You love and support Israel, right user?

>you love and support Israel, right user?

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only mad muhammeds and retards dont

I don't condone Zionism, but naturally I have to support the chosen people of God

Sorry but your nose isn't big enough

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Nah fuck the jews. Also fuck Jow Forums

Israel is an illegitimate state


I have no sympathy for jews tbqhwy

I don't care for Israel but I support my Indo-Iranian brethern, Iran

Always and forever.

İ'm fine with jews as long as their fine with me.

She looks Polish though, not real Jewish

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I'm neither a jew or a muslim or a racist brainlet so I have nothing against jews.

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Nobody ITT actually loves israel, though. Israel doesn’t have a culture or anything interesting about it because it’s another middle eastern desert shithole and all people can think of is conflicts. None of them are real boos and it all has to do with “it’s the only non-muzzie shitskin country in the middle east of course i like it hhahahaha”. There are no princes there either so it doesn’t appeal to thots. Don’t go there on vacation, I hated it.

SHe is russian

Right, it's because she has FAS

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Russian jew I think. Jews don’t care about purity, in Israel they came from all the parts of the world but like it because of their ancestor. It’s so American.

There are valid reasons for political criticism towards Israel. I wouldn't say one has to be any of those you mentioned to have a problem with Israel.

>Jews don’t care about purity
>What is religion

I unironically do

I stand with Jeff

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Wish I could trial israeli elites with conspiracy and desires to threaten the peace of the world and plan wars of aggression as well as crimes of humanity and basically nuremberg them.

The starting point is the indictment of October 18, 1945, charging some twenty individuals and various organizations, in four counts, with conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Let me examine the offenses that are called in Count 3 of the indictment "war crimes," in the strict sense.

>thank you drumpf

>conspiracy and desires to threaten the peace of the world and plan wars of aggression as well as crimes of humanity

Wait are you sure you're talking about israel and not the United States?

Netanyahu instigated wars in middle East against sadamn and israeli agents instigate war with iran all illegal.

Israels treatment terrorism and discrimination of palestianians is also a crime against humanity.


Ofcourse not you filthy kike.

Why, yes I would defend Israel with my life, how could you tell?

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She looks like some Ukrainian thot desu.

Fan think that the first search result Google gives you after googling for this pic is "busty Jewish porn"

love jewish women
support israel
simple as

>busty Jewish porn

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I doubt you would schlomo.
You are free to be conscripted in israel

and this is why faggots like you will never receive blessings from our Jewish overlords

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You should be trailed for supporting terrorism crimes agsinst the peace and supporters of criminals.

kill yourself white devil

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I have nothing against Jews and individual Israelis, but I believe that Israel was a mistake that brought the Middle East to its present state. The Jews had no moral rights to this land, or even a real need for the creation of a state. Although, of course, it is easier to sympathize with the Israelis than the Arabs.

>"hah here it is, I said it again. a country has to have LEGITIMACY that is defined by arbitrary standards I made up in my mind while eating lunch"

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Please love Israel

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Are you ready to be my jew bf user?

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