Poland is developed and prosperous. If you're white, you should visit this amazing country. But I will not visit because I am non-white.
Poland is developed and prosperous. If you're white, you should visit this amazing country...
T. Polish expat
very nice 10/10 country..
This was me, but if you're not trolling, that's kind how thoughtful you are of those around you. That being said, I'm sure nobody would mind an Asian fellow visiting
Since I am white, does that mean I can visit South-Korea?
The only nice building in this image is the one built by the Soviets.
>2 posters itt
Lmao kys samefag
The pollution is fucking horrible. I mean if I can ever afford it I guess I’ll go visit some nature there but that’s not a top priority desu
>Since I am white, does that mean I can visit South-Korea?
Sadly, No. It's a strong Black Bvll respecting country.
There's nothing here in poland trust me it sucks
based islamic poland