What happened to African American music? They need to go back

What happened to African American music? They need to go back.

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idk but jazz, soul, funk and all that is fucking great. Literally the only thing blacks have contributed to the world is good music and now they churn out absolute shite.

hip hop is the greatest genre to ever exist

Unironically? Equal rights. They lost everything once it happened


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What are you, the ghost of a KKK plantation owner?

There is no going back. We'll never see classy shit like this in our lifetime:



Incel retards had the same complaints about the "good" black music back then.

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No, though I have been called a Wh**e (I don't like saying this word because I find it offensive) man in a Negro body.

>Not liking hip hop

This is the biggest indication of faggotry. Weak and effeminate males are offended by hip hop because it exudes masculinity, strength and aggression.

Oh so a bounty?

don't waste your time you can't fix these people

And the need to flaunt them is the indication of low intelligence

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Literally nothing was done to make blacks equal in the 1970's.

too bad it peaked in the 90s and all we have left is soulless fake woke bullshit and "it just sounds good lol"
there will never be another A Tribe Called Quest, Dilla or De La Soul

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>considering Shit Hop nusic


No, an uncle tom. Back when I used to go outside, the word nigger would pop into my head almost instantly. My friends gave me the nickname of Uncle Ruckus because of it.

Hip-Hop isn't real music.

what's wrong with modern rap?

It's more music than that dogshit euro-EDM that comes out of your country

everything, this is how music sounds:


like I said, it sounds like there's no soul behind that beat and the "abloo bloo bloo I'm rich I'm going to kill you I got money" lyrics
sure, flexing has always been a thing but when Rakim used to do it it actually sounded fresh
maybe I'm just turning into a boomer

hiphop to me is the same as rock music. it's boring and all sounds the same and their fans are all retards

Couldnt it be that music simply got worse overall? Exhausted medium

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if you hate modern music so much then why don't you just listen to classical music for the rest of your life?

I agree. Fully, actually.

true but I don't see music becoming good again, ever
very sad

based boomer gramps who listens to 50's tunes

>What happened to African American music? They need to go back.
Music as a whole changed

>Weak and effeminate males are offended by hip hop because it exudes masculinity, strength and aggression.
You're supposed to listen to music because it sounds satisfying and not because it exudes masculinity lmao. If you like hip hop because it's catchy then fair enough but listening to it because you think it makes you hard (which itself is a mindset that is distinctly 2000's desu) then you're retarded. For me, hip hop music doesn't catch my attention since there's no emphasis on the melody which is what I listen to music for. I don't think the meaning of lyrics is that important

because I don't, most music I listen to is 1990-2010
what kind of zoom zoom argument is this

no i listen to k-pop

shit taste kys

hippy hop hippity hop real streets gangsta pow pow niggaz wit attitude yo hippity hip hop hip

90s is cringe

thread theme

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this, unironically


bien dit, Jean-Pierre

There were good black musicians in the 60s-90s too.

This, only wh*Toid suburban incels still think that shit is cool. Hip hop now is more chill, something to listen to with a girl to while you do xanax