Brits and Frenchies hated and fought each other since middle ages lel

Brits and Frenchies hated and fought each other since middle ages lel

What made them "friends" against Germany in 20th century? What happened?

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The Crimean war and the alliance that endured after it.


pretty sure they were friends before germany

weakness and fear


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Anyone please!! What is that game from his OP's pic!!

mario kart

Simple, France's power declined sharply, so Britons stopped seeing them as their primary enemy in favor of the rising power of Germany.

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When two countries just have common enemy, it's make them "friends"?
They just fought Nazi Germany because it was threat for both of them.
Also France was occupied and official government was pro-Nazi, the resistance there was in underground. All anti-Nazi military formations were based by Allies. De Gaulle was pretty anti-american, therefore anti-british after war ended.

plague tale

de gaulle was arrogant ungrateful mutt

Entente cordiale basically: agreeing to settle colonial disputes over diplomacy. The German threat obviously facilitated this, since both nation's interests aligned against those of the Reich.

why are the krauts always trying to ruin Europe?


It's the Anglos who are hellbent on destroying Europe.

Louis XIV wants to unite Europe: Anglos attack him.
Napoleon wants to unite Europe: Anglos attack him.
Willy wants to unite Europe: Anglos chimp out
Adolf wants to unite Europe: Anglos mad
EU wants a united Europe: Anglos can't contain their butthurt

Anglophilia is a disease.

Only the first two could have possibly created a half-decent United Europe. E.U. is a dead meme and I don't even have to say anything about the other two.

It's was never about destruction it was about maintaining the balance of power.

I disagree: Louis XIV and Richelieu kept the whole century working to prevent the unification of German states and to fight the Habsburg's universalist imperial policy.
But I agree on the whole: a small island tucked in the corner of Europe is irrelevant to the rest of the continent. Its therefore in its interest to keep the said continent to unifiy. A coherent Europe perspective wishing to unite into one super state would have to invade and subdue the non-complying states within its borders (UK, Switzerland, Norway.) It cannot allow independant insiders if it hopes to stand united to face Turkey, Russia, China and the US.

The Germans had litte choice after their unification: little land was left in the world to colonize and its ambitions were european rather than international due to this fact.

Napoleon was really fool.
If he wasn't go to Russia, and left it alone, Europe would be peaceful empire with Bonapart dinasty and no world wars in the past.

Probably. Hitler made the same mistake.

But Brits wouldn't let him alone.