>Nano has 756 TPS. For a self-proclaimed global currency, it’s a total joke. VISA can handle over 56 000 TPS. Nano’s claim to be global currency is either delusional or a fraud.
>First coin on Amazon/eBay/etc will be the global currency. Nano’s avoiding partnership. Nano will lose and go to zero.
>No smart contracts. Cannot compete with other coins.
>Must run expensive nodes for free. Insane and untested business model.
>One single miner can destroy the network via ddos with 500 gpus at no cost.
>Devs are jumping ship. Insiders obviously know nano is riddled with terminal flaws and future problems.
>Nano team marketing strategy is to have no marketing strategy.
>Nano team adoption strategy is to have no adoption strategy. Doomed. Will go to zero.
>Nano follows same strategy as Betamax vs VHS and HD vs BluRay.
>Nano team are dangerous business amateurs. Pushed Bitgrail when clearly a dangerous exchange. Guaranteed bomber as a good guy. Rebranded to nano right before Bitgrail exploded. Retarded decision. Marketing disaster.
>Nano team are dangerous tech amateurs. Don’t understand the difference between Random (not cryptographically secure) and SecureRandom. Don’t even understand basic cryptography. Total amateurs – a disaster in the waiting.
>Nano is using seriously old-school shit and unreliable UDP, a web protocol created in 1980. Stone age technology.
>Hired pretty girl, G. Coxton, who’s done nothing. Why’s she not on YouTube pushing nano?
>Constant node issues. Withdrawals suspended on several exchanges due to vulnerability multiple times. Cannot function as a currency and will just fade away.
>Ongoing lawsuits against nano devs personally and nano foundation. Will drive price down, they could go bankrupt.
>Same whales that pumped and dumped nano first time (-98% from ATH) are doing it again. The delusional nano hodlers will be stripped of their money again.
>Anyone investing in this shitcoin deserves to loose their money. It will crash and go to zero.
Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano
Other urls found in this thread:
Pls let these reddit holders get justed
shh, let the pump and dump happen
> Nano has 756 TPS.
haven't read past your first sentence, you're implying 756 TPS is the cap, but doesn't mention those 756 TPS were from a private benchmark.
If these problems are not fixed fast, Nano will crash hard and got to Zero. They could get away with it in Dec 2016, but the crypto space is far too crowded now, with really good competing projects without these insane and unaddressed terminal flaws. Investors going in on these levels deserve to lose everything. Dev team is too small and operates more like a high school weekend project.
Nano was promoted as a 7000 TPS in Dec 2016. This was borderline a scam, as serious security issues had to be addressed later on and reduced the TPS to only 200-300. I used the numbers from the last stress test. Even if you double that under perfect conditions sometime in the future,there is absolutely no way Nano will be a global currency. It's like claiming a bus will be able to fly if you only drive it fast enough. You are the typical Nano fanboy that truly deserves to lose all your money. You didn't bother to read about the other flaws. Deliberate ignorance is a deadly sin in the crypto market. Good luck with that strategy.
Way too crowded now? Compared to winter 2017, when they got away with it and the marketcap was 3x of todays?
>Nano has 756 TPS.
Which is not the cap, as it's from a private benchmark.
>First coin on Amazon/eBay/etc will be the global currency. Nano’s avoiding partnership. Nano will lose and go to zero.
Why should they avoid a partnership with amazon or ebay? Are you on drugs?
>No smart contracts. Cannot compete with other coins.
BTC is #1 and has no smart contracts. Nano is purely built for payments, instant, feeless and green, everything what bitcoin should be.
>Must run expensive nodes for free. Insane and untested business model.
"expensive"? You can run a node for free with AWS/Google Cloud etc., companies who accept nano will also run their own nodes.
>One single miner can destroy the network via ddos with 500 gpus at no cost.
lol no, Nano is based on vote-weightening, you can't "destroy the network" without having more than 51% vote weight.
>Devs are jumping ship. Insiders obviously know nano is riddled with terminal flaws and future problems.
Which devs? Show some proof of the "terminal flaws".
>Nano team marketing strategy is to have no marketing strategy.
Do some research on grassroots marketing.
>Nano team adoption strategy is to have no adoption strategy. Doomed. Will go to zero.
That's why they have android and ios wallets out already.
>Nano follows same strategy as Betamax vs VHS and HD vs BluRay.
Are you serious?
