Do you consider Canada "socialist"? So many Americans my age seem to think it is

Do you consider Canada "socialist"? So many Americans my age seem to think it is.

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no we don't.

I consider canada as mini america

>m-muh free healthcare
>6 months wait to see a doctor
>say fuck it and pay for a private one that isn't a pajeet filling a race quota

Their healthcare and education systems seem to be superior because Canada has much less privatization in them, but other than that not really.

Would be pretty sick if it was.

>a-a-a-a-actually America has a better healthcare system than Canada and to prove it here's an MS Paint image I found on Jow Forums!

>Would be pretty sick if it was.

Attached: angery.jpg (800x800, 176K)

I ask because its either one of the two situations:
>some boomer that refers to Canada as "some socialist shithole" as an argument against some form of social services.
>Some millennial/gen Z tells me "how lucky" I am to live in leafland, with free healthcare, and "free college"

Boomers have no benefit from paying more taxes because they've already made it, they're living off of their mutual fund and house appreciation. Zoomers still have to go over the hurdle of school debt and a mortgage and they don't have high paying jobs to get taxed with. Of course zoomers would be envious of a free ride.

It would be the opposite of sick you moron.

sick = cool/great in this context

sounds about right.

You have to understand that anything where the government provides social services is considered "socialism" here

Yeah but socialism is terrible

t. antivaxxer

That's the conclusion that i've come to. It's not that Canada is somehow weird and socialist by having programs that virtually all other developed countries also have, it's the US that is the outlier, by not having them

we literally have a socialist running for president.

Attached: socialism 2.gif (450x250, 3.25M)

If he won how much would he actually be able to do.

Based state healthcare

Russia has the big one too. A lot of doctors are overcharged, hospitals are in bad conditions. But comfortable private clinics are at your service whenever you want

with a democratic majority a decent amount, with an even congress nothing besides free healthcare but we're getting public healthcare soon no matter who's in charge. Both sides want it.

Private hospitals are not legal in Canada, take off the proxy and do your research next time.

Will some dumbass really vote for him?


he almost beat Hillary in the democratic party primaries

*in 2016*

>6 months wait to see a doctor

Be in America, go bankrupt to see a doctor. I guess you can't win anywhere.

only if you don't work, Medical insurance is a thing.

Bruh it's classic murican edumuhcashun

uneducated people here claim canada, nordics, etc are socialist, either in a good or bad way. in reality they are just capitalist with safety nets

to be fair 40% of our economy is nationalized

From my experience wait times have been almost non-existent but I needed to see a sexual health specialist in March and still haven't been able to get an appointment

There is a famine going on

Attached: 1559029169970.jpg (920x574, 144K)

>a sexual health specialist
what for?

Is this accurate?

Attached: economic freedom.png (1090x980, 87K)

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For 3-4 weeks I was so horny I was having constant unintended erections which prevented me from sleeping or doing anything else. I went 5 days without sleep before being prescribed sleeping pills as a temporary solution.

try not being underage

Americans consider everything socialist. I think they should analyze your lung capacity and pay a bill accordingly to your oxygen intake.

Just how underaged are you faggots?

And sadly the other 60% is oil which should have been nationalized Norway style.

Every modern country has a degree of socialization in its economy. The USA has government-owned companies and social programs despite being the classic example of a 'capitalist' country. Countries differ in the extent to which they have more or less government intervention in the economy, but no country is pure in this way, except maybe you could say North Korea. China has huge state intervention in its economy, but it isn't socialist because it allows for a lot of free market activity. Therefore it's a mixed economy, as is Canada, the UK, the USA, Japan, and any other example you can think of except as previously mentioned NK.

And it's expensive as shit.

cheaper than no insurance