Western European edition LMAO
Old bred
Western European edition LMAO
Old bred
Other urls found in this thread:
first for Srboslavia
2nd for Worldoslavia
Kino planet of the apes scene
Speaking of Turkish satellite pics, what are these neighborhoods where every house has a pool? Whats the point of a pool when everyone has one? If you aren't having people over for the pool, its just an outside bath. I simply do not get it. Its a social piece, why have one per house? I just don't. I don't. Like every house having a private cafe. Or a private restaurant. What.
Cope. That business district alone has more economic activities than MK+RS combined lol
This one's from Anatolian side: youtube.com
I'd love to have a private pool so I can swim naked
Someone hold me, I am going to beat up magyartard
>Tatar butthurt
I'm glad they didn't get the Volkswagen plant.
I'm going to beat your boipucci with my 15cm and thin dick, Tranita.
Why prevent you, I'll join you.
That's a commie mentality you got there, 50 years of communism did have an effect on your people I see. As for pools, it's nice to have your own pool if you can look after it. You can't always get into public pools, like in night or in a bad weather, they won't let you in. But you can do whatever the fuck you want on your own pool without complying with anyone, you create your own rules. Socialization isn't a problem, you can invite your friends to your pool anytime you want, they do that often.
What I truly don't understand is that having a villa with pool when you have a fucking sea right next to you. Istanbul doesn't have any beaches so pools are palatable, but İzmir, the fuck nigga?
Fuck anime
Reminder that anime are degenerate and a product of Jewish propaganda
Well, I'm back from grocery shopping.
What are you lads up to?
Your mom lmao
>Islam in Albania (1945–1991) covers a period of time when the Albanian Labor Party came to power under Enver Hoxha and exercised almost total control over the Albanian people. The communist government sought to radically overhaul Albanian society by realigning social, cultural and religious loyalties to the communist party through Albanian Nationalism in the pursuit of achieving unitary Albanian identity.
>Secularizing tenets borrowed from the National Awakening and Interwar period were continued and more radical approaches were adopted to sideline religion from the public sphere, allowing Albania by 1967 to declare itself an atheist state. Islam as practised by Muslims within Albania experienced profound changes and persecution under communism.
>Muslim clergy became imprisoned, most minarets, mosques, tekkes and Sufi shrines were destroyed, Muslim religious practices banned, state surveillance of adherents and severe punishment of people who did not comply. The effects and legacy of persecution through forced de-Islamization of society led to post-war generations born under the Albanian communist regime having minimal to almost no knowledge of Islam.
>According to a decree issued in 1966, Muslims in Albania had to change their names to Albanian names while newborn Albanians had to receive non-religious names.[8] In a decree of November 1975, all the citizens of Albania whose names were considered objectionable by the Albanian Communist Party were ordered to change their names to "pure Albanian names" by the end of the year.[9][10]
Ebi si maykata, t*rk.
What does that mean
Thracian greeting. :^)
و عليكم سلام آخي
How do you know slavic??
Az s1m b1lgar. :^)
How do you know it is a Jewish thing?
tiho mangal
Bulgars are not slavic
You are thinking of east serbian
t. Western Bulgarian
It is a s*rbian product, retard
>The name most frequently used for the empire by contemporaries was Bulgaria, as the state called itself. During Kaloyan's reign, the state was sometimes known as being of both Bulgarians and Vlachs.
climate change is a scare tool to control the easily led masses
it's true the ice caps are dissapearing but that's because polar ice is a commodity and it's being harvested.
the knock on effect the natural buildup of ice at the poles is slowed and reducing the thermal balancig efficiency of the caps.
also plastic used to be recycleable until china stopped accepting it now they just sail over there and dump it in the sea where it washes up on 3rd world shores.
>Io is a particle of a title used mainly by Romanian royalty from both Moldavia and Walachia, preceding their names and the complete list of titles, in all their documents (written or engraved), since the formation of the respective principalities up to the Hohenzollern dynasty in the 19th century.
