Marcus Wareing
Other urls found in this thread:
yank chads living rent free in this welsh fairy's head
did someone get btfo by a yank recently or what
why the long faces and barbs la?! it's me, blabla, and I spell colour with a 'u' x
You people don't even talk about anything any more. It's just spam.
joy many British flags for a British culture general
Why do you even come here? Serious question.
and this is the reason why we luff brit x
*adds spam to my shopping list*
don't reply to them
shut up shut up shut UP you fucking cowards, prance off back to /dixie/ you /cum/ gargling fairies
you can look in the archive, I've answered this many times
easy to get (you)s because it's fast and you are obsessed with us
>Afrikaaners move to Africa then their descendants complain about the Africans
>Americans import millions of slaves then complain about them
>Australians move to Australia then complain about the aborigines
>Canadians move to Canada then complain about the natives
Europeans are the only whites that can really complain about demogaphics 2bh
rent fucking free
nowt complicated
end of
simple as
Gookmoot fears the Welsh dragon
The only one that is complaining right now is you.
Evening lads.
The normies at work keep asking for my social media
How do I tell them to fuck off
attempting to contact the ex whomst has blocked me on everything via telecenisis
>rent fucking free
the "united" KKKingdom
oof x
BIG fan of this "Kraut" poster.
brits sure are stupid
Saw the end of the final of the women's world cup (wasn't intentional, was just showing in the pub) and saw that the yankettes were running about with American flags wrapped around them like capes.
Don't watch too much football but is that normal or just an American thing? Don't recall the French team doing it last year or the Germans before.
my grandpappy was 1/4th welsh
Don't understand the Welsh
>”Why can’t I find you on instagram, user?”
And they say soccer is gay
Absolutely mad, Wales didn't actually exist as a distinct legal entity until devolution and didn't even have a flag until 1959
might learn polish
FACT: The Welsh are the most powerful race in the world.
I just like saying it because it's the name of an Aphex Twin song
might learn varnish
Best Europe
Wales just shouldn't exist. Complete waste of resources (and Britain doesn't have resources to waste atm)
Write my journal in English but using Greek characters so mum can't read it
why’ve we got faroe and iceland
Boris Johnson a.k.a. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
I used to make fantasy paint maps back when I was a virgin freak too
Reminder that the Welsh are so irrelevant that Edward I (aka the guy that conquered them) is only called hammer of the Scots.
got more resources than you've had hot dinners kid
Not per capita mate :)
>Karelia is Russian
even more mental when you consider he didn't even conquer Scotland
Reminder there is no salvation outside the Catholic church.
Feel incredibly alienated whenever I read British history from the Middle Ages. After the point of 1066, almost all the key figures and characters you read about for the next several hundred years are French. They have French names, a French feudal culture, French customs, a French character, they all spoke French. It's probably not until the early renaissance that British history begins to actually feel British again.
We really should have completed conquered both, eradicated any semblance of culture and identity in Scotland and Wales and made this isle a single nation
Just when you thought the government hadn't sold out to China
does joining catholicism mean no more wanking?
probably worth pointing out that we did try and conquer scotland quite a few times
Romans had the right idea. Scotland and Ireland just aren't worth the trouble. Just wall them off and forget about them.
what the fuck, why
conquer my bollocks please mate.
Nah we weren't really trying, you can tell cause Scotland won those few times.
Cheeky yanks, I went to do something that said 'enrol for free', but then it had a $70/month charge
Depends on which flavour of catholicism
Anglo/Irish Catholicism is very austere and big on the whole "sex is disgusting" thing but in Italy it was fairly standard for a priest to openly have quite a few mistresses
Ireland, yes. Scotland, no.
27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of
old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh
on a woman to lust after her hath committed
adultery with her already in his heart.
don't reply to yanks
good morning citizens of Straya
Is it true that you drive with your kangaroos to work?
Roman paganism? Big fan.
>French was the mother tongue of every English king from William the Conqueror (1066-1087) until Henry IV (1399–1413).
absolutely mad
Don't worry, I wank thinking about myself
we have the kangaroo and carriage instead of horse and carriage
sucking my mates vape pen
that's bonzer mate
>the communist racist homosexual pagan furry British expat living in Germany
what an odd individual
>vape pen
>british recipe
>self-raising flour
Don't forget Brexit-voting.
Not sure if he knows they killed them
evrything about that photo
grim grim grim
yeah but that's a good thing so I didn't mention it
what's wrong with that
this reminds me of a dream I had last night where I was trying to explain the soy face to my co workers
i am a bricklayer they're like this
It was a euphemism for penis
Best poster here. Would def spit-roast a cute twink with him if offered.
Geraint’s dad spoke Welsh, but his mam didn’t, so he grew up without the language.
That’s a pretty common story in 21st century Wales.
But the next bit is increasingly common, too…
Geraint decided to learn Welsh himself in his 40s… and he learnt quickly enough to be able to talk Welsh to his dad before he passed away… which was one of the most important achievements of Geraint’s life.
Now he speaks Welsh all the time to his daughter, and he knows that he was the one who brought the language back to life in his family.
And it didn’t take him years, because he didn’t settle for conventional evening classes.
He used a modern online approach, and didn’t get side-tracked by learning grammar rules or word lists.
If you do the same, you can be making up your own sentences in Welsh in a matter of minutes.
And Geraint’s story proves that you can get from ‘making up sentences’ to ‘having actual conversations’ much faster than most people imagine.
If you’d like to join him as a Welsh speaker, have a look at our ‘6 Minutes a Day’ course:
so these are the people whose heads I live rent free in...
fucking howl at this picture every time