

Attached: lol.png (1349x634, 299K)

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wtf is it Jow Forums



>subhuman spelling
shouldn't all egyptians be rangebanned from their containment board?


at this rate faggot mods will ban us all

>mods pin and lock the thread to jerk off their ego
absolute state of masris

hope this thread dies early. people who take this general seriously should be gased

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I take this general very very very seriously, I invested lots of my precious time in it to make something out of it. And I’m sensitive so I cry easily when people “banter” me.

techincally yes

you would make a fine addition to my sex slaves dungeon

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we get it your general died at 10 am and you're mad about it.

Calm down, B*shar

Where've you been Bumshra?


Stay in your own thread, monkey

how accurate is this

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iqtil nafsek 7mar :DDD

we know it's not made by a tunisian or that it's made by a butthurt one
other shit is too general

typical /egy/ falla7 subhuman. nothing new
انتحر آلريدي. كسمك عكسم الانمي

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seems pretty accurate!

Pretty accurate desu

t. nafri

>still butthurt for getting bullied out of there
kek sad

ت. فلاح كسم صلعم

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>arabized romanized semites

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>be based syrian frog poster
>ass rape the /egy/ kikebook rapefugee Janny in a debate
>he gets butthurt and ban me for a year

what are you talking about retard? are you a single digit IQ?

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Nubians still speak nubian
not all sudanese are nubians

did he really ban you for a year?
just reset the router

based Taleb pure Phoenician heritage

My punic cousin :)

First for Africa

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صحيح تماما

hello everyone!

pretty accurate but very general, for example i pronounce my ق as qaf and very often pronounce my ك as chaf.

مرحبا يا صديقي الفلسطيني
كيف حالك؟

تمام، نمت نومة امليحة الليلة و اخيرا، اللي يومين ما عرفت كيف انام. و كيف حالك يا صاحبي؟

>my ك as chaf
Is it hebrew influence?

:كتب مهمة لكل عربي حول التاريخ واللسان في مواجهة حرب المستشرقين وأكاذيبهم


Levantines are not semi*Es
We are Germanic nords

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Fuck is*Am
Death to Muh*mMAD

كس أختك

>كس اختك

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t. ******

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My white brothers! Stop being in denial! Accept your whiteness and come to peace with your inner self!

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>shooing away a stray dog means you're seething
okay retard.

It's infinitych*n

Alright I'll work on immigrating to Finland Pekka

All 'aj*m are barbarians.

>Alright I'll work on immigrating to Finland Pekka
Yes, please, and take rest of your folk with you.

All these retarded (p)leb muta'ajjim (((stooges))) that parrot dogmatic historical fiction made up by cucktian fundamentalist missionaries based on biblical lore have already been thoroughly refuted in the works of see for example:

Alright I'll bring with me an orthodox Expedition that'll start working on making circumcision at birth mandatory straight away

Retarded nonsense. And Nabateans were always Arabs ffs.

Fuck off and stop (You)ing me you subh*Manoid sarac*n


>they weren't Arabs because cucktian nutjob missionaries said so
you can keep being retarded, but I prefer not to take my history from christian dogma.


Calm down brother

"the Nabataeans were called arabs by all the people who interacted with them, even when Queen Jamilaah surrendered to Rome, their kingdom was named Arabian Province. but modern semitist say they spook Aramaic why? bc they were in control of west bank, before and after the alleged birth of christ including the city were he performed the first miracle according to bible.

King Wahb Allat son of Udhainah, and Zenobia of Palmyra called himself "Arabicus Maximus" meaning Arab's great "aka Kabeer Al 3arab who gave modern historian, the authority to choose an Aramaic identity for him."

Good, good, but I think we could use more em jews that go to army. I mean if you're going to come here you don't need an army there, right?


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"the Nabataeans were the most advanced and strongest nation of thier time the Romans and egyptians calluded to defeat them using herod the great "king of the jews" who was also nabatean, and his daughter married Nabatean Royals you see now why these people had to have a made up "aramaic" identity bc modern historians do not want to knowledge the existence of Arabs.

let me give you another example Saint Jerome " who was a crypto Arab supremacist bty" says he translated the bible to latin mostly from "hebrew" and "arabic" 2nd paragrah, first line tertullian.org/fathers/jerome_preface_job.htm

but modern historian/academician like M. Macdonald says he did not, " he was referring to whatever Semitic dialect was current in the province of Arabia, and not to « Arabic » in our sense." u see what they do A saint says i translted from arabic, and modern BS says no you did NOT, arabic did NOT exist in your time bc as i said, modern historians forced an aramaic identity on Nabateans.

