There are people on this board right now that aren't all in NKN. Can you imagine?

There are people on this board right now that aren't all in NKN. Can you imagine?

Attached: B9EA9974-5A9B-4264-8F7D-D73C80D7C546.jpg (200x200, 19K)

I just got denied for a loan to buy more. Feels bad man.

Fuck off

I have so many screencaps from fags like you and when this retires me in 6 months I'm going to have a lot of free time to share them. Better buy some rope now.

can you loan me 1.5k ?

Attached: mid.png (426x36, 1K)

Sorry fren but I'm dumping every spare wagebuck I have into Yanbocoin

>doesn't realize how stupid and pajeety "all in" on a small cap coin sounds.
If your portfolio is 3 digits and you're looking for a lottery ticket, sure. Assuming 90+% of NKN's volume is bot washing, many of us could probably trip their fucky little algos if we went in for more than a side bet.

alright 150 dorrars and I mail you a razer naga

>playing it safe in crypto
To each their own cuck boy. I've done my research and feel comfy as fuck with my 150k (and growing) stack. Been doing this since the start of 2017 and this is the most obvious moon mission I've ever seen.

If you are still accumulating, then why shill it?

Holding some yeah, but all in ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

no, if you studied this coin, you'd understand why it's not retarded at all...

you will just wait for validation... and maybe go all in when it's $10B MCcoin, i understand average people's mentality.

If you studied this board you’d understand that most people here want to beat you to death with a baseball bat.

Hey can you loan me 1.5k? 15% apr

I hold plenty, but all in on anything is completely retarded, period.

HOT will shit all over this

sure, pm me

I'm not even really shilling I just like hanging with other NKNfags. The train is leaving the station regardless.

PM @LY6PuE21
alright what do you need? I think my SSN and credit information should be enough right ?

I'm not all in, was somewhat shitposting in OP but it is one of my largest holdings

I'm holding some HOT as well but they aren't even competitors. And NKN has a much higher chance of actually being adopted since it leverages existing infrastructure vs HOT which is more of a pipe dream. Either way, they aren't even close to the same thing. Maybe do 5 minutes of research so you don't look like yet another low IQ Holo shill.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-09 23-27-30.png (1340x757, 100K)

If thats true, then do us all a favour and stop making nkn threads. We know about it, and thanks to this recent nkn shillfest, all of reddit will soon know about it also.