Hahahahahahaha Irish niggas be dying in famine hahahaha nigga just grow some more potatoes like nigga just put the seeds in the ground haha
Hahahahahahaha Irish niggas be dying in famine hahahaha nigga just grow some more potatoes like nigga just put the...
You don't get potatoes by planting seeds you retard
Potatoes have seeds?
Oh so funny
Hello Britain how do I fish? Please tell me
Potatoes are tubers, they are their own seeds.
Also to OP, I bet they tried that, but the potatoes rotted.
It could've been solved but you know, freedom aint free, fuck the goddamn catlicks, praise the queen.
The Irish have owned America for awhile now, and America owns the UK. Therefore, the Irish own the UK. Never should've fucked with the Irish, Wallace Birkingshockstingham
This. I would gladly annihilate England in the name of my ancestors if the opportunity presented itself. Anglos should watch how they treat the US. The "special relationship" isn't as mutual as they think.
The Brits prevented them from fishing.
brits were just joking lmao, Irish can't tell what's a joke
they didn't have a loicence for fishing
t. LaSeamus Gonzalez-O’Gallagher
It's just too easy getting a rise from these 5% "Irish" Yanks. Literally like shooting fish in a barrel.
Appo Nöryecvstekskefviüvisnownstein, these Bongs need to be brought down a peg
t. Pekka Arvid Pouliöäänylykysotääti
you can tell it's good banter because it's entirely relying on OP's flag
>Irish niggas be like "Don't say Londonderry! That offends me!"
>potato seeds
northern Irish niggas be like
>huy duy yuy think yuy are?!?!
>British niggas be like "oi I forgot to pay me tv loicence and cunt watch me Top Gear"
did they actually try fishing at least those who were on the coast?
>did they actually try fishing at least those who were on the coast?
80% of Ireland were farmers without land that worked to English landlords in exchange of that, 1M people died and 1M left the island, 25% of the Irish population.
And that's one of the reasons because there's no United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland anymore.
Daily reminder it happened because those European niggers couldn't plant some turnips with their potatoes.
Based germanic bvlls oppressing the celtoids
Personally I'm proud that all my ancestors were vegetarian
> it happened because
That happened before and the goberment closed the ports and banned the food exportations from Ireland, the price of the food fall and the people could feed their faimilies, it happened because the Anglo landlords, following people like Adam Smith, thought that "the market will fix itself" and then all that shitstorm happened basically.
Wrong, most Irish farmers used their produce to feed their families, and there wasn't something stopping others to do the same, the famine is also called the potato blight for a reason, a disease went around destroying potato crops. If another crop was planted it could have been avoided.
pathetic idiot
"When Ireland had experienced a famine in 1782–83, ports were closed to keep Irish-grown food in Ireland to feed the Irish. Local food prices promptly dropped. Merchants lobbied against the export ban, but government in the 1780s overrode their protests. No such export ban happened in the 1840s"
Yes it is butthurt monkey
>potato seeds