>Nano team are dangerous business amateurs. Pushed Bitgrail when clearly a dangerous exchange. Guaranteed bomber as a good guy. Rebranded to nano right before Bitgrail exploded. Retarded decision. Marketing disaster.
I agree, it wasn't the best handling, but this is still no deal-breaker.
>Nano team are dangerous tech amateurs. Don’t understand the difference between Random (not cryptographically secure) and SecureRandom. Don’t even understand basic cryptography. Total amateurs – a disaster in the waiting.
Because of the android wallet mistake? Maybe you should check the nano source, that should be enough proof that they know what they are doing.
>Nano is using seriously old-school shit and unreliable UDP, a web protocol created in 1980. Stone age technology.
lol dude, udp is used in almost every online game you are playing, because it's fast and stateless, why should they use tcp?
>Hired pretty girl, G. Coxton, who’s done nothing. Why’s she not on YouTube pushing nano?
Hiring pretty girls is a bad thing?
>Constant node issues. Withdrawals suspended on several exchanges due to vulnerability multiple times. Cannot function as a currency and will just fade away.
Which is 99% of the time the fault of the exchange, they are just too lazy to implement nano properly.
>Ongoing lawsuits against nano devs personally and nano foundation. Will drive price down, they could go bankrupt.
From lawsuit-trolls, yes. Read them, they are baseless.
>Same whales that pumped and dumped nano first time (-98% from ATH) are doing it again. The delusional nano hodlers will be stripped of their money again.
Not really.
>Anyone investing in this shitcoin deserves to loose their money. It will crash and go to zero.
Eventually, like any other coin.
You haven't read anything, as you are just throwing around baseless fud without any proof.
With crowded market I mean COMPETITION from other projects. When has market cap EVER been used in crowded market analysis?
Pic, typical Nano hodler getting assraped since Jan 2018, - buying some more. Good luck with your shitcoin!
I remember this faggot from two days ago. How are those returns on those EOS games you play?
>Which is not the cap, as it's from a private benchmark.
That is the best number we have available. You want to get back to the 7 000 TPS fraud numbers from la-la land that we got presented in Dec 2017?
Hopefully Zilliqa will pull off and end the discussion, tired of seeing medicore/shit platforms at the top.
Bitconnect was doing great for a long time. I warned against them as well. How is it going with your huge bag of bitconnect coins? Don't trust me, trust the Nano devs. Pic.
The 7k tps are from a testnet benchmark (still nice try to fud), It's still a long way to go to achieve that number, but 756 tps is definitely not the cap, also nano only needs to achieve around 2k tps per sec to compete with credit card providers, even if their max. cap is 50k tps, it's way more than the network requires.
>Which is not the cap, as it's from a private benchmark.
That's the best numbers we have available for analysis. You prefer to use the fraudulent fairy tale numbers we were presented in Dec 2017? 7 000 TPS. Compare even the fraudulent numbers with Visa's 56 000 TPS. How can Nano ever be a global currency? How will you ever reach those numbers with your Nano model?
>Why should they avoid a partnership with amazon or ebay? Are you on drugs?
They have publicly stated multiple times that they don't seek any kind of partnership as currencies like Dollars do not have partnerships. National currencies are legally protected and in most cases have a monopoly, not so with crypto currencies. They clearly do not understand the business aspect of the crypto currency market.
>BTC is #1 and has no smart contracts. Nano is purely built for payments, instant, feeless and green, everything what bitcoin should be.
Nano is competing with other currencies that do offer smart contracts in the future. Why would people use a product with less features? It's like arguing for a car without roof and windows, as none of them had it in the beginning. That transportation was the only thing people valued and paid for. Flawed understanding of the business aspect and the market.
>"expensive"? You can run a node for free with AWS/Google Cloud etc., companies who accept nano will also run their own nodes.
Then you have centralization. How long will Google pay huge sums for nothing, if ever Nano becomes a global currency? Has Nano ever done a cost analysis of their free nodes model? If not, why not?
Holy shit post this on leddit nano and watch as they crumble away. Give me a few minutes to transfer my gains tho sempai
>lol no, Nano is based on vote-weightening, you can't "destroy the network" without having more than 51% vote weight.
I am talking about a spam attack. With costless transactions, how does Nano plan to protect the network against massive spam attacks with millions of transactions, costing the spammer next to nothing to execute?
>Which devs? Show some proof of the "terminal flaws".
