How do you feel when you're having great anal sex with a 9+/10 but when you pull out the smell is so strong that you...

how do you feel when you're having great anal sex with a 9+/10 but when you pull out the smell is so strong that you have to leave the room and open the windows?

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You feel like you have to leave the room, brainlet

Anal sex is always gay. You had a vagina presented and you chose a butt hole.

you get bored after a while

>you get bored after a while
because you're a faggot

>He fell for the degenerate sexual practices meme pushed hard by (((them)))
>He will not secure the existence of his people, nor a future for huwhite children because he's too busy putting his penis in literal shit

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I've had bigger dopamine releases from successful investments than having sex with any woman.

I've only made that mistake once. You need to have a towel on hand to wrap and wipe.

Worst incident was fucking a drunk Aussie chick and when I pulled out it was like uncorking a champagne bottle of liquid shit. She passed out covered in shit and I peaced out and deleted her number.

maybe you shouldn't stick your penis into a canal that stores decaying human waste.

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>You had a vagina presented
OP's example never said that.

Well spotted

Do people seriously unironically have anal sex? I could have sworn it was just a meme but this is a convincing thread.

Mfw great sex last Sunday, fuck her in the pussy, she comes from doggystyle. See her pussy and asshole spasm (pretty hot to see). While her asshole opens and closes I smell the worst shit ever. Instant mood killing.

For the last few days I'm not in the mood to fuck her again..

Kek OP never describes gender. Good point

Ass smell used to bother me but now I cultivate braphogs and you can make them clean the b hole

its fun try it sometime

>While her asshole opens and closes I smell the worst shit ever.

>not immediately sticking your nose in to sniff her poopchute then eating her ass after

you wont make it

It doesn't even feel that good. At least the vagina squeezes your dick and provides it's own lube.

Have you tried eating more grain and cleaning out before?

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>At least the vagina squeezes your dick and provides it's own lube.



never had that issue desu. stop fucking retarded bottoms.

Jealous of all the Chads in this thread. I will die a virgin.

It feels like i got meme'd into trying anal sex. Never gonna do it again. That smell.. Dumped her next day.

Wash out your butthole next time OP

>women never crave anal its purely the guys decided
Virgins the thread

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you guys need to stop being so anal, let OP do as he pleases

this whole thread

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that rarely happens desu. whenever i do get my D dirty it's kind of hot though. especially if she's not embarrassed about it. ass feels good yo.

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did anal with my gf of like 4 months while we were on leave in montrael. was in a p nice hostel and fucked her in the afternoon, pulled out and had poop on my dick lads. immediately hopped in the shower and she was crying from embarrassment. broke up with her like a month later.

is there a correlation between your breaking up and shitdick?

>whenever i do get my D dirty its kind of hot
I will never understand you sick fucks

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no man should ever take shit from his woman

Flawless logic. Just bought 100k

well it didnt help her case any but she got orders a few months later on the opposite coast so i just finished it.

The amount of people in this thread that did anal without properly cleaning is fucking astounding. You all deserve shit dick.

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I have bad news user.

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How do muslims fuck little boys tho? I've heard pedophilia is common in muslim countries and it's not like they go to great lengths to prepare and clean shit from the anus. They literally rape little boys and men there walking alone.

They get shit dick. And its fucking disgusting.
Honestly, do you really think that someone who's morals allow them to rape children would be worried about being sanitary?

Degenerates. They are fucking everywhere.

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i like the animalistic aspect of it. sex doesn't need to be clean or nice.

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That is absolutely disgusting reasoning. I can't even begin to explain how fucked in the head you are.

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Dirty and unsanitary isn't animalistic. Its fucking dirt and unsanitary. You are literally defective if you dont understand that. Animals themselves, by means of base fucking instinct, are more sanitary than you.

every single one of us is. some because of disgusting sexual practices, some because of moral hangups. and for many more actually significant reasons.

He's a disgusting fuck, but don't pretend like animals aren't as well. People only started being sanitary like a century ago. Before that, a dip in the river was good enough to be considered clean.

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Do you not realize that that line of reasoning, is literally how rapists and murderers sleep at night. Just because you are incapable of experiencing a pure thought, does not mean they don't exist. It is beyond self centered to think shit like that. This reminds me of the hollywood thing where they can't imagine that joe schmo in the rust belt isn't just as nefarious and perverse as they are. Even when meeting someone who is evidently not a fucking lunatic, they believe its an act. They literally can not understand what a good, normal human being is.

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Not...really even close. While there are outliers, as there always will be. It is an understood concept amongst even the most consciously inept species that cleanliness is next to literal survival. If you had shit on your body, other than where it is biologically meant to be. A "dip in the river" was never enough to be considered clean.
Im not pretending like animals can't be disgusting, but its ridiculously false to see animals as inherently unclean. Thats some mudslime shit, not having it.

You know the vagina is full of bacteria too right?

You're unironically autistically anal. Animals, muslims, and the people that lived during older civilizations clean themselves to a degree, but they're all pretty dirty when compared to our modern standard of cleanliness.

I've fucked several nice young ladies in the ass and never gotten shit dick once. You guys are doing it wrong. Prob banging traps.

it is also the line of reasoning that leads to a widened consciousness and decreased clinging to dictated and arbitrary notions. at what point did you start to consider my comment as a full fledged moral standpoint of my person. that sex should ideally involve two parties of age tends to go without saying. beyond that there are little limits that should be imposed on sexuality aside from the obvious ones. dirty assfucking is really a whole lot less risky than you might think. maybe your area of attention should be directed at what makes my sex life interesting or offensive to you. you might learn something new about yourself.

>Prob banging traps.

Female ass works differently from male ass?

Less guilt

I've fucked both females and trannies in the ass. Shemale ass holes are super clean because they invest so much time in taking care of them to get fucked. Never had shit on my dick from a good tranny fucking. The 2 times I got shit on my clock were from real females. They just didn't prepare their whole lives to get fucked in the ass

checked and can confirm, have drilled fempooper on her request a few times, don't care for it.

Haha faggot

I wonder if theres people in the world who are so insecure about their own sexuality that they actually believe this.

same but sex is easier