>First used by the Assenid kings, the particle is the abbreviation of name Ioan (English: John, Latin: Ioannes), which comes from the original Hebrew Yohanan, meaning "God has favoured". Thus, in this context, the particle has the meaning "By the grace of God" (see divine right), rather than alluding to an actual name of John.
(Although I don't agree with this interpretation, since it probably stands for Ivan Asen and that's about it.)
>it's true the ice caps are dissapearing but that's because polar ice is a commodity and it's being harvested.
That's why you have to play with the narrative. 'Yes, there is a global warming, but CO2 realeased by human activity is barely noticable in the change'
Don’t know if pasta, but this is only the beginning. 2-3 meters of rapid sea rise will be catastrophic to poor lowlands. If the process is self-accelerating and the entirety of Antarctica melts, we are fucked, oceans will rise 100m. Billions will die.
>Billions will die.
I hope Balkan subhumans (including Turks) will be included.
>Aзъ ижe въ Хpиcтa Бoгa блaгoвѣpнии и хpиcтѡлюбивии и caмoдpъжaвни Iѡ Mиpчa, вeликыи вoeвoдa и гocпoдинь, ѡблaдaѫщoy ми и гocпoдcтвѡщoy ми въceи зeми Угpoвлaхiи и зaплaнинcкым eщe жe и кѫ тaтapcкым cтpaнaм и ѡбaпoл пo въceмoy пoдoyнaвиoy дaжe и дo вeликaгo мopѣ, и милocтиѫ бoжieѫ и Дpъcтpoy гpaдoy влaд(a)лeц.
Well if durkey starts to fall apart because of drought and tens of millions of refugees from Asia and Africa, it won’t be pretty.
>billions will die
Not humans. They'll move further North and Russian will finally have their warmwater ports(aside from crimea).
Russia will be conquered by China.
Fuck anime
China is but an ant to Russia
The billions of humans in Africa and Asia will not give up on their lives due to climate change, we can expect hundreds of millions of people attempting to go north, and are exactly on the crossroads. tl;dr: we're fucked
They're already colonizing Siberia, m8.
>not just gunning them down
Western media's wishful thinking
Also you don't understand Russia. Even if they are many Chinese all of a sudden in Siberia it won't change a thing.
Look at it from the bright side: to get here they need to go through Turkey. We’ll have our revenge for the VW plant.
How can China conquer such noble people?
Do Greeks want their monarchy back?
By monarchy you mean Devlet-i Osman yes they want it back
Don't know why this video is being shilled so much. It's pretty mediocre. Also looks more like some Balkan country like Bulgaria or Serbia.
>we're fucked
*our women are fucked
and that's a good thing
>Even if they are many Chinese all of a sudden in Siberia it won't change a thing.
Except it becomes China.
I'm not laughing at your misfortune, don't get me wrong but it's only a matter of time before all of Russian-Asia becomes CHINA.
Russian majors will sell the forest one bit by bit, then they'll sell the land and Chinks will settle it.
Only if the macedonians rule them again and not some german faggot
>Members of the Osmanid dynasty are stand up comedians in the UK
How far the mighty have fallen...
>Except it becomes China.
You're retarded. How does it become China all of a sudden lmao? Russia already has massive (ethnically) minority Russian regions and they're still Russian.
So how will it become Chinese and how will they influence Russian policy? Through voting?
>the first balkan country to win wimbledon
>Russian majors will sell the forest one bit by bit
Let them sell it. Nothing wrong with timber trade lol. You act like this is unusual in any way.
>then they'll sell the land
Good let them sell it to Chinese businessmen lol. It's not being used for anything.
Am I the only one who can hardly differentiate between Nordic males and Nordic females? They look identical when they have long hair+no beard. Absolute state of the Scandinavian "men"
We have this retarded LARPer who claims to be grandson of Abdülhamit and wants monarchy back. Thankfully no one takes him seriously, not even AKPtards.
literally sha omremi
Sure lol
>implying a return to monarchy wouldn't be great
How someone would trade a mighty Empire, both secular and a Caliphate and with a rich culture with Persian and Arabic influence for a (((secular))) nation state and a bastardized culture imitating that of steppe savages is beyond me.
