>A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure.
well is she right?
>A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure.
well is she right?
i like how taking the train/tram/bus was an integral part of british culture for almost 100 years before this cunt ransacked the country
>t. someone who rides the bus to the welfare office
The user you were replying to was absolutely right though.
please kill yourself. preferably in a public space while expressing your political opinions so any bystanders can have a bit of comedy to brighten their day.
i walk to the metro and i have a job
She wasn't right about leading her country or party in any way, why would she be right about that?
>this cope ITT
walkers will never understand the beauty of driving
>saved the economy
>beat the argentinian beaners in war
>moved away from communism and everyone living in government flats
cry more faggot
>saved the economy
>getting shamed by women
Genuinely curious now.
What "saved" the economy?
She saved the country from inflation (which is basically a non-crisis that rich people obsess over because the solution is less spending on the public, lower taxes on the rich, dismantling of unions, less regulations of business, and privatization of the economy and handing it over to corporations not accountable to the public).
Now the British citizenry is overworked and underpaid in miserable, un-unionized jobs and people with 2-3 jobs and a university degree can't afford to move out of their parents house. And inflation is still happening (since it's basically an inevitable phenomenon and infinitely preferable to something like deflation).
So thanks Maggie.
>inflation is a meme issue
england doesn't even make cars or oil like they did trains or coal
makes you think
the trade unions were suffocating the UK with the power they welded. See the winter of discontent. She removed that power from them allowing the UK to not being so dependent on this mafia tier control of the job market, a lot of people didnt even want to strike. Im not saying she was perfect but the UK of 1990 was a thousand times better than the UK of 1979
Well I mean if your willing to see your future go to waste just so the money you don't have and never will have will inflate at a slightly slower rate, then yeah it is a far more important issue than the birthrate or the wellbeing of the general population.
But virtually every economist favors a gradual rate of inflation. It's a meme to think it can be stopped.
gradual inflation is alright, that's why banks provide annual interest on savings. The real issue is hyperinflation, i don't want to lose my savings overnight.
No, I know millionaires that use the bus
driving isn't even enjoyable in the UK
>narrow as fuck roads with low speed limits and you need to pull over when someone approaches the oncoming lane
>all the scenery looks like some gay still from wind in the willows or the shire
>all the cars are compact pieces of shit and everyone drives on the wrong side of the road
do you really know millionaires or is it just something their pr team spreads?
> fucking slob and who can't walk more than a few steps to his tricycle. So, has to call his mommy to get a car ride.
Have a you, faggot.
fuck off you nonce im talking about practically here, takes me a hour to get from one town to another on bus and thne i still got walk to the bus stop and then from the last stop to my location. Takes me 15-20mins to go from A-B in a car
>inb4 muh city congestion
dont care citycuck
I don't doubt him.
Well, Warren Buffet eats his meals at mcdonalds, drove the same meh car for 20 years and sometimes even paid meals using coupons
all while being in the top 10 richest men alive, he's literally Bill Gates/Bezos levels of rich
There's a difference between taking the bus in Switzerland and taking the bus in other countries.
I wish I still had that photo of Bill Gates outside that one Seattle fast food joint.
Meanwhile in Japan high level managers and executives still take the train
the boomer billionaire
they do be like us plebs sometimes
>i don't know what the difference between a bus and a train is
Maybe. I don't really care, I don't feel like being a winner in this fucked up society is any kind of an achievement.
And Trump eats ketchup on his steaks.
>finland is a fucked up society
The main problem is that the battle against inflation waged in the 70s-onwards was mostly an ideological cover for dismantling the social protections put in place by first-world governments around the world in response to the Great Depression, and economical collapse far worse in every way than the stagflation of the 70s/80s was. The point of reducing government spending was never seriously to guard against hyper-inflation, it was to reduce the power of unions to protect workers and reduce democratic say in the structure of the economy.
How do we know this? Well we know to stop hyper-inflation you have to reduce spending. Stagflation happened at a time when the US was spending tons of money on social services and defense during the Cold War at the same time. In fact the US was spending so much money on the Vietnam war (which happened right before stagflation emerged) that to continue paying for the war the US had to dismantle the international system of commercial and financial exchange (the Bretton Woods system, established in 1944) in 1971. This was the "Nixon Shock", when the US unilaterally cancelled the convertibility of USD to gold.
So the US drastically began to reduce public spending in the 70s and 80s, which was then followed by other first world governments around the world soon after. But did the US reduce military spending to help stop hyper-inflation at the same time? (Remember, the US canceled the post-WWII system of international trade just to afford the hyper-expensive Vietnam war.)
No, the US drastically increased military spending in the 80s and 90s, despite the concerns over inflation. Why? Because the public has very little say over what military spending is spent on, because military technologies are often handed over to the private sector when they become outdated (think GPS, personal computers, cellphones, etc.), also because social spending increases security of employment for workers, which cuts into maximum profit.
Finland is an authoritarian, gynocentric shithole that taxes more than 50% of anyone's earnings to fund social policies that benefit non-contributors. Yeah fits the definition of 'fucked up' squarely.