Will they leave or not?

Will they leave or not?

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So they want another referendum?
And if they vote ''stay'' why should they suddenly respect that vote.

I do not want them to leave BUT that is what they voted for...also they are rotten SJW's like Sweden, France and Germany... dead nations.

Seriously why not leave? Does the vote mean nothing?

its been 3 years and its gona be 4 by the time theyd vote again and they can vote agian in 4 or smt when they change their mind again, just kick em out

>I do not want them to leave BUT that is what they voted for...also they are rotten SJW's like Sweden, France and Germany... dead nations.

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>have a democratic vote
>oh shit it did the thing
>delay for years and years
>lol new vote xd

They were lied to, it would be unfair

>this is a democracy and you cant change your mind, sorry DDDDDD

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wow that gay commie corbyn finally compromised. brexshitters must be losing their minds.

>They were lied to,
Ignore ALL parliamentary elections then.
Every election the wining party promises something they can't deliver...so they have lied to people...


Based and true.

you do the thing that people voted for and THEN you ask them if they're dumb enough to go back in

Democracy is flexible. 26.6% of the population have decided the fate

>26.6% of the population
more like 0.4% of the population that is working in politics.

I certainly won't be staying, so it won't affect me.

>Democracy is flexible
If you think it's true than let's say Brexit people have flexed Democracy in their favor... you cant be mad now Abdull.

>Implying anyone who voted for Brexit has changed their mind

why are you so afraid of a second vote if you really believe this?

top fucking kek

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What power does a vote have if you can cancel it?
Let's do this till I win.

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How is having a second referendum canceling the previous one?
Its just to confirm that the majority of the voters want to leave the EU.
If brexit is going to be such a success and everyone is for it surely a second vote wouldn't do any harm to he cause, right?

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>If brexit is going to be such a success and everyone is for it surely a second vote wouldn't do any harm to he cause, right?
Pretty sure all the right wing dicklets know Brexit will be blown the fuck out.

The Netherlands and France also rejected the European constitution.
And then Ireland got to vote until they accepted it. And then it arrived.

>The Netherlands and France also rejected the European constitution.
And then our government passed it and we did fucking nothing, what's your point? The EU didn't force it upon anyone, our government did.

If ''remain'' wins...let's have another referendum because ''How is having a third referendum canceling the previous one?''

The government should have blocked it. But the EU could also have learned a lesson from it. You know proper politicians also take into account how much support something has in society before they pass legislation. There is no reason to push everything through unless someone veto's it.

>having a pointless vote that renders all further votes non valuable because you can just vote again


If remain wins remain will win for all of eternity. Brexit was won by 25% young people and 85% dinosaurs showing up.


You are aware that every law in your shitty book has been voted for and every change made to it also took a voting? Nothing is permanent, my proxying incel friend

Lying is an intrinsic feature of democracies.


>Pm resigns
>new pm refuses to work with the people who wanted change and instead works tirelessly with London to ensure they’re not a cent poorer
>try to bribe poorer areas with cash
>Generates more hate and discontent
>lol the people aren’t happy let’s vote on it again

Why are angsty right wing internet teenagers so opposed to another referendum?
Imagine Brexit winning again, which it will since Brexit is supported by all of Britain and not just boomers and some losers living on the fringe of society.

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Because the right wing would have accepted a remain vote. But the left wing just keeps on whining.

Not opposed, have another vote after the first is honoured. That’s how democracy should work.

Sure, lets have 6 per year actually, the closer to direct democracy the better.

>having a pointless vote that renders all further votes non valuable because you can just vote again
how is another vote going to render the one before it non valuable again?

That is why a referundum on how they want to leave, hard or soft brexit, is okay.

because if the leave vote wins again there will still be autistic screeching from remainers and parliament will still be majority remainers and nothing changes

if the remain vote wins this time (probably would) then it's 1-1 which means nothing but civil unrest. If they use it as an excuse to cancel brexit then you will see nutters attacking MPs which will lead to even more destruction of civil liberties. I can see this coming a mile away

So basically you say listening to the will of some incels is the best choice for democracy?

hard brexit = reeee you are destroying [market interest] so MPs block it anyway
soft brexit = ok we'll leave the EU but not really lol

democracy is a meme. we need absolute monarchy

You understand that constantly voting about things you will do is not the same as actually doing those things!?

t. incel

Just so you know most British posters on here belong to this 27% of freaks

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not anymore

>I can see this coming a mile away
>if the things I want come to pass everything is going to be amazing
>if they dont it will be LITERALLY HELL ON EARTH I TELL YOU

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where did i say that? It's going to be shit either way

you would need to translate this for me lad

Farage literally said otherwise lmao