Having a gf will not solve all your problems

Having a gf will not solve all your problems

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based and jewpilled

I don't need a girlfriend

I wish I were 20 cm taller, because have feel like a dwarf and my physical weakness make me feel like shit

2d is MUCH better than 3d. it's not even a contest.

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Being about 5 or 6 inches taller would solve all my problems

Yes it will
because its the only thing I want

its not about "solving problems", its about creating new ones.

I want so many problems they make me suicide

It did though

I'm 184 cm (6'1) and I still have my fair share of problems, height really doesn't matter as much as you think (rich coming from me I know)
Being attracted to drawings isn't something you should be proud of

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My only real problem now is that I am a khv at 23. Otherwise I'm healthy, have friends, a well paying job, 5/10 looks, graduated university and no mental illnesses.

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>no mental illnesses.

spoiler:there isnt a human mind on this world that isnt broken in one way or another.

İt kind of does actually. Life is way easier with a gf and it feels way better.

In my case I didnt have problems, just social autism. but a gf did improve my life. And now we're saving a shit ton of money together and doing very well.

No girl will want to date you if the only thing you have in life moving you forward is the hope that one day a girl will think of you as a compatible partner to reproduce with, you need hobbies and aspirations in life, you need an actual personality.

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it will not solve ANY of your problems
in fact, it can only create new ones

Trade with me pls. I love my gf but she is a NEET and her dream is to have kids and be a housewife. Problem is I'm working my ass off to take care of both of us and she just chills at home all day...

I wish I was smarter. It would solve pretty much all my problems

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First identify what you want to do better and then practice it

>waaah why wasnt i born taller
crybabies crying over literally nothing
depressed over a fucking number?
grow up
hit the gym and take care of your fucking body
these whiners are just giving excuses to not take care of themselves

b-but if i am loved i'll be more motivated to solve my other problems r-right?

t. 190cm nord

how can i grow up if i'm short?

Having a girlfriend will halfen your happiness and double your sorrows. And the she will break up with you and break your heart, or you will break up with her and deal with all of her shit.

Sex is also extremely overestimated, since you have to deal with the women attached to the tittays.

I just want an AI gf at this point. I don't really care about actual humans anymore.

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unlike your body, your tiny pea brain can grow up if you stop crying over centimeters

Hes right
If you have to rely on someone to be motivated you'll be depressed and unmotivated forever
also this

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but you're +6ft handsome nord and yet you're lecturing me not to stress about my looks..? This doesn't add up...

Absolutely the contrary

This, love exists only for 6 months by hormones in the brain to encourage reproduction, once the 6 months are over couples start cheating and looking for new mates to reproduce with, the only reason couples stay together after the initial high is due to fear of loneliness

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This is why the key is to date virtuous women who do things that you also like to do instead of dating attractive sloots

But, its my only real problem. I like where my life is going, I have many friends, but my success will girls still depresses me. Everything else in my life if happy with how its shaping out and im very ambitious towards my future.

once you satisfy one desire, you will simply find another. not to say loneliness isn't crippling, but you will simply hop to another pursuit afterwards. true satisfaction has to come from inner peace.

This, the only way to a painless life is rejection of the will

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im only 174 cm
never encountered a real situation where my height was a problem
banter from other people does not count as a real situation
if that's enough to make you feel like shit then you're weak and your height is not the problem
you're a slave to people's opinions of you

Based and AI pilled

...if you say so

Maybe true, but I think my life is pretty satisfactory besides relationships, i'm going through uni, I have hobbies im dedicated towards, good friends, rich parents so no financial issues. But still never had gf, i've kissed quite a few girls though.

Once upon a time there was a herd of porcupines. The world was cold and they began to freeze alone, so they moved closer to each other, but because of their spikes, they started hurting each other. After some time the porcupine discovered juuust about the right distance, so they would not freeze, but would also not bleed.

In humans we call this politeness and the herd the city. There is a virtuel equivalent to this where the total abscence of the human other requires to create the illusion of human presence through the most basic form of human definitions of reality, which is suffering and hate. We call that Jow Forums.

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well i'm also ugly af.

I've been rejected by women several times, because of my height

such is the life of a manlet


It seems like you are really sad about alot of things that are out of your control, look into stoicism, I think it will really help you out

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Manlet cope

>Let me tell you about your life


>Let me tell you about your problems

because you don't take care of yourself
don't cry over a problem you can fix
that's like crying over dropping your food when there's a fridge next to you with more
1. you have a shit taste in women
2. your personality sucks so bad that you have to rely on your fucking height to get girls
can you get any lower?

>let me explain to you why you shouldn't focus on stuff thats out of your control and why it doesn't matter as much as you think

What a spiteful response, I told you my experience.

