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Im loaded up on SPY and DIA
Based America

lol your going to have to wait 3 years for that 10x. go all in on bitcoin and make 100x in that time frame. noob boomers. t.

unironically time to sell everything

which companies tho?

doesn't matter, just buy the index


Lol it's going down

S&P 500
USAGX (Precious Metals mining index fund)

>USAGX (Precious Metals mining index fund)
HAHAHA only if you want to be in the poorhouse

Shit, meant to say pick 1

>the roaring 20s

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Snap that’s going into my deluded boomer folder

See ya next year old man

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Yeah this one is obviously the most risky but it looks like it’s bottomed out whereas the S&P is at its ATH

>roaring 20s and the greatest fucking depression in recent history

Lol its literally the chad trend

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And what comes after the Chad fad?

The Chad crash just like BTC had happen recently

oh God


The chad dip buy up in which chad 10xs his portfolio.

the center of world economy will shift to israel.

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I have $340k in stock.
W..will I make it ?

with this pe ratio you want prices to go up?

Don't worry frendo, I got ya. Every stock market transaction is stored on paper, like a blockchain except printed. As you can imagine, it runs to several volumes. So before you can invest you need an index, like a table of contents, you then pick a stock and using the index number, specific which particular shares of a company you want to buy. It's quite hard to buy a good index because they are continuously being updated, but when you have one you are sure to see gains

user i...

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spx PE ratios are only slightly above average kid :) but nice try
We are going much much higher

strapped in ready to go

take me there Jow Forums


>all time high
>slightly above average
thats one way to look at it

LMAO stay tf out the market, other than weed stocks

Based post

‘When the shoe shining boys are giving you stock advice, it means the market is overcrowded’

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You fucking retard, demographics are destiny.
Investing in the usa is like investing in brazil while the mass misgeneation was underway.

And even if the usa don't subhumanise, it would mean that it turns genocidally fascist, which would make the markets crash due to the jews doing everything they can to stop humans from prevailing.

Keeping my money until after the elections, trump impeachment and shit might rock the markets, then I'll buy the dip

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When the autists on Jow Forums think they can predict a random walk where thousands of leading mathematicians, economists, and data analysis have failed for decades you know the board is overcrowded.

I will now take out a $30,000 loan
$10,000 SPY
$10,000 TQQQ
$10,000 SVXY

what could go wrong.jpg

FOMO at an ATH with the looming threat of QE, a shaky usd, and interest rate changes.

If you are going to take that much risk just buy crypto.

you should wait for a correction and dump into UPRO breh. If you are going to be a retard you might as well go full retard.

>put all your money in at ath
Already made this mistake on crypto sorry

Seriously just chad the stock market and you'll make it. Crypto is just fun time gambling.

This. Get your crypto gains, and once you've made it, sure then buy boomercoins & shinycoins to safely lock the gains down. But that's for once you've made it, not on the way up.

I wouldn't trust ANYTHING on this board without first doing your homework and double, no triple-checking everything said. This is the same board that though Bitcoin would NEVER crash.

However with that said, it's not crazy to assume that a 10 year bull market, longest in history, is coming to an end. The Fed is raising interest rates quite a bit now with no end in sight, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

Best thing to do, depending on your age and risk tolerance would be

1. get some form of downside protection
2. HOLD (if in equities)
3. Move over in Bonds and Treasuries
4. buy the VIX

there's plenty more ways to make money in a down market

Muni bonds too

Thank you for being a voice of reason user

>buy the VIX
dont do this
most instruments that track the VIX decay heavily over time

DJIA was at 12,000 (where your line is) in 2007
It is currently at 25,790
Recession then 10x bull run 2023

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