ITT coins that will probably moon hard as fuck in the future but get no attention.
Ill start:
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ITT coins that will probably moon hard as fuck in the future but get no attention.
Ill start:
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Bibox token
none of them are on binance :(
bibox is already in the top ten excahnges by volume rankings. surely the value has already been realised no?
POLKADOT ICO isnt until q3 2019 tard
none of them have even released yet fren. emotiq may be another one to look out for btw.
not at all, no, considering the marketcap vs other big exchanges and their respective tokens
Just get a proper job it's not that hard
>was recently ~$2.
>52 cents
>dividends decreasing every week
i think the value has been found user
Semux will moon with no media attention, easy x10
BCO will moon because it has fundamental revenue to bid up the price. I expect a x50 from where we are now when the bull season hype pushes it to insane growth.
If anyone has any QORA from polo days, polo is keeping the chain alive and its going through a rebrand. Easy x5-x10 on relisting, I'm sure.
buy low, sell high
try it for once
literally havent seen a shit tier list as bad as this in weeks. get out of my thread.
isnt this just a complete copy-paste of eth? iirc they even copied myetherwallet and just stamped myakromawallet on top kek.
wont sharding or plasma make this obsolete?
Ah semux I think I know this one. They are the ones trying to make a JavaVM for smart contracts? How is development coming along?
It won't become obsolete. Hypothetically, if Ethereum had already managed to scale to 1 million tx/s with Sharding and Plasma already implemented successfully today then there would still be significant benefits of having a payment channel network with peer-peer consensus like Raiden Network in combination with that, such as anti-frontrunning and near instantaneous payments, so there'd be an incentive for it to be developed.
Yeah. It looks good, the discord is always active. Theyre a little too caught up with the signature campaign bounty for now. Will moon as soon as it hits a legit exchange, I think.
I wanna see it moon sooner than later so I can cash out for serious BCO gibs
lol wtf why?
t. holding gigantic enormous bags and have come to grips with the fact that ill never get my money back
>isnt this just a complete copy-paste of eth? iirc they even copied myetherwallet and just stamped myakromawallet on top kek.
they will have oracles faster than your stinky linkies
Spoofed volume Exchange coin
I am betting on VERGE (XVG)
I'll buy it as soon as Nano hits 3.30 and i sell my bags.
No joke
Oy vey the goyim know
origami network is gonna rape the graph
Pivx you ducking nutsacks. First and last time I'll shill this shit on here. *sips*
HOT and FUN will both 100x by December 2019.
kys bagholder
Normie detected
Bloxia token (BLOX)
electroneum has potential
Here's a hint: It's part of Hyperledger. If you guess right, I'll confirm.
Get the fuck back to twatter, Marius
ehh radix is trash
I see obscure shitcoin shilling is making a comeback... Is this a sign that alt season is about to start?
>get no attention
maybe in your gay world, they're both shitcoins but they're hardly unnoticed
>ehh radix is trash
Any thought on Pivx, Verge, COLX? are they gonna make a comeback?
Ironically 0xBitcoin
Can someone explain the pic he posted to me?
also idxm if aura moons.
zen protocol