Zack Shapiro. Why would core dev leave this great project, if he truly believed in it? What good reason has Shapiro ever given? If none, why not? I have already pointed out multiple flaws with Nano.
>Do some research on grassroots marketing
When as there ever been produced a global consumer product that was successful with only grass root marketing? How many cars do you know of, with only grass root marketing. Why do Coca Cola spend close to 4 billion USD when they can only rely on free grass root marketing as Nano plan to do? Why have NO serious provider ever adopted this novel and genius free marketing strategy of "grass root marketing"?
>That's why they have android and ios wallets out already
That's not a strategy. Google the term. Where can I find Nano's adoption strategy? I can produce the world's best car, but if I only dump in in my backyard for customers to find, late at night, I do not have a marketing strategy. Dumping a flawed wallet with major security flaws is not a marketing strategy. Not even a bad one.
>Are you serious?: - //Nano follows same strategy as Betamax vs VHS and HD vs BluRay.//
Nano claims to have a technological advantage, compared to their competitors. That is a false claim, but leaving that aside, - Nano claims to not having to do any effort besides providing a superior technological product. That was the the same strategy Betamax and HD DVD used. Relying far too much on technical issues and not mass adoption and marketing strategy.
>also nano only needs to achieve around 2k tps per sec to compete with credit card providers
That is average transactions. Your strategy (Nano strategy) will completely crash the network during high volume holidays, like Christmas etc. It is dangerous to see you and Nano devs not understanding even basic economics.
Visa, Mastercard etc only have a small fraction of the total volume of buying and selling. Any crypto currency on their level or below is doomed to fail in the market and go to zero. Vitalik Buterin understands this and aim for Ethereum to be able to handle minimum one million transactions per second [1]. Nano devs are delusional with their 756 TPS, even if they are able to 10x their TPS, it is still delusional and a total joke. What are they thinking?
[1] ccn.com
I am banned on Nano leddit.
They banned you for posting what you posted in the OP?
Honestly reddit is a terrible forum format.
Sorry about the crude pic, but I want to warn investors so they don't lose their savings. A Nano disaster will harm the whole crypto ecosystem as well.
I started to ask some basic questions and quickly got banned. I was never able to address all my concerns.
Why listen to me when you can listen to the Nano devs?
I'm a NANO holder myself but the ass hurt this thread has caused is glorious.
>Because of the android wallet mistake?
It is more than just a mistake. Cryptography is their core business. If they make shockingly basic and amateur errors in their core expertise it is not a mistake, but a disaster. Selling deadly pills for a pharmacy company, due to a basic error, is not a mistake for the company, but a disaster.
>lol dude, udp is used in almost every online game you are playing, because it's fast and stateless, why should they use tcp?
UDP is definitely not known as a truly reliable protocol. It makes no guarantees for delivery or the order of messages and does not confirm or authenticate the sender.
>Hiring pretty girls is a bad thing?
You forgot the doing nothing part. That is somewhat crucial. With Bitgrail as a background it is borderline obscene. She might be great on YouTube. Why is she not utilized? Is she there for the joy of the dev team and not Nano investors? The people actually paying the bills?
>Which is 99% of the time the fault of the exchange, they are just too lazy to implement nano properly.
Has Nano ever had high volume transactions on nodes without serious issues for, say, a three months period? Without frozen assets, deposit and withdrawal down. Missing transactions. If not, that should tell you something.
>From lawsuit-trolls, yes. Read them, they are baseless.
See pic. There are more. Imagine a top manager in Coca Cola saying something similar causing Coca Cola customers to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. Sometimes their whole life savings. Causing very likely known suicides. Do you believe there would be a lawsuit against Coca Cola?
>Not really: //Same whales that pumped and dumped nano first time (-98% from ATH) are doing it again. The delusional nano hodlers will be stripped of their money again.//
There are no news or fundamentals that would cause the insane 400% gain in less than two weeks. No correction. Jumping from rank 50 to 23 on coinmarketcap without any known cause. This is a classic text book example of whale manipulation, something that will cause small investors to lose a lot of money.
>Eventually, like any other coin: //Anyone investing in this shitcoin deserves to loose their money. It will crash and go to zero.//
No. Only shitcoins will go to zero. Useful coins will mass adaption will have tremendous value in the future, unless they are banned by politicians, globally.
I thought it was quite funny they began advertising 7000 TPS back when it had not yet handled 7000 transactions in a single day. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good scam.
