Every girl from this region would marry a white man if they could

Every girl from this region would marry a white man if they could

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All those countries can't compete with Horn of Africa women.

Chance of status uprading.

That's what the comfort women thought.

Like your grandma hooked US soldiers


I myself am a white man who traveled through the Middle East and yes, it is true

Sorry. I mistaken. Even any soldiers dont want to hook Hiroshima nuclear pus.

tell me more about it. I like how mena girls look at me here in the west, its probably even crazier in their countries.

Elaborate on your claims

Let me be that white dood so.


Should have just done the globe mate.

Tbh every single girl wants a “brown” man (no not really because that would lump the Asians etc... in with brown superior man). But basically a man that is from south america or mena and is tall and muscled. That would cream every single woman so much. White man or white looking men and anything else should just trap up and commit suicide lol.

that's actually not true. poor people are more after wealth and status than race/ethnicity.

surveys/polls/studies have shown that most women would prefer the same race/ethnicity of their own with wealth/status than a different race/ethnicity with with wealth/status.

thats not even remotely true. Mena girls hate their own "men" and the thought of being with a white man keeps them up at night

Why is Palestine there instead of Israel?

In USA, MENA are already considered to be white at least legally and usually socially if they are not outwardly Muslim.

Because Israelis girls are not interesting in "White men"

coz israelis are white so they don't count


I am a mena girl I hate white men and it gives me sleepless nights if I think about non-arab men desu. I find your pink skincolor and tags the grossest thing ever. Your lazy feminine behaviour too.

post your unibrow as proof

Ewwww i hate your racist behaviour too. Like you all think your shit doesn’t smell. It turns women off of all races ffs.

Might be different for me considering our history but I think it would be easy for me to sleep around in Israel

Not true unless you are really jaded already. I could make you imagine a life together just by looking at you

Stop roleplaying as a girl online Ahmed, you're embarrassing yourself.

please step on me arabic goddess

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No MENA want to marry a wh*Te "man"
She only feels safe when escorted by a real man (KARA BOGA)

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