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virgin neets general edition

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White people have a right to self determination and freedom of association.

what about if I lost my virginity post marriage?? does it count for nothing?

Warning: About to post porn

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yeah when I was a kid working in the summer

go back to r.eddit

If you've have sex outside of wedlock, I will beat you up.

god i wish i was a girl

Blue board please be respectful

what if i was raped

I dont like the threaded comments or the fact that they downvote perfectly good autism to bottom of page

>Blue board please be respectful

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Why were you in a position to be raped? Are you some kind of street walker?



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i wanted to drop my bags off at my house before I went to a friends house and she came with me

marriage is a social construct

I want to bury my face in a woman's arse and lick every fold of her wrinkly anus

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>hates gays but loves anal

So you let a rapist into your house? Cringe.

what happened pal-o?

naw...naw....for real? naaaw....shut up no fucking way nawnawnaw

there is a difference between anal and appreciating the beauty of the female anus and its sensation on your tongue

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why does it look like a drawing

i had an ultra-comfy time with my cousins i haven't seen in years, taking them around town and stuff, so it's easy to talk to them about stuff i know

Sodomy is disgusting, even with a female.

ate some of my moms cooking yesterday and my stomach has been off since. should have known better.

being abroad is a bit like being drunk for an extended period
dunno how to describe it exactly but just laugh at all of the silly nonsense they have like foreign languages and metric

family is great isnt it

stfu you disgusting bald scat fetishist

This fourth of july?

Why I spent it home alone babysitting my parents dog and also visiting my uncle with alcoholic dementia in the nursing home. He is using violence to get cigarettes and the nurse wants me to do something about it. idk wtf other than to ask him pretty please not to.

sign my guestbook

Cuff links of kinda annoying desu

family is a social construct

*vomits feces*

The beauty of the white aryan women(male) must not perish from the earth

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will washing dishes interfere witih your current busy schedule manchester? it might be fun but it might also make you hate your fren..

>Sodomy is disgusting, even with a feeemale.

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long distance family

tell that to the white aryan women (male)

getting a job is impossible as an illegal immigrant
should just beg on the streets

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my uncle (not senile) is trying desperately to find workers for his big boy restaurant

or you can be a stay at home dad

what the fuck shut up you worm
all of my cousins are unpleasant shits who I've nothing in common with
want to strangle you
thought this would be a story of rejection and angst
fuck OFF

i set the schedule for both my other jobs so it shouldnt interfere at all.

yeah it could but ive already been honest with him and told him it would only be to work with him.

based and truth pill

love all my cousins would die for my family

is it in Washington?

Jesus was a Presbyterian

New jacket lads

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sorry bud
it's a story of having inherited friends you see once every 5 years
and then you go home and realize the sadness of having no family friends

>love all my cousins would die for my family

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Nope he's in MICHIGAN the most blessed and beautiful state (4/5 Great Lakes). Washington is what us Americans call a "zero state" (0/5 Great Lakes).

ur a big guy

if my cousin asked me to beat you up i would


HOW is Jesus a Presbyterian when Presbyterian didn't exist til sometime after Martin Luther

Based and cousinpilled.

I love my cousins too. Could stand to love them even more

haven't saw my cousins in years

everyone in my family has a life worth living
if it somehow came to the point of needing sacrifice, i would die for them because i'm worthless

I don't really like any of my cousins or extended family. Especially the faggots.

hate non-protestants
hate non-christians
hate non-whites
hate non-east coasters
hate southerners
ambivalent to new englanders
print this out and keep it over your monitor and think twice people giving me one of your nonsense replies

hate all my family
if they all died i wouldn't care

>watch stranger things
>wonder why i never kissed my middle school girlfriends
boy i would do anything to travel back in time

also don't like evangelicals
so amend that

have a very narrow group of acceptable people
estimated range below the age of

I'm a radical agnostic Hindu

wish i had a middle school girlfriend

what's with all these weird posts tonight?

I just landed in Newark. What do?

i had 2 or 3
all of them i ignored so i could play jedi knight, wc3, and then wow
the last of the 3 kissed me in a private setting, and i didn't move my lips at all
move your lips if you kiss someone lol

Cringe and yikespill.

Here's "the thing". Every cousin you have is ~1/4 you. Just chew on that for abit

I'm a white Atheist

Hate anti-whites.
Hate degenerates.
Love everyone else.

we're just being real bro, don't be a narc

woke up at 7 pm today, might go back to sleep soon

I'm a radical """""gnostic"""""" trad Catholic

ok but can we talk about how perfect tay looks in lwymmd

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*narcs on u*

it's weird knowing there are god-believers on Jow Forums of all things
no wonder moot left

do you love black people?

not even sure what flights come into newark
use Philadelphia for national and JFK for international flights
what's the point of newark?

atheism is the only definitely wrong belief

I love all virtuous people.

How is it even possible to be atheist in 2019 when you have literal millennia of testimony from the Saints?? Our Lady of Fatima alone should have crushed this, but here we are. Never underestimate the hardened heart

good post but not correct
only Calvinism is the right belief and everything else is wrong (obviously)

religion is to contradictory to be believable

god i love the 80s

for my money its pantheism

Don’t even know the names of my cousins

but do you love black people?

for me its Sufism

I really want to get an oil massage but apparently only gay men and women (regardless of sexuality) do that, and I don't want to look gay by asking for it. Also been told only gay men specialize in oil massages as well.
What do?

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I love virtuous black people.

where was this picture taken?

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not sure who you want to give it to you?
a prostitute?
dunno every girl I've dated hasn't been interested in massages
think it's a meme that girls like massages at all as from what I gather men appreciate them. Women just like like the prestige affixated to spas

Not really, all Saints point to one thing--repent from sin, go to confession, strive to holiness.

>Muh Islamohinduism
Don't have any Saints. Blessed Virgin Mary alone appears to hundreds at a time. How many people does Aisha or whoever Krishna wife is suppose to be appear to? Maybe 1 at the most.


dick is full of piss


Ask your gf to give you one. I give my husband oil massage all the time

the rowhouses look a bit like philly but I don't recognize the taller buildings so I assume it isn't

reckon i should do a sleep
dumb toil be more fast