Greek edition
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good afternoon fellow /med/ brothers. wish you a blessed day xoXOxO
Nobody comes to threads about us :(
the Hellenic gf
I want that photo as a wallpaper. Gonna hunt.
Hi frens.
holy based
thank you doctor Bashar
Zeta Makripoulia is my Hellenic gf.
Although she is old now.
Is it a towelhead behind her ?
Nice. I heard this also happens in job recruitment.
>owner doesn't accept Maltese people
y tho
Probably to pack a bunch of people in a single building.
>racism against Maltese people
That's a first
Can I come back to Europe despite being a mutt? I'd go to my ancestral homelands in the Azores, you guys wouldn't even have to see my browness I wouldn't bother anyone.
Just please take me in.
That's a very detailed picture.... You earn an invite in Greece. Better than the other people the EU sends us......
I've seen cases like these before, and like I said it happens in some job recruitments too (advertising jobs for Pakis only, for example).
Silly you this is not racism because it's a Maltese being denied, not a foreigner!
You are one of us now! How does it feel?
Feels fucking great!
Ahh I need to add more details to mine.
Needs a British flag somewhere
>British flag
Yeah you should
Dunno what to add. Maybe some football club banner... hmm
We shall conquer Portugal,Gibraltar and Andorra
a shelf with books
I don't think so.
Football is too entrenched in the psyche of the average inhabitant of my city so idk if it applies that much to your case
Excuse me but Andorra is inside of Iberia and thus it belongs to Spain,now get out of my way
I support you on Gibraltar, but spare the people because among them I have distant relatives.
Football is very popular here too. Those who are into it usually have a favourite local club and a foreign one.
I like Spain to be honest, especially Galicians and the Leonese
M8 the most popular radio station here is a sports one, we are a special case.
Not trying to compete, I'm just saying that sports is also popular here.
the sport*
Tfw everyone here is either a barçelona or a real madrid fanboy
Here people are mostly fans of Italian, Spanish, and British clubs.
>Can I come to Europe
Kek,Portugal is a whore in terms of migration and will literally take anyone. Especially if you are black or south American,we barely have actual borders.
I hope not the same fate to us. A lot of Algerians laughed at Egypt, I'm not sure why, It might be related to our 2010 games kek.
What's your favorite club?
Algerians have always been Spanish/Italian clubs fans, rarely the anglo ones. Back then when Serie A mattered, there was a lot of Milan and Inter fans but those days are over, now, majority are la Liga fags, myself included.
He looks like the Med-guy from the Med vs Nord meme
Wow, Malta and Portugal have so much in common!
I don't like the sport desu, so none.
Tunisia will probably know the same fate, it's all on you. I have some meme-tier bet that contains your qualification.
Well, put the most stereotypical Maltese things you can think of
>He looks like the Med-guy from the Med vs Nord meme
now you realize its not a meme but reality
>tfw you interact with actual med bull (or at least high tier)
I don't know the rules of migration in Malta,but for what I have seen you post it sounds like their obsessed with appeasing Britain.
That's how we all look like.
how do you feel giving asylum to this 15 years old Brazilian girl? she moved to Portugal with her lesbian mother and her mother was bringing a different woman at home every night.
Me on the top left
Yep. I'll think of something eventually.
We're more like obsessed with appeasing the EU desu but having a cosmopolitan PM has it's effects too.
Ghana is tough but you never know, CAF is always a clusterfuck. Mind says we can win it but our team is used to disappoint us.
Is Madrid popular because Benzema plays there?
Uma delícia
Are malta people based tho?
She could give asylum to my dick
Lol. PM and his party enjoys huge support.
Med women are also the best. I don't know if it's because they aren't that common here but I don't feel any particular attraction toward blondes. although, light eyes are beautiful.
No. It has always been a thing, as far as I remember. dudes like Raul were glorified back then and people still religiously watch El classico, you even hear them sperging out when one of the teams score kek.
