Jow Forums haircuts
Jow Forums haircuts
Bald boomer here. 2's all around.
super kek
Maximum soi
Balding zboomer here. Itching to get #0 all around again.
0 all around
This is the only right answer. Looks professional and makes vaginas drip.
Regardless of what the haircut is, just please get your hair cut at least every 3 weeks. Guys always try to push to 1-2 months between cuts and that's why your hair looks terrible, not the style itself.
I always do the side part. Classic.
Serious business.
>t. hair cut salesman
Nice try.
I used to be that guy but lately have been getting it every 3 weeks. Gives me more confidence too.
Shit, how did you know I was that Jew.
It cost me $25 a pop for each cut.
t. shitskin
Why exactly 3 weeks? Every time I read some haircut/fashion article this 3 week rule is repeated.
Good answer
Only acceptable office cut in here
>have natural curly hair
>never need some gay generic haircut everybody has
Because your hair is pretty much grown out of its style at that stage
>curly hair
hop on dut or kys
only if you have the skull to rock it
lmaoo copefag on dutasteride saying anyone else is cope
kys my man
Same but with beard
t. manbun
enjoy getting fucked by the haircut jew
Idk if I can pull this off my hair is so fine.
I'm 20 and my mom cut my hair every 2 months because a haircut costs too much. What should I do ?
This. The most professional haircut you can have.
Find someone cheaper, or go with a less-complicated cut.
Yes, a manbun is the one exception to the haircut frequency rule.
I hope you don't just tie it back, but that you also put product in your hair -- that's the difference between an aesthetic manbun and a sloppy one (because of flyaways).
Just shave it myself once every week or two. 3/8 inch. Looks intimidating.
Cost: $0
What's this cut called?
>Every 3 weeks
Fuck right off jew.
Based bjorn Ironside
Ivar is better tho
I tie it back every day no product brush and wash once a week with diluted apple cider vinegar all naturale works a treat...
Everyone "cutting" his head with his trimmer because of convenience has lost control of its life.
Been there done that, just trust me. The moment you will start this it will go only downhill afterwards...
looks like lawnmower went over his head lul
Because the industry is trying to make that a "rule" like the
>hurr put down 3 months' salary 4 ur wife's diamond "rule"
I also only let scissors around my hair
why you posted /lgbt/ haircuts
I‘m 27 and my sister cuts my hair every sunday
this. finding a hairstyle that fits your face and actually maintaining it has a fucking huge impact on your overall look.
if you live in europe consider one of the many turkish haircutters which you can find anywhere, shouldnt run you more than 10 euro
This is literally my hair right now. 1:1 except I'm older. What do
Quiff. That line separating the short hair from the long hair on top is called a hard part. It looks great at the barber shop but your hair grows out and it kind of disappears in a week or two.
most duds that try to pull this hair cut off look like white trash niggers, sorry. Look at that bafoon this world cup from Croatia lol what a fucking goon
ah yes, slav haircut for men #13
Protip: Get your own buzzy tool and clippers and watch some Youtube videos about how to cut hair. It is actually really easy to cut your own hair, hard to fuck it up, and easy to blend it in if you do fuck up horribly. Barbers actually have basically no skill and they rely on the fact that most people are too cowardly to even try cutting their own hair.
im growing it out, 9 months in
want that surfer hair
Spend your money on things that don't give you money back, goy! 200€ each year is got do it every 3 weeks
wish I was a mammal
checked hh
Just ask your hairdresser for a hitler youth haircut
Hope your barber isnt black lmao
I havent had a haircut in 18 months, kys jewfag
>willingly giving money to blacks
Not gonna make it.
So... you still have flyaways, and it's a sloppy look? Ok.
Yes, exactly. If you really need to, you can cut your own hair at least every 3 weeks, especially if you figure out a simple style that works for you. Even better: find a male friend and you can learn how to cut each others' hair to swap favors.
If you don't care how your hair looks, you don't need to read a thread about haircuts.
Just know that other people notice your bad hair.
suprised this wasn't posted earlier and this has no comments. but yeah this is the only option obviously. let me know when they have the shirts available again
>Red polish on nails
Bro don't he a fag. Nice haircut though
Baby nazi. It's a children's haircut
Looks like a faggot desu
>20 years old
I want to kill myself.
Layered on top & blended sides. This non-intimidating "classic" cut has a subconscious effect on people. They let their guard down around me so it ultimately gives me an advantage in business negotiations
I unironically have thought about setting up a fake barber shop, shaving some guys hair off and then seeing if I could outrun him. Should I go for it? I'd keep his $20 too
top soi
I had beautiful long fabio hair then I cut it all off now I'm depressed
Congrats: you've been cured of the gay.
long hair is for the manliest of men only
other people opinion means 0 basedboy
Long hair is for men who want to look like women.
baldlet cope
dont forget this one
Severely underrated. Also checked.
hey hey heyyyyyyyyy
drax them sklounst
many Jow Forumstards lost their hair during the 2018 drop
Haven't had a haircut in 5 months because I have to wear a hat at work so it just flows to the side and back but I'll get one in a week due to it being hot
>wasting your mlney on overpriced low quality shit because the vendor is white.
Not gonna make it
>t. Shlomoshe Davidmann Shekelbergstein
its called "2015-2018's "i basically just look like whatever the internet tells me to" haircut of the year"
Just ask your barber for the "fuck my shit up special' and that's what you'll get
ITT Cucks
all of you are fucking faggots.
i buzz my hair without a guard at the 1st of every month.
i save $500/yr on haircuts this way.
>stay assmad and poor bc you pay the haircut jew
>imagine being so mad in life that youre this guy