>UDP is definitely not known as a truly reliable protocol. It makes no guarantees for delivery or the order of messages and does not confirm or authenticate the sender.
There is nothing inherently wrong with using UDP as long as the application handles verification of delivery. For example OpenVPN basically runs SSL over UDP and it has no problems being secure.
>visa can handle 56000 tps
Every coin can do this when they have 3 days to confirm a transaction
There are news, you just haven’t realized it yet. You’ll get there though, don’t worry.
You as a customer only care that you can have flawless 56 000 transactions per second. That they ramble on with bookkeeping for days in the background is irrelevant for the customers and businesses actually using VISA. That is what crypto must compete against. If they can't, they are dead in the water.
There are NO news, no fundamental behind this pump and dump. Small investors will again lose a lot of money thanks to this shitcoin. Even if true, it only means that again the devs and other insiders are able to make millions, as with Bitgrail, while ordinary Nano investors get totally rekt.
No you don't. You care that it says approved after you swipe your card. No one even knew the tps of visa before bitcoin came along
the nano shill brigade is just so people can get the fuck out with worse losses than 98 % LMAO
That's what I said. To make it more clear. Visa guarantees for the transaction immediately and can handle 56 000 TPS. Bookkeeping and final confirmation back office is irrelevant for customers and businesses. Nano's 756 TPS is a joke and will crash to zero, unless there is some miracle that can fix the fundamental design flaws in Nano.
UDP causes unnecessary high traffic and unreliability. It's like aiming to be the premier aircraft producer and only use propeller technology. It is nothing inherently wrong with propeller, it just makes it very hard to compete with other providers using more advanced and better technology.
Nano is shit but you don't know what you're talking about. UDP is much more light-weight than TCP, and having to re-deliver a few duplicate packets once in a while is better than dealing with massive overhead on every single packet. Blockchains don't need guaranteed delivery on every packet and are specifically designed to handle inconsistencies and data gaps.
Please keep crying this pasta fud is getting funnier every day as nano leaves you and your shit coins in the dust. Actually being too retarded to spot a 95% dip , not buy it and then get autistically mad to the point of writing my angry projections onto the internet. LMFAO KEEP MISSING OUT BIZ LOL
You are clueless. Stability and reliability are paramount for a crypto network.
I've been working on distributed networks for 6 years. If you tried to tell a network engineer that they should use TCP for their distributed network you would be laughed out of the room. It's utterly retarded. Stability and reliability are absolutely not paramount to a distributed network. They are designed to be as fault tolerant as possible and to work smoothly under the worst of conditions.
Based user. Rekt the salty crybaby
this basically.
t. Linux sys admin.
>If you tried to tell a network engineer that they should use TCP for their distributed network you would be laughed out of the room. It's utterly retarded
Great. You just stated that Colin LeMahieu is a moron. Great job defending flawed Nano. This is HIS comment:
The feedback from people who are experts in networking has been that we’ll be a lot more resilient and compatible using TCP than UDP as its currently supported on the internet. The opinion is that in general the network infrastructure prioritizes UDP traffic lower and global multicast isn’t really rolled out currently.
At the least having TCP compatibility allows the node to use proxies and services like TOR.
I want to maintain that everything is compatible with using UDP in perpetuity and hopefully we can keep push for better adoption.
Source: reddit.com
>Great job defending flawed Nano.
Did you miss the part where I said Nano is shit?
>hurr let's create TCP connections for all of our neighbours what could go wrong
the TCP handshake is too costly. UDP would make it run much faster.
>Did you miss the part where I said Nano is shit?
Did you miss the joy and glee of the Nano fanboys reading your comment? So are you saying lead Nano dev Colin is a dangerous amateur moron?
>So are you saying lead Nano dev Colin is a dangerous amateur moron?
He's clearly not a networking expert.
>He's clearly not a networking expert.
That should give some confidence to the Nano investors /s.
I couldn't give two shits about nano investors. You're still a complete retard for arguing about something you know nothing about just because you have a chip on your shoulder.
You are clearly in love with your beloved UDP. Stop taking it personally. You are just reinforcing the stereotype that tech guys are incapable to dealing with humans and borderline pscyhos. You clearly don't understand the very nature of crypto compared to other networks.
>Stop taking it personally
Nice projection there m8. I'm just pointing out that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>I'm just pointing out that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Yeah, not taking it personally at all.....
