Why Americans are not cool anymore?

Why Americans are not cool anymore?

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theres no more ussr to be more evil than them

People are bored with the shit cheap disposable pop culture they churn out especially from the wogs.

they are still considered cool and badass
every person in europe with a dream goes to america to live out

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What do you mean? Military uniform?

all the soviet kike mafia moved to USA and has been calling the shots since clinton.

behold...she collapses like the USSR. lmfao

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because America is turning into another latam shithole


Because Trump.

white ppl turned into cucks. cucks can never be cool

all the kikes are going to scatter to China after it collapses
i can't wait

By far the most unfounded fear. Yes, non-whites are here to stay forever but the Spanish language will be effectively dead here in a few decades.

>but the Spanish language will be effectively dead here in a few decades.
????????? There are many parts in the US where you can literally get by not speaking English at all.

because less white than before

candidates are already speaking spanish in the debates

So? What does that prove? America has always had ethnic enclaves like that. They all died out eventually.

Too many war crimes and invasions while not enough holywood movies PR anymore.

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They've been multi ethnical for decades as far as I understand, I think they are not as daring as before (pre 9/11), maybe they need war an a enemy...

Bruh it's like whole counties. Not just china towns.

iraq and afganistan
not making cool and good shit, just shit

Why is Denmark like 20 years behind on everything? It’s like the 90s never died in Denmark and it’s still going on...

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absolute chad


we've always been the same warmongering cunts since ww2, yet euros were sucking american cock nonstop. now that the soviet menace is gone and you've gotten comfortable now you think you can bite the hand that has fed you. hilarious


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Yes, and it was always like that. The border counties were always predominately Hispanic and the Midwest had many counties dominated by European immigrants as well.

they already scattered, TO ISRAEL,at least the rich ones, taking their gold and plunders with them...leaving you nothing but IOU nots.

but not before securing their "homeland" from all the surrounding threats....well...most of them.

Iraq= check
Iran=awaiting decimation

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Dont you have iran to bomb next? You know these bombs wont drop themselves, someone has to do it.

Yeah i'm flying out there in my McJet this very moment. Know about any Iranian shitposters you want gone? I'll take care of them.

multi ethnic is not the same as multi racial

I'm not using XIX century terminology, fuck evolutionists.

I dont think i have ever seen a single iran poster here on /int. Its almost like whole africa and middle east are shitholes without internet or something...

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People are literally not bored with that.

I think theyre all on snapchat trying to get in betweens some whore's legs before nuclear war sets in and we all die incel voyginz

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