Once you're a comfy old boomer, how do you plan to spend your free time...

Once you're a comfy old boomer, how do you plan to spend your free time, and how are you saving money to make sure this can be a reality?

>want to live in a comfy high-rise apartment with a guest room for my kids to come visit
>want to spend my tending to my indoor plants, playing video games, and coding small utilities and games
>saving money by letting my auto lease expire and not getting a new car

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I wanna smoke weed until my brain is useless mush

I want a big house with a gym and a workshop to build cool stuff. Only one story so boomerbros don't have to walk up stairs. I save about 40% of my income. Sometimes more.


How I plan to spend my boomer years

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by the time I'm a boomer, I'll have a pair of bionic knees to be able to do all this stuff that I do now, and skiers have great bone density in the first place.

Few things are comfier than snow. Do you plan to buy a cabin somewhere?

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Ideally, perhaps somewhere near Alta, although if current trends continue, I need to be buying somewhere near either revelstoke or whistler. My real goal is to make enough money through being an investment banker/wealth advisor to become a part owner or own enough stock at mica or some similar heli skiing place to just be able to use it for free whenever I want when I'm older. For now, I'm content to be a working college student in SLC

Lofty goals. I wish you the best of luck, friendo. I never felt I had a chance in the finance sector, so I went into software development.

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I don't plan on doing anything with the actual numbers, I just have the people skills. Right now I work as a banker and after 6 months in that position my numbers are better than anyone else in my region, which is all I can see to measure against, and it's not because I hard sell things, I just talk to people about their finances, explain what I can do with my knowledge of our bank's products versus some other banks products. I know what kinds of competing products other banks offer, and encourage people to do their own research. If someone tells me another bank has a better offer, I just tell them this is what we can do, and if they have something better, feel free to go with them on that product. As a result, people trust me since they know I'm not always trying to sell them something, more just trying to show them the options we have and why it would benefit them. I also know our regional wealth advisor pretty personally since I've sent him some huge clients (there was a guy who invested about 50 million with us who I had gotten to know very well before recommending a meeting with our guy and a few others in the 20 mm range), so once I finish college in 2 years, I think I have a pretty good shot at a position like that either with my bank or with another bank. I live frugally, don't have a family yet, and don't plan on having one till around 30-35 so I think it's fairly reasonable. The hardest part of all this for me is honestly just balancing work, school, and my ski addiction.

That picture is comfy as fuck

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Cannabinoids are neurogenerative.

Literally make women smarter.

It feels good knowing people like you are lurking on Jow Forums.

I’m personable, but I wouldn’t thrive in your work environment. I’d feel too pressured to compete with my peers even if I were explicitly told that isn’t a concern, and I can’t sell for the life of me.

Congrats finding something you’re good at at such a young age.

I’m a proto-boomer in my early thirties, and every day I thank heavens I decided to get into software development when I was young. If it weren’t for this field, I’d likely be doing something a lot less fulfilling.

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I'm 21 and granted I started college late, but my dad's a poet, and he sent me a line from a poem which is as follows:

I got my genius brother a job at the mill and he worked there all his life

Granted I'm not working at a mill, but eventually I hope to have some kind of a real estate business running, something to be able to pass down to my kids when they're ready, after they've worked to make their own way. Whether or not it'll be something that actually happens is yet to be seen, but wealth advisor pays well as a job, and if I save money like I do now, I'll be able to buy something to rent out within 5 years or so.

I'm happy for you that you found something you find fulfilling. I like my job, but I only really do it because I need to be able to provide for a family some days down the line. There are still days where I think about buying a van, and working some job where I don't have to be at work 5 days a week and just live out of it and ski while doing something in the evenings.

Have you been skiing with your dad? I have a great relationship with my dad, but we don’t do anything together but talk and play chess. I’m not complaining.

Does your dad post any poetry online?

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I want to prepare for the inevitable civil war in Europe.

This thread is pretty comfy.

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I'm not saving money. I'll never really be satisfied with just comfy boomer wealth to have a plan on how to spend it. I don't really know what I'd do with money late-game in life. Wouldn't trust my dulled old man senses to drive a high-end sports vehicle or anything, I don't think gardening is an expensive hobby, and I am satisfied with a mid-range PC benchmark.

The only thing I can think of right now is getting financially independent so I can be free of work.

Make sure all of my family members have free housing. Have lots of kids and try to keep ip with them. Learn languages, learn to code, learn to sail with an astrolabe, fund an arctic expedition to the dome or mt meru.

When you are free of work you can explore and question life, you will find new intrests and your hereto undiscovered skills will surprise you.

Not that I know of, I just keep in good touch with my parents.

My dad is a good skier, but he has some back issues so he's been taking it easy

i'll probably keep working
maybe not a real job but doing something that makes me get out of the house, only thing will be no early mornings

I don't think my hetero skills will ever be discovered, no matter how rich I am. I'm ugly as fuck.