Press S to spit on Ataturk's grave.
i will do it lads, i will kill them all
From today's march on Sofia
Bro, you just posted cringe
You're a sad excuse for a Turk.
And just to clarify, I don't mind the idea of a nation state, but Ataturk was a frustrated cuck that felt ashamed of his heritage and wanted to wewuz as a westerner. Had Enver Pasha been made the father of the nation, maybe things would've gone in a better direction.
>LOL how will a region being ethnically taken over by a minority affect us
Siberia is one big Kosovo. Look how much trouble a bunch of monkeys in Caucasus gave you (metro bombings, terrorism, killing soldiers). Those are a joke compared to China.
Your only hope is that Chinks make a peace treaty with you or some shit and guarantee they won't take over your clay. And don't worry, I will fight Chinks for Russia if you give me Russian citizenship, 2 dachas and 20 гeктapc land.
>I posted it again, mom!
Bro, stop, you have no idea what you're talking about
how is bait real
nigga just don't give baiters you's like nigga just walk away from the screen haha
t. westernist cuck
Bet you're a Gulenist hipster living somewhere on the coastt.
>a bastardized culture imitating that of steppe savages is beyond me.
But that's how the original Turks were like.
Should the English undo their Norman influences and LARP as the Anglo-Saxons of old as well?
Dumb gypsy.
We should recreate the Byzantine Empire and live in it happily forever funded by German gibs.
But they are Anglo-Saxons.
Like, bruh... I don't even have reaction image
Fucking gypsy. Nobody cares about your shitty opinion, retard
God damn Californians!!!
They won't allow it.
We would be blocking their access to bbc cheap labor.
t. triggered gulenists
Hipsterfags, not even once.
>Siberia is one big Kosovo
Almost stopped reading right there. Really says a lot about your IQ when you have to compare every global even to your local clusterfuck.
>. Look how much trouble a bunch of monkeys in Caucasus gave you (metro bombings, terrorism, killing soldiers)
Barely noticeable nationally and now completely under Russian control
>hose are a joke compared to China.
Kek you're not seriously comparing chinks to a tiny group of islamic fundamentalists are you?
Chinese can't do shit to Russia, even f some move there. Although most Chinese are moving to Moscow for work, not Siberia since there's nothing for them there anyway. Read the article I posted, brainlet.
China is unironically nothing compared to Russia.
Russia has greater military power, intelligence network and geopolitical influence than China. That's why the Chinese are so desperate to be friends with Russia. And we will use this to our advantage.
Both Russian and Western China alarmists with regards to Russia are retarded.
Do you even know what that means?
China has 10x your population and 20x your economy. They can run you over without harming most of their populace.
If they want Siberia, they get Siberia. Like, there is literally nothing the Russian state can do to prevent it.
And right now most of your Siberian wilderness is being sold off to Chink businessmen.
A clique of useful idiots undermining Turkey's geopolitical revival and serving Western interests.
Who here knows the swiss-russian is the janny?
Must be comfy being an SVR resident in Switzerland.
He's one of my favorite posters. Shame he spends all his life in Switzerland and Russia, I genuinely believe Russia is more interesting to live in than Switzerland.
yeah, except we'd literally have a nuclear war if that were ever to happen fucking retard
>*Does business with China*
>t-they're gonna take over you!
LMAOing @ westoid cope
Please tell me how China can actually be a threat to Russia? I already told you that they can't do shit even if they all move to Siberia.
>hey can run you over without harming most of their populace.
With fucking what? China can barely project power in its own back yard. You really think numbers fucking matter when you have bombs?
Stop this retarded alarmism. Russia has no reason to fight China and vice versa. We're much better off as partners.
>If they want Siberia, they get Siberia
> Like, there is literally nothing the Russian state can do to prevent it.
What the fuck do you even mean, moron?
>And right now most of your Siberian wilderness is being sold off to Chink businessmen.
What's the problem with selling lumber lmao? Who fucking gives a shit?
All they have to do is plant few new trees and that's it
and not russia*
I bet he is a twink too
I love /balk/. Let's LARP as the ambassadors of our countries.
By force - never
By money - maybe