What's it like over there?
Any Chicanos make a move back to Mexico?
Explain this map?
A proposed new state formed by the most important regions in Chihuahua, Coahulia, Zacatecas and Durango.
not a chicano but a dreamer.
Nobody gets it when I chan.
Not a chicano but it's a shithole here
Mexican here: No andes chingando, estamos llenos.
if you come back, you better have some kind of specialty because 6k amlobolivares don't let you buy enough caguamas
Im an indio who hates spics, so I wouldnt move there
Get the fuck out of my country you parasite.
Go home spic
Daily reminder.
I would go there but its infested with mestizo*d subhumans
then start exterminating them there, but if you stay here any longer we'll exterminate you ugly fat brown roach
>self-defined "indio" calling Basedtizos "subhuman"
The joke tells itself.
I like seeing news of brown people killing white women in the US, preventing them to have any more white offspring. It makes me happy.
Im moving to peru
Get beheaded mongrel rapebaby
You grew up in the usa, culturally american, ergo CHI
Mongrels are subhumans, though.
>Get beheaded mongrel rapebaby
You first, cringe indio faggot.
I went to universiy and I'm now making lots of money. Qtpie gf as well. Sorry if Mestizos offend you, faggot.
nah man,
It's something else... people think I'm some kind of wannabe gringo because I have a gringo accent. But they think I just wanna show up. It's just that I have an accent when I speak Spanish that Mexicans confuse for a gringo accent.
I wont get beheaded since im not moving to your mestizo shithole
Then why do you care about us? Did a Mexican steal your girl? Nobody cares where you move to, faggot.
I do too, but you guys are a whole new level. Who the fuck is proud to be a mongrel? So proud that you consider mongrel to be a race. Even Amerimutts who are the most mongrelized people on Earth hate it and want to search for whiteness where it doesn't exist,
white roastie genocide best day of my life