I think that's a bit of an overzealous ban.


"according to the bible, Jesus performed his first miracle in Cana (john 2: 1 -11). according to josephus , cana was inhabited by arabs who supported and fought for the arabian king Aretas (Antiquity of the jews, book 15 chapter 5).
aretas is the arabian king mentioned above.

and if you did some little search you would have found that some "BS" scholars classify nabataean as Aramaic.

I know what's in the book i quoted
why don't you believe in them
Cana, where jesus turned water into wine, was inhabited by arabs at the time.

the words of god "jesus" was spoken in arabic at pentecost (acts 2 : 1-11)

We had nabateans here too.
They probably won't serve because they need to pray, you know the very religious orthodox Jews avoid conscription even here ;^)

"you do not need a linguist opinion Ahamad al jallad subscribes to a school of thought that wants to steal our history

here's some of his statements: 1. "Arabic must look like Classical Arabic; any divergences disqualify a text’s status as Arabic"academia.edu/12755223/2015_More_reflections_on_the_linguistic_map_of_pre-Islamic_Arabia classical arabic means quaranic arabic. he and other biased scholars are holding Arabic to a unique rule that does NOT apply to any other language in the world. which if it is NOT like Quaranic Arabic, It is NOT Arabic they simply erased hundreds of years of our history.

"The ethnicon “Arab” was used to refer to diverse peoples, many of whom we know very well did not speak a variety of Arabic."academia.edu/7583140/Graeco-Arabica_I_the_southern_Levant.
so now ancient arabs did not speak arabic and since these ancient people did not speak arbic, we have to invent a name for their language, then we force this made up identity on them finally, the people of Country X were NOT arabs

for some reason, Ahmad Al-jallad is facilitating the theft of our heritage and history.


God I love him so much. He really is /ourguy/ and the hero the Levant needs

>let me give you another example Saint Jerome " who was a crypto Arab supremacist

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He was being sarcastic.

Here's a proposition: the orthodox folk will stay behind and the rest of you will come here. Deal?

Basically continue reading, it's explained in the next paragraph:

>A saint says i translted from arabic, and modern BS says no you did NOT, arabic did NOT exist in your time bc as i said, modern historians forced an aramaic identity on Nabateans.

This stuff is better explained in the book "deArabizing Arabia".

No no only orthodox people are coming, they prone won't work either yeah? All they live off is welfare for unemployment+monthly payments from having children+money from Jewish organizations.

Probably won't work*

This nigga seethe so hard he literally can't type anymore. Haven't seen something like that ever on 4channel.

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Truly the Plato of our times

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Anons, I can't take it anymore. I fucking hate my cunt

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Kick out all filthy 'aj*m and your country will improve.

>Pic related

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nobody else can stand your cunt either, when any non-lebanese hears your accent their ears bleed...

lebanese arabic is cute

Israel is bad too

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I need one of you faggots to marry me so that I can escape.
I can't stand us either.

How the fuck did you niggers manage to get out?

Swede probably on a boat like a nigger. What about you Falestine?

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at least you're not a palirat.

Why are there niggers in your ethnostate?

>at least you're not a palirat.
a what?

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i hope israel gets overrun by more ethiopians, are the riots still going?
parents applied for citizenship in the late 80s, i was born here.

Move to Egypt or Jordan


>t. french cum-guzzler

literally only alexandria is the only good place here and suez isnt a place for living but for work
why the fuck would he move here
maybe when our new capital is done

can we stop this meme? just this day an edgyptian said the same thing.

Sorry a5i, gay marriage isn't legal here so you're on your own. And it's not like Lebanon is actually that bad, I know, I live there 2 weeks every year :^)

>why the fuck would he move here
to get away from all ir*anian chimps and amerimutt faggots that have overrun Lebanon.

as soon as you stop sucking fir*ngi cock.

where are you from?

>Move to Egypt or Jordan
Disgusting places
Thank you Tunisia. I unironically don't know where you are on the map though, since you're so irrelevant.
lucky bastard

i will marry you on the condition that you switch your accent and dialect to a falla7i palestinian dialect. agreed?

>I unironically don't know where you are on the map though
it's okay, maybe they will teach you geography in the next grade my zoomer friend.