Attached: Shitxico flag.jpg (1200x800, 60K)

1.We are aztecs
2. We hate spaniards and americans
3. We are friends with China and Russia

>We are aztecs

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norteño pvto


No hay norteños en int


You have to go back chicano subhuman

>American talks about culture

huwrong, we are black bvlls

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he's on HIS land.


Mexican "culture" consists of listening to drug cartel music, getting drunk, beating women, playing soccer, eating tacos and worshipping a kike on a stick

What Mexicans call culture isn't that old either

All based

>We are aztecs

No, fuck off

Attached: Por mi raza hablara el espiritu santo.jpg (800x1069, 110K)

this. wtf. im white but im not blind to life. euros thnking they can rape and pillag anyhwhere they want, then in the 21st century cry about other people living on earth where they belong naturally

Hes a mutt and injuns from mexico didnt live in modern day usa

It's better than having none gringo

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everyone is a rape baby. youre no different op. fuck yourself

How can you be a christcuck mutt and claim to be an aztec at the same ?

and white american culture is being offended at things, being offended at people being offended, and letting your dog lick you on the mouth

Fuck off back to plebbit sudaca pendejo

>You've to be either X or Y, NOOOO YOU CANNOT BE Z
We picked things from Amerindian origin; Day of the Death, plenty of food , while other things are Spanish: bullfighting, religion

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What culture are you talking about you stupid beaner? I dont see you speaking nahuatl or having the slightest comprehension of how mesoamerican societies worked.

Go back to worshipping the arab named virgin.

12 yr old Paco that doesn't know geography

Why don't Mexicans play their ancestors' sport?

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that's part of having a culture

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Because they arent our ancestors, spaniards are

Indian blood is basically non existant in most of us nowadays, most of the mexican people larp as indians to find mental refugee in the fact that everyone is a failure just like their country

"Catholicism" in Mexico is just the Aztec religion disguised. Mexicans worship Aztec deities with Christian names.

>ndian blood is basically non existant in most of us nowadays

says the protestant.

You are neither an indian nor a spaniard

>like their country
Why are you talking about ''them'' in third person faggot? You're also a beaner

I am from Chiapas why would I learn nahuatl?

t. mongrel from the northern states

Why don't Mexicans invest in space exploration?

More racially mixed than you, Francisco

>Beating women
Based. No wonder they are replacing us.

a labirjensita me la respetas


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Why do Mexicans hate Salvadorans?

Attached: el salvador.png (648x648, 697K)

It really do be like that

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todo bien sup?

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Cope you stupid uncultured beaners, stop worshipping the past.

>everyone is a rape baby. youre no different op. fuck yourself

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they're the chi's of mexico

We don't even think about them, you're just trying to bring conflict, not saying we're a fan either

REAL mexican culture

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The same we do to Mexico.

whitexicans es que les llaman a este fenomeno?

No, that's cringy American slang.

Thats an indian not a meximongrel

Stop playing soccer

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pero algun algun nombre hay que ponerles..

what's your fucking point? all of this is VERY based

yeah cringey american mutts say this because it sounds more cultural than saying german irish polish french and mexican or whatever the fuck they think they are

Indians are from India and he doesn't look like an Indian, amerimongrel.

>Proud of being a mongrel

Indian is just short for amerindian you braindead meximongrel subhuman

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Attached: whitexicans-portada.jpg (680x510, 56K)

>he doesnt realize racial mixing creates stronger genes and therefore stronger societies
>he doesnt realize the only reason racial mixing failed in mexico is because of the caste system and spanish incompetence

Browner than you, Cletus

Chicanos dislike them, Mexicans don’t care about them

Kys spic, you wont replace anyone

kys terrone

We do?

salvadoran diaspora samefag

>Indian is just short for amerindian

Que no entienden hijos de puta que no hay que responderle a ese chicano indígena resentido? Solo quiere atención y sabe que la única forma de obtenerla es ofendiéndonos. Solo no le respondan

so proud of MY CULTURE.

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I work with salvadorans every day, we are all trying to get by, who needs racial tension?