Why would anyone listen to a brainlet who pretends to be an authority on things he's completely ignorant about in order to push an agenda? Go back to your hole.
>don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
That would be for lead core Nano dev Colin LeMahieu as well. I hope that Nano investors are paying attention
>Why would anyone listen to a brainlet who pretends to be an authority on things he's completely ignorant about in order to push an agenda? Go back to your hole.
Yeah. Not a Nano investor at all /s.
Just very passionate about UDP. To bad you were so stupid that you trashed the very solution the leading Nano dev has chosen and should have done long time ago. Must be hard for you to be so retarded. Nice work. Calm down. Don't get hysterical, queenie.
Sorry, hysterical dude, presenting yourself as some neutral expert utterly backfired. Colin agrees with me. He is just too slow and had to go to experts to get the necessary basic knowledge. Not a very good sign for Nano.
Huh? You’re just as retarded as OP... Visa is a bunch of small nodes that individually handle less than 1000 p/s... around the world in total is different than per node... if anyone says over 1000, they’re misleading you with a different stat... holy shit how is this not easy to understand.
just buy Skycoin for god sake
Consumers care about the aggregated net effect of TPS. Couldn't care less whether or not that is on one node, many nodes, many nodes combined etc.
imagine being this autisticly butt flustered about an imaginary internet coin.
I am actually concerned that no one in this thread (from what I've read) has been able to actually address any of these concerns in OP, in a manner other than 'oh so retarded I'm not even going to bother'
People lost hundreds of millions last time. Some committed suicide. This might happen again. I am just here to warn and try to get some answers.
I can imagine someone being frustrated at listing some legitimate concerns to find out in responses that NO ONE has been able to actually address the concerns.
Are you below triple digits in IQ dude?
I never trusted Bomber and Shapiro, so got all my Nano out of Bigrail. After the stolen Nanos was confirmed, there was especially one thread on Reddit that I remember. One person said he had nothing in life, Nano was his only hope and now he lost everything he had and every hope for his life. That he would end it all. Some contacted him and tried to persuade him not to commit suicide and some wanted to give him Nano. After 10+20 minutes he went totally silent. It looked very genuine and was kind of frightening. There were many comments like that and it is not unreasonable to believe that some indeed did commit suicide after these devastating losses. It was honestly heartbreaking. What shocked me the most was the total lack of empathy and concern from the Dev team. Especially perpetual smiling and happy Shapiro. It looked like they couldn't care less. I was disgusted.
''I've been working on distributed networks for 6 years''
He didn't rek shit you retard.
DYOR and fuckoff
>Nano has 756 TPS
stopped reading there, NANO has already been stress tested to 7000 TPS, and there's no theoretical upper limit, you just have to use the fast nodes
thanks, just bought 10k
Good luck.
You have nothing and can't address any of the points raised in OP.
And no I won't.
You can always trust the Nano dev team.
this shit gets posted daily and has been debunked numerous times. dyor you spoonfeed virgin
what's the matter, fag? do currency coins threaten your people's usury scam business model?
((shapiro)) left the team, shortly thereafter NANO starts to moon. stay assblasted faggot
>this shit gets posted daily and has been debunked numerous times
Bullshit. Give me your best arguments.
I don't have nano and never will, but why create coin hate threads?
I understand shilling to buy your bags, but why not just ignore then coin, which is much worse than igniting discussion about it?
i don't need to, i already know the answers.
Yeah, right. I am sure potential Nano investors and nervous bag holders are super happy with that answer. Why even bother to comment on public forum?
>((shapiro)) left the team, shortly thereafter NANO starts to moon. stay assblasted faggot
Nano crashed hard after Shapiro left. Not because he was any good, but when devs are leaving the sinking ship (esp. Jews, who have no loyalty and just follow the money and are usually the first to jump ship at first sign of trouble), that is a scary sign for the market.
Price crashed to 0.8 ...then the whales stepped in, have pumped the price to dump it hard again.
Pic, (((Zack Shapiro))) before he earned millions that he could take out of Bitgrail, while others were waiting in line for KYC and then eventually got scammed for 80% of their money.
imagine being so booty disturbed that you start posting from another IP because I called you out for being butt flustered by an imaginary internet coin
I am not a native English speaker. The other person clearly is. You are deluded. Sorry that you Nano fanboys have zero answer to my basic questions. Who the hell would want to invest in that shitcoin with these questions unanswered? Are you Nano manicas on drugs? Pic related.
See you at $1000