His term is is coming to an end and the US is objectively better off now than in 2016...

His term is is coming to an end and the US is objectively better off now than in 2016, why do people hate this guy so much?

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Liberals, niggers, muslims and mexicanns and lgbt.
The others support him.

the current US economy generally has little to do with the sitting president as economical policies usually takes year to take effect

Because he's genuinely fucking retarded.

I get that he's coasting by well, and that's great. I just think he's a retarded buffoon that shouldn't be president, and we can do better.

I'm not a hysterical leftist that thinks he's destroying the country, but come on. The guy has the cadence of a drunk college student. I'd rather Cruz have been elected than this retard

Imagine actually believing this without being a brainwashed american

>the US is objectively better off now than in 2016
In what ways?

you're so brainwashed by the media that you actually think the world hates trump

I don't think it's Trump's doing, but pretty much everything from the economy to jobs. Plus I think he's too incompetent to actually go to war with Iran, so Trump's presidency will probably be our most peaceful in a while (not like that's saying much)

I think most of them hate him for what he represents. You have to remember that half of the US is non-white and they want a la creatura like Kamala Harris who will give them reparations and other free stuff.

>I'd rather Cruz have been elected than this retard
If it wasn't Trump, it would most likely have been Hillary. I don't think Cruz or anyone else could've won against HURR TURN MUH FIRST WOMYN PRESIDENT.

>Plus I think he's too incompetent to actually go to war with Iran
This is actually a bad thing though considering that he's reversed Obama's attempted diplomatic solution and returned the situation back to square one - open hostility.

Iran is now getting more and more flagrant in its aggressive behaviour and Trump has no plan whatsoever in the long term to deal with it. If war is off the table then all that's left are sanctions, but he's already using those and all they're doing is provoking Iran into being more belligerent still. If he was too much of a pussy to go for regime change then he should've just done nothing and preserved the status quo.