Some years ago, three workers found gold in a house they were working on. The owner offered to give them half (which the workers have to share) and keep half, also give a bonus to some of the boss of the workers.
But one worker was unhappy, brought the thing to justice, and one worker was eliminated from the share.
So now the other of the two workers brought to justice too, and eliminated the other from the sharing. Also the bonus had to be given back.
>mfw they might have been friend before that
Anyways, the heat wave finally hit my region. a fire started yesterday but it was quickly dealt with and I heard one of the commieblocks downtown almost burned down, I don't know if it's related to heat though, apparently, one of the electricity cables was melting.
I live in a high humidity area so even the air feels hot, windows are closed and AC is turned on, so it's not that bad.
There was another fire here recently, on Manoel Island I believe. A bunch of trees got burned.
How can one get eliminated from it if they all were present? lol
>mfw they might have been friend before that
Harsh reality. Here wills are known to break up families.
Idiots, now because of their greed, they aren't getting anything. Sounds like one of those moralist fables
basically one of the guy was too far of the other two at the time of the discovery
then it was the same for the other one
huh ? the last worker get half instead of a sixth
Greed is a SIN.
>Med women are also the best
Nah, they are some of the most vapid cunts you will ever meet.
Cheap af. I hope it wasn't a low amount of gold at least cus otherwise it's not worth losing your friends for it. I wonder how I'd react if i was in their situation. I probably wouldn't go full retard as long as no one takes more than I do.
Gbejna maybe
you guys pronounce j as y right?
Well instead of each worker having 139 000€, the last one got ~500 000€ (and the owner 500 000€ too)
How did the tribunal decide that one of them was more deserving of it? The only explanation I can think of is that he was the one who discovered it and he was working alone at that time.
They were working together but only one actually found it. Like one destroyed the wall and saw the box while the others weren't far but did not directly discover it
Good idea. I thought the pastizzi would be enough but I guess we're known for eating a lot. How do you know about the ġbejniet? And yeah, our j sounds like the y.
I still think it's a cunt move btw, especially if he had known the other guys for years.
If they were all present and working at the same time then it's unfair imo. Btw, the owner of the house didn't try to reclaim the 100% of the gold? Or is there a law that states that the one who finds it gets half?
I'm not sure but normally it's 50%/50%, that's why he did not keep all.
Oh I understand now why you say illejl ittajjeb
and was watching a cooking show I spend most of my time on internet watching them
>egyptian cooking show
>cooking show
Interesting. How were the ġbejniet used?
why the ç
Lucas 12:15
وَقالَ لَهُمْ: «احتَرِسُوا وَاحفَظُوا أنفُسَكُمْ مِنْ كُلِّ طَمَعٍ. فَحَتَّى إذا كانَ لإنسانٍ ما يَزِيدُ عَنْ حاجَتِهِ، فَإنَّ حَياتَهُ لا تَعتَمِدُ عَلَى مُقتَنَياتِهِ.
lmao what the fuck like
what is there to discriminate against the maltese for? slightly arabic?
are you dumb ?
>be leftoid traitor
>don't rent to your own because you're retarded
that's it
>Be wary, Maltese!
>Maltese, we're about to go through big events, we must open our eyes and be wary and very wary, because in these times that we find ourselves in we must show that we're not goats how those savages of the north always call us, but that we're an evolved people that we know enough on who we are and who they are.
Imagine writing this today.
Don't be silly. It's most probably to cram a bunch of foreigners in there for more money.
How do you greekbros view northern Greece? Is it a country bumpkin status?
My father is from this region, literally in the middle of the fucking mountains up here. Every year we'd always go up to literally nowhere for a month, I wish we'd have at least gone to see Athens or the islands once.
You mean Southern Macedonia?
Don't put this spell on me user, my dad won't stop talking for an hour if I he even suspects I'm thinking about Macedonia
Probably the same reason people discriminate against other Meds, they ain't Nordic and therefore inferior
This is happening in Malta.
Don't interrupt his dilation session.
>almost no qt posted