Those Chinese house-renting apps are amazing

>Users rent an apartment via these apps
>App operating company collapse
>Being notified that they were not actually paying for the rent, but instead they are repaying the loan which the company have applied for them
>House owner stopped receiving payments from the company and thus are going to kick the occupiers out
>And of course deposits are also gone with the company
>So now users get kicked out of their rented apartment, still have to pay loan and can't get back their money either

Attached: Xbs--hifuvpf6432544.jpg (550x466, 20K)

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Rentberry is going to own these shitty Chinese rental apps

I don't think regulation authorities in China would allow it to happen

Fucking Chinks. The Chinks renting probably love and respect being ripped off like that, that's what they think good business is.

It's China. There's no regulations, it's about who you know and can bribe.

Didn't you could sign up other people for loans and get the money yourself. How does that work.

It seems like those companies behind these apps cooperated with different lending agencies to provide loans to customers, so when they sign the rental contract by clicking buttons in their app, users would have already agreed to taking the loan and giving them to the company behind those apps

Just another example of why you should never invest or trust the chinks


And this is why companies who don't want to get fucked over won't invest there (I.e. 99.999999% of companies).
Chinks don't get that if you behave like niggers, people will automatically respond to you as if you are niggers. Around a chink, don't blink.

I don't think they would be concerned by it even when they realize

China ain't shit. No one will miss anything if they skip the vaunted Chink market. Plus if the people don't fuck you over at some point, the government almost definitely well.
Only thing to use China for is to impregnate one of their women.

You had me up until spawning a little demi-insect. Seek help.

>go to China
>try to rent a room
>end up with no room and a loan
Anyone who chooses to travel to mainland China deserves what comes to them. HK and Macau are acceptable.

If they read the agreements rather than blindly clicking "accept" to them, then this would have been easily avoided. Those illiterate chinks deserve to lose their money.

Dude no one should be able to apply someone for a loan like that. This shit wouldn't fly under US law and probably other countries laws.

> go to china
> try to rent a room
> they accept bitcoin cash
> transfer 5 BCC to changs account

Attached: financiallyindependent.jpg (800x450, 31K)

>This shit wouldn't fly under US law and probably other countries laws.
Because their credit systems are more developed. Please learn Chinese history

>go to usa
>get robbed and beaten on street
>tell cops
>they call me a fag and tell me to go back to cuckland
True story, happened to me last "fall".

>he didn't beat/stab/shoot the attacker to death legally under his natural constitutional rights
Stay in Cuccland, we don't fuck around over here

It was a black lol

link to a legit story regarding this? I'm always interested in obtaining more concrete proof china is terrible.

I'm not saying I recommend doing so, just that that would be the only saving grace about them. I already have a child and I didn't need to breed with a chink. Seeing how I'm getting on with western women post-divorce I'm considering a chink or more likely a nip.
And actually now that you mention it, what put me off doing so is the concern that I might sire a supreme gentleman.
It's a last resort man, remember a lot of these fags are virgins, so it might give them a chance.
Here is a pretty good Chinese anti leadership paper it's based in Hong Kong
It's basicly a list of crimes against the only two """democratic""" provinces in China, Europeans gave their colonies back in China under a contract that the colonists rights would be respected and democracy would be instituted and the Chinese have basicly shit on the contracts they made with the Eurocuccs.

Considering the Europeans violated Chinese agreements against selling drugs to the mainland as a pretext to take hongkong and Macau. I’d say fair is fair.

Neither side is right. The Europeans were wrong to deceive in the first place (maybe this has a little bit to do with why the chinks don't mind doing the same), and the chinks are wrong for imposing their fucked up communist capitalist shit on people who were doing just fine without them.
Hong Kong especially is fucked, it's gonna look like any chink shithole in 30 yrs.

Are you a paid Chinese shill? The Chinese government literally abducted foreign nationals/Hong Kong citizens for selling books about Chinese politicians, it's not like the Chinese are violating a buisness contract or something they're violating basic human rights in ways that are illegal under the Hong Kong and Macau constitution and the Eurocuck handover agreements.

An invasion by Europoors does not warrant kidnapping, rigged Democracy, supression of speech that is legal under normal common law jurisdictions besides HK, I can go on forever the Europoors making a colony dosen't justify typical shitty communist behavior

He probably is desu. They are on western online media in force because they can't have the buyers of their crap start to question what a fucking disgusting country they are.

? Did I say something factually incorrect to rustle your jimmies? Europeans broke Chinese law by exporting, distributing and producing opium in China. And when China fought back they lost Hong Kong and Macau. So who really did not honour the rule of law in th first place? China at least obeyed the full term of the agreeement, land lease for 99 years. And now they’ve learned from the Europeans. Agreements aren’t shit if you don’t have the power to enforce them. Fair is fair, they both did some jackass at the time because they could get away with it. That’s realpolitiks.

Chinks only know how to scam. let this be a warning to all you white boys out there, DO NOT INVEST IN CHINKS.

(except for their women, you can invest in them because they almost all want a white guy and would gladly cut off their chinese boyfriend's penis if it meant even a slim chance of being with you)

>being scared of blacks
this isn't your faggot country, we don't get any backlash from killing blacks here

>t. That’s realpolitiks.
Hah this much is true.

Anyway I go on many tech forums like hn and the amount of Chinese shills there is staggering. Any anti chink story and they come crawling out of the woodwork.

By the looks of this thread they've infiltrated Jow Forums

The dishonesty of these “””people””” amaze me.

Don’t the renters have some sort of legal recourse?

So point out to me which part seems biased to you? Did I embellish or lie? Or does anybody who disagree with you a shill? Grow the fuck up.

Yeah it's obvious. Most boards are way too smart to not see through them instantly.

>legal recourse
Pick 1
This is a country where fucking over the next guy is a national pastime
Their courts don't give a fuck


this is a new meme. Explain.

Is deceit and unfettered greed and a willingness to rob others blind a racial or cultural trait of the Chinese people?

Ask your supervisor, Wang. I don't help lying gooks.

Well okay, that was a real good explanation. You should step outside and get some air. I think this Cambodian fingerpainting forum is starting to make you retarded and incomprehensible.

It's so ingrained that at this point it's probably both. I'm only worried that my country (UK) will end up more under their influence post brexit. I hope to leave if that happens. This country is fucked anyway.

If you order something from me in mainland China, say an Xbox One, and I send you an original Xbox, the authorities will not do anything, I might even be able to send you a PS1. If you order 10 pounds of lead pipes and I send you 2 pounds of copper bent up scrap pipes I ripped out a house that would likely be legal, the bar for a fraud charge is very high in Chinese court.

>i say i lent you for apartment, not rent you apartment

Attached: ce6.jpg (501x585, 41K)

That's... wow.

Attached: yukopalm.png (274x320, 91K)