek

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i bought beers and i am getting out of event...

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cool thread, are more pics coming?

i made hundreds pics.. but now i wait for taxi to take me home

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nice, post more when you can

sure.. as soon as i come home

i stopped in mcdonalds near my house to eat smth... 4 shitskins and 2 negros work in kitchen... based "anti-immigrant fascist" PiS party

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charging smartphones battery because it is almost dead

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wtf are they doing here instead of germany or sweden, it boggles my mind

maybe it is hard to get a job in mcdonalds there kek

I am at home now so i think i can post some photos and upload some movies

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I suppose you also love the smell burned *guess the ethnicity*


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was it a stance show?

Stance + racing. The racing was going on all the time during the show - i heard constant loud sound of engines of racing cars, squeal tires and smell of them burning. The race was happening in different part of the building. I watched about an hour of racing but it got boring finally, so i spent more time on making photos of cars and their engines. But the racing was happening all the time, so if you wanted, you could watch it for whole day non stop.


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Super-Skoda, kek

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Nice pics, pole photobro. Do you go to these normie events by yourself or with a gf?

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I go to events only by myself, because i like making a lot of photos and focus my attention in 100% only on the event and everything it can offer. When i go to such events with friends, i spend 99% of time on stupid conversations, joking around, drinking too much alcohol and i have no time to make photos at all because i waste all of it on being active in company of my friends.

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must had been weird for the black guy, all these cars and a white guy is taking a picture of me taking a picture of a car.

They look as miserable working there as in our mcdonalds.

I doubt a black guy can feel bad in here, society is very supportive. He can only feel embarrased sometimes because Poles might be too nice to him, especially female part of the population.

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>society is very supportive
I remember reading some poles in some polish city beat up some mexicans because they thought they where arabs. Thought it was funny. Anyway, don't want to turn this into a standard Jow Forums thread, keep posting more pics plz.

Love me some burnt tires

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I kind of want this car

Dude, shit happens everywhere. Mexicans and negroes are beaten 100000x more often in the USA than in Poland, i am sure of it. But leftard media focus their attention on individual cases. There is 40 mln of Poles in the country, and 20 mln of foreigners coming here mostly as tourists every year. So there are centillions of possible interactions between all of them. 99,9% of them are not racist, 0,1% of them might be racist, and media focus only on the 0,1%. Try to be wiser than propagandists who think that they can easily fool you.

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based and redpilled

Trump is actually right about this

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