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>Indian is just short for amerindian you braindead

come on gringo. you can't be this ignorant.

daily reminder if you don't post yourself, you're another mestizo larping as a pure indian what it means you have a mental illness for doing this thread every night and not having sex

Cope harder mutt

Attached: Natives vs hispanic spic goblinas.png (922x720, 879K)

why would there be racial tension? you literally all look the same

Muchos de los Mexicanos son casuales que solo vienen un par de minutos al día pero alguno que otro se da cuenta la obsesión de él

Replying to the other American who thinks Mexicans hate salvadorans

>b-but racial mixing makes people ugly!!! ;_;

Dilate retard

If you look subhuman you are subhuman


No. Siempre son los mismos 2 o 3 pendejos y el chicano esquizofrénico que hace estos hilos sin sentido todos los putos días. Al principio me daba igual pero ahora me da pena ajena, ya sabemos que odia a los mexicanos y por eso prefiere limpiar baños en Usa en vez de vivir en su pais. La razón por la que sigue haciendo estos hilos es porque ustedes pendejos le siguen la corriente

se les llama gringos

el ezln es un meme esa madre ya no existe desde los noventas

Pero los comunicados eran divertidos. Apenas los estoy descubriendo.

el chicano hace estos threads todos los dias y mexico es de los paises con mayor cantidad de posters en Jow Forums, es obvio que va a llamar la atencion, ademas si algunos deciden ignorarlo, el thread con varias respuestas se convierte en honeypot atrayendo a mas y mas mexicanos
es imposible ignorarlo y sus threads

Speak english subhumans

I thought Mexican people were just descendants from the Spaniards who conquered South America, or are they just mutts?

They're indigenous Aztecs, Zapotecs, Mayas, etc.

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Primero; No asumas nada de mi, las veces que he respondido es porque no detienen de bumpear el hilo y prefiero dar mi opinión en vez de que solo sigan posteando pendejadas
Y otra cosa, no es CHI, incluso los CHIs siendo attentionwhores y pendejos de primera no odian a México, este mismo OP ha cambiado varías formas de aparentar ser alguien más: Decía ser un Guatemalteco que quería la independencia del sur de México y ahora larpea cómo indígena incluso cuando no tiene ni puta idea sobre los grupos indígenas más aparte de lo que ha leído en wikipedia y de más
You're black, aren't you?

Just mutts

There doesn't exist a single unmixed person in the continent besides the uncontacted amazonians

Amerindians arent mexican

mestizos, although mestizos just means mixed, it could be anything but it's used to refer a person whom is half amerindian and half spanish

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Weren't the Aaztecs wiped out?

The Aztecs were just a group of three Nahuatl-speaking ethnic groups that held power over most of Mesoamerica. Nahuatl-speaking groups still exist today.

Siempre hay gringos pendejos que van a estar haciendo bump a cualquier hilo que mencione a México, no importa cuánto trates de ignorarlos. Especialmente si son de odio. El mismo OP schizo va a hacer bump a su propio thread si no le responden, eso han hecho todos los schizos obsesionados con México desde hace años. Estoy seguro de que "varios" de ellos son el mismo tipo, y me parece que el OP ni siquiera es un indígena mexicano de verdad, es puro larp. El tipo no tiene idea de lo que habla la mitad del tiempo y cambia de nombres de usuario/historias de su familia todo el tiempo.

El problema es que los putos conserjes no hacen su trabajo nunca, porque lo hacen gratis y pendejos como OP no se cansan nunca.

so mutts basically

it's all so tiresome

Estoy usando el traductor de google para decirte que estás inmensamente herido. En serio, ¿por qué los mexicanos son tan sensibles? ¿Por qué ustedes no pueden aceptar ninguna crítica?

No son gringos. La mayoría de las banderas gringas son mojados, mexicanos y sudacas. Pero no importa que mierda sea. Lo importante es que no le den atención alguna. Sin las respuestas de ustedes, sus hilos no pasarían de 20 replicas, y serían de el mismo de todos modos.