>you have a shit taste in women
It's all women. I'm 165cm, no matter what I do, no one will respect a """man""" of that kind of height, and no woman will ever see me as anything other than a freak

It makes it somewhat easier though

I'm 184 cm and I never even hugged a girl, I know a guy from highschool whose 164 cm and already fucked about 6 girls, stop making up excuses

>I'm 184 cm and I never even hugged a girl
There's something wrong with you then

>I know a guy from highschool whose 164 cm and already fucked about 6 girls, stop making up excuses
Sure, lmao

so what you're saying is that i can rewrite my dna and reshape bone and muscle if i wanted to? I never knew such things were possible

There isn't anything wrong with me, I just haven't met a girl that has interested me, The one who is wrong here is you, who puts so much emphasis on something he has no control over
>Sure, lmao
No retort? you seem pretty confident in your points, surely you'll have another excuse ready right? How do you explain people like danny devito who have a wife and kids?

modern society is based on sex. porn is good, masturbation is natural, children need sex education, contraception is a right, killing your unborn children is good for women, sex outside of marriage is fine, gay people are opressed if they can't have a ceremony to celebrate their sodomy, trannies are oppressed if they can't live out their fetish 24/7 etc. and then they say incels are too obsessed with sex. maybe the problem is with SOCIETY

>No retort? you seem pretty confident in your points, surely you'll have another excuse ready right? How do you explain people like danny devito who have a wife and kids?

It's anecdotal, no point in arguing over anecdotes, since I can tell of you plenty of anecdotes where I've experienced real negativity due to my height.

They're anomalies, I don't need to excuse it. I just can't get see how you don't realize being that kind of height is a massive disadvantage. And you really use Devito as an argument? Of course he has a wife, he's an extremely famous comedian & actor. Are you going to tell me I need to become a famous actor?

>modern society is based on sex. porn is good, masturbation is natural, children need sex education, contraception is a right, killing your unborn children is good for women, sex outside of marriage is fine, gay people are opressed if they can't have a ceremony to celebrate their sodomy, trannies are oppressed if they can't live out their fetish 24/7 etc. and then they say incels are too obsessed with sex. maybe the problem is with SOCIETY

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your height isn't important, all that matters is that you live a virtuous life

> Of course he has a wife, he's an extremely famous comedian & actor
Wow you got it good job! You need to have an actual personality to get girls and not just rely on your looks to do all the work for you, yes, maybe someone else whos taller than you might have an easier time, but it doesn't mean that it is impossible for you, Develop an actual personality and a sense of humor, find hobbies and passion in life and work out, stop focusing on shit like height, I'm sure that once you become a good flirter and actually take care of how you look (i.e haircut and fitting clothes) and have a personality you'll be drowning in pussy, and not just random hook ups that come from nothing more than pure physical attraction

Dont forget
>virginity bad (especially in men)
>intentionally spreading STDs good
>having herpes cold sores is normal you dumb goyim

It solves a lot of them though. But also generates some new problems.

I actually dumped my gf thinking I would have less problems.

No I have the same problems in worst and I don't have sex anymore.

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Fair point, I'm just trying to say that people shouldn't hold relationships as this magic wand that will magically make all their problems disappear and make them truly happy,

I know it's not impossible. My main point is that it's extremely difficult because of height, you're judged extremely harshly when you're exceptionally tall. I've literally been told, "you're cute but just too short for me"

exceptionally short*

>It solves a lot of them though.
which ones?

They want people to focus on immediate pleasure and entertainment so they don't pay attention to what is happening around them. They give faggots and women more "rights", but they actually take away rights from the population, which is more and more controlled.

>"you're cute but just too short for me"
If a girl rejects you because of something like that then shes a shallow bitch and you would never want a relationship with her in the first place, any time some girl says that to you you dodge a bullet

it goes:

having a cool gf > being single >>>>>> having a shit gf

but the catch is that a cool gf can become shit. the only girl I ever loved dated me for a year before dumping me to move back home. when I saw her again 3 years later she was a totally different person... not the least bit attractive anymore.

That's most women though. Even my own mother has told me this shit

lonliness. Its incredibly lonely here

That can be solved through friends, family or even a pet. A romantic relationship is not necessary.

lmao if i stepped on you and crushed your puny frame you'd certainly have a problem

Exactly my guy, you have to find the right one, love isn't something that can be found on the first try, Don't give up because of something stupid like that and don't focus on it, once you develop a sense of humor and confidence you can distract girls from your height, keep trying is all I'm saying. And if that doesn't work out, Stop focusing on relationships and find other means to be happy. relationships are just a small part of life, it really isn't something you should focus all of your attention on, hobbies, work, friends, family, are all things that can bring joy.

how tall are you?

most women are not really worth it, being flawed in an obvious way can be a godsend in strange ways. There are women very much worth it, though.

I'm tiny (165 cm or 5'5 in freedom units) and I've been rejected a few times because of that, but I've also met women that despite being offput by my height, came to like me a lot over time. I'm also a bit clumsy and socially inept, but that only means I take a bit longer to get the respect I deserve and also the affection I may need.

That being said, I got myself a wholesome gf that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world