/balt/ - sunday? more like cloudday LMAO edition
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haha look at him go
coffee time uwu
Travelling to Lithuania soon. What are some essential phrases? :^) Trying to Lietuviškai under my belt.
Kaunas akropolis, Vilnius akropolis, Šiauliai arklide, Vilnius Fabijoniškės (where chernobyl was filmed)
Not quite what I meant but I appreciate it anyway. I'll be in Kaunas, Vilnius, and Druskininkai. Ačiū.
Good morning /balt/
>tfw our new president is around 190 cm tall
Proves that manlets have zero chance
Sheeeeet, Nigga you late!
That is why Pootin is so angry all the time
good day, lad
Presidents daughter looks nice
No problem fren
One of those serious and mature but cute looking types
degenerate drug addict
Achu - thanks
Labas - hello
Kur - where
Mano vardas - my name is
Ash esu ish - i am from
Ate - bye
Taip, ne - yes, no
Or just speak to young people if you need directions or help, they all speak english nowadays
Why? The rest of words in Lithuanian seem rational. These ones seem out of the pace
Thank you fren.
Man, looking back, The Simpsons were pretty wholesome youtube.com
For me as a native speaker they don't. You probably look at lithuanian as latvian and when you see a word that isn't similar to any latvian word it looks bizarre to you
Most Lithuanian words seem familiar and some are just odd and old words Latvians could use and understand...not these
brūns- ruda
We use ruds to mean red/brown like a fox
We can just say dona...it would sound old timely but everyone would understand
Taip, žmogus and ačiū don't resemble slavic translations of these words at all so i'm pretty sure they're baltic.
איפה האחים היהודים שלי ב?
Achu-paldies (hmm)
Taip - jā (German)
Žmogus- cilvēks (Slavic)
4th of July? FUUUU
beautiful sight
its ačiū AND not achu
our new president is a jew
I can't believe took all our special letters from the Czechs
Ours is a Nordic Jew
my balls
with yo mouth
ours is literally Levits
Looks like Jewish royalty even!
Nameja gredzens?
Wasn't that used while being in foreign lands?
Latvian prez does look like a legit jew
the original ring belongs to Namejs
people who wear it, pretend to be him to confuse the foreigners who want to kill him
he is a legit jew
Oh, I heard that tradition of wearing that ring came from refugees - Latvians in Canada for example. It was a sign of a person being form Latvia
I am optimistic with having a chosen person as a president.
where did these posts go?
jews aren't people
לזיין אותך
can't wait for another shoah
holiday at Nida, lads
הגויים הם לא אנשים
Compared to baltroaches, they're Übermensch.
>One of those serious and mature but cute looking types
not understanding
שלום, האחים :)
What exactly are you not understanding, my slowstonian fren?
Come home Jewish man...bring the girls.
Lithuania is ''Israel of the North''
שלום עליכם :)
Varg was pleased that day
Was it his monthly government gibs day, or something?
/balt/ is an Israelite thread
if you're a goy, leave
took 240 + 240 + ~100 ug of acid yesterday
most amazing day of my life desu
did you see some cool shit or no
U cool now?
Isn't that shit for ~18H
If you're Israel of the north, why haven't you annexed the rest of he Balts?
Because they are just Palestine of the North
We are Israel
אבל מי יהיו עבדים?
fucking degenerate kill yourself
First you flood territory with settlers and then when they are attacked you defend them and annex the territory....I mean you should know this.
I am a settler. our Kibbutz is growing ...soon!
took my first one at 2pm so yeah all fine now
walked around in a nice mossy forest and saw some ticks but it was great still
walked through a wheat field too, basically just a really good trip
Stop this mumbo jumbo, 14:00...that Pm shit brakes my mind
sounds gr8
How does snap chat work?
you snap and chat
same as magnets
You send your cock pics to girls and supposedly you get laid that way
Anyone watching now Nat Geo documentary on Pablo Escobar?
No? Okay
I'm in envy mode now, have you had any obe moments?
Wilno is nice
Fug, found a tick sucked inside my side today. Gonna die virgin :DDDD
This looks cool youtube.com
ok lads
just had a sippie now im stimd
ok now this is epic found a purple monster sippie in circle k @ vilna
good riddance faggot
And I played ''doctors'' with girls when I was a kid
I played ''kazaki razboiņiki'' when I was a kid.
You need to split up in 2 teams and one team invents a ''password'' the other team just needs to know the password. People usually catch the slowest kid and beat the password out of him...usually not with full force but slowly.
That game was really fun with girls. Even more if they where older and it was your team than knew the password. They would try to restrain you. Sometimes they sit on your back...punch you in the dick...spit on you... it was GLORIOUS.
Did you have a similar game ,lads?...lads?
me after 1 year of lifting and nofap
I only remember playing truth or dare with classmates and a girl that i actually liked getting disgusted and quiting the game when dared to kiss me on the cheek
It's a Russian game(obviously) Кaзaки-paзбoйники
They do this ''directions'' shit, but I don't remember us doing that.
It sounds heartbreaking.
so that's why russians do krokodil
Sheeet, Vitautas
You made Angļu in to Anglų