Is Canada a comfy place to live in?

Is Canada a comfy place to live in?

Attached: Banff-Avenue-–-the-Heart-of-the-Beautiful-Town-in-Canada1-880x575.jpg (880x575, 132K)

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loads of niggers nowadays what I have heard. Dont know if its true.

there's a lot of really nice places to live but also a lot of shitty ones. luckily i live in a really nice place.

there was 1300 kids in my hs and only about 20 weren't white. not a single muslim either. didn't really care either way tho tbqh

Yes, I would love to live in Winnipeg or some other central Canadian town. It seems so comfy there.

I doubt the city on your pic is that nice to actually live in.
This street is probably made to look appealing for the tourists. Everything else is probably pretty bleak though I admit Canada really does look nice compared to a lot of other countries. Not sure if it is better than Europe though.
Even considering immigrants there are so much more opportunities in EU.

Why central canada of all places? Siberia-tier climate and prairies don't even have trees. I'd love to live in Montreal or Vancouver ideally. But would be happy with Matitimes also

>Even considering immigrants there are so much more opportunities in EU.
This. In the EU with it's nation-states you would always be an outsider

No. The reality is that you'll be living in a suburban prison of Toronto or Winnipeg. All the comfy places are in small towns with no jobs available.

Relative isolation and good climate.

why the fuck would you want to live in central canada? everything between the rockies and southern ontario is soulless big cities or suicide-tier small towns and reservations. not to mention it's either -30° or 30°, no in-between

Idk but I'm moving to Victoria (British Columbia) next year


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i'm moving to vancouver in a year or two, it's very nice out there. i love my home too but want to get away for a while.

Same as anywhere else.

Cities with high minority populations.
Small towns mostly white.
Tourist locations filled with asians and indians.
You'll find gay flags flying at schools even in smaller towns.
Convenience stores mostly run by asians and hindus.

Attached: 1546952294626.jpg (1300x700, 153K)

it's not like anywhere else lol. But I like it

I don't mind the -30 weather.
No city in Canada has soul. Why live in expensive and overecrowded major cities when you can live in comfy, maybe-boring-but-something-different cities

Also Winnipeg is where centre of North America is, it's the most American city on the continent.

>No city in Canada has soul
literally any city in quebec/atlantic. i'm from edmonton, i know how it is here. don't ever fucking move here.

>Is Canada a comfy place to live in?

You can escape the major city and go to wilderness within hours, I like it when you live the big city life in big city but the area around you is unpopulated. I'd drive the shit out of the city every summer vacation, as I love the emptiness and pristine views.

you can do that in quebec/atlantic. there is literally no reason to live out here.

That's not who their immigrants are unless we are talking about Montreal only. Their major immigrants are coming from various areas of Asia.

I'm not interested in french cities though.

>I doubt the city on your pic is that nice to actually live in.
>This street is probably made to look appealing for the tourists
Jesus Christ are you from the USSR.
>"No the American supermarket don't have that much food, it is all Hollywood."
>"No most Americans dont have a house and car, it's all Hollywood."
A lot of (if not most of) English speaking North America (maybe Mexico us the same but I cant speak for them) is nice and comfy. Even the shitty areas of cities are often just a small part.
t.From New England and live in NYC (not a fan of btw)

I live in Québec City and nigs are flooding in. 15 years ago it was an oddity, 5 years ago you saw one a day, today niggers are everywhere a true visible minority and their population keeps increasing exponentialy. Our kike government has plan to distribute arabs and niggers all over the regions too. Anglos won, they finally killed us. Good job.

atlantic then. fucking hell man this place sucks so much ass literally anywhere other than here.

I like more continental climates

>Jesus Christ are you from the USSR.
the post's from russia so it's pretty likely
i know how it is man, as a kid it was weird to see a black person in my city. now you'll see a couple dozen every time you go out.

>Why central canada of all places? Siberia-tier climate and prairies don't even have trees.
Pretty much this. Most of the U.S. and Canada has a continental climate like Russia, the same latitude inland is essentially the same as Russia.

I see more blacks than whites nowadays and I live in an upper class neighborhood

Now everyone is from Asia but they've been here for decades and some for over 100 years. Every city except Vancouver, Quebec City and the east coast has a sizable population.

I find it mindbending how people don't seem to mind the insane demographic change we're having. Integration, yeah, but they're swarming in so fast and PET and is cuck son Justin made sure we get to keep taking miles of dirty immigrant cocks for as long as we live.

>I live in Québec City and nigs are flooding in
I picked Montreal because I knew it for fact but I had a feeling it was all of Quebec. You're getting Haitians and other former French Caribbean colonies because unlike the rest of the U.S. and Canada, you speak the same language. In our case we also have Dominicans that treat the Haitians as below them.

Not just them, we get all kinds of africans and nafris like France. They're are a little more than 7 millions québécois, about 5 millions of us are native french canadians. You can see were this is going.

Attached: Immigrants.png (938x1786, 198K)

I wonder why so many british people immigrate

There's nothing wrong with Indians immigrating since they're great people

I was just providing information

>didn't really care either way tho tbqh
you would if it was the other way around

Too cold.

You killed yourself Gaetan, with your degenerate révolution tranquille and your anticatholic sentiments