What the fuck is wrong with Europe?

What the fuck is wrong with Europe?

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Were you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

we were the same way 30 years ago

>smoking is bad

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>What the fuck? You can't smoke! Didn't you hear Mr. Goldbergstein's PSA? It gives you fucking cancer! You'll die!

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>hey stop smoking next to us, second hand smoking is very dangerous, you'll kill us!

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I smoke and I advise against it. Not because of cancer or pulmonary emphyzema.
You're just gonna spend a lot with dentists and sometimes I feel embarrassed to hug girls when I know I'm smelling like cigarretes


Snus masterrace

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Basically this, you smell like shit, and your dentist will hate you

t. Ex-smoker

>Dude wtf don't smoke it there's cat piss and tar in it! Source? My ass of course!

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>The ones defending smoking are Turkish and Greek
And they pretend to hate each other, eh...

Snus over faggarets any day of the week

>17.529 each day per person

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>one shot at life
>not born in comfy andorra or luxembourg

people from Catalonia used to go to Andorra to buy a lot of shit because of lower taxes, cigarretes being one of the main goods bought, they can also be bought in a variety of establishments unlike in Spain, I guess Luxembourg is the same

Swiss smoke a lot. I don't know why. I started when I was 11 kek

>he doesn't smoke home grown tabacoo
there is a direct correlation between the number of smokers in a country and it's testosterone level

brazillians too, most here (including myself) start around 12 - 13 years old, during the 80s and 90s the number of smokers took a nosedive but in the 2000s and 2010s it went sky high again for no fucking reason.

That's something that surprised me when I went there. Euros smoke a lot, much more than here, the ground is often littered with loads of cigarette leftovers.

>he doesnt smoke
lmao what a fucking peat gavel

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the swiss are required to smoke at a young age so they will only grow to 4' 3" max to fit in the mountain caves