Jow Forumsernational qts thread
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Imagine resting your head in between these two cushions
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For me, it's Central Asian and Horn of Africa women.
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>tfw no big tiddies Italian gf to lose my face in
>tfw no french gf
nice eyes
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what's going on with her nose?
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I want her to take my kiss virginity
>kiss virginity
Literally kill yourself
Attached: 6716546861428.webm (480x480, 1.95M)
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For me it's Aya from Kazakhstan.
Attached: 18879160_303372906788916_2648647786743988224_n.jpg (1080x1080, 143K)
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Guess this one
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got a picture without heavy smoothing?
Attached: 3808737691488.jpg (1080x697, 64K)
>too old
Attached: Goncerned.jpg (800x603, 84K)
ok, she's very beautiful for being 39, but older women don't look very cute
She doesn't even look french, m8. Your average french girl has lighter hairs, a larger face and a less chiseled jaw.
she was beautiful in that new movie "Hotel Mumbai"
Attached: Ines Pellegrini.jpg (530x285, 22K)