The day after

>the day after
no one's talking to me
the guy i worked with moved himself to another department

one of the guys, younger than me, started to lecture me that what i did was stupid and i should've considered their feelings about all this

Attached: 6854_lYIsGEWk.png (600x600, 35K)

What did you do?

tried to kermit suicide

Nigga no one keeps track of your shit, this isn’t a blog. Start over from the beginning.

>tried to commit suicide
>couldn't, sat on the ledge for over 2 hours
>co-workers found me and managed to talk me out of it
>the aftermath, the day after
and so here we are

i don't know anything about your situation or who you are but i don't think you should take your life user

it's fine
i'm fine now i think

just recently, a co-worker told me i'm not suited for this kind of job if this is how i'm going to act
so i guess after this, i'll either start up my own business and work alone or do something else entirely

good luck

thanks bud

what's your job?

Just try again and don't fuck up, that'll show those pricks for treating you like that after your attempt.

What kind of fucking retarded CO-WORKER lectures you with "i should've considered their feelings about all this"? The only people that can get away with that sort of sentiment are family.

Don’t kill yourself. There will be time when you will feel better. Trust me, I was there.

>try to kill yourself
>some young idiot tells you you're stupid and should have considered how they would feel even though they don't know you or care about you
Be honest: would you expect any more from normies?

>kys, that'll show em!
are you retarded or underage?

There's that infamous German sense of humour at work.

It's just a joke Hans.

The second part of the post isn't, though.

see i know i'll never kill myself because if i didn't go through id be the guy who tried to neck himself

an intern at a japanese kitchen
truth be told, i can handle the heat both literally and figuratively
i broke down yesterday because i fucked up my own product eventhough i'm already 1 week in the sushi counter
>take around 10 minutes to make one sushi roll
>compared to my co-workers who take about 2-3 minutes tops

>i tryed to kill myself
>it didnt work
why end always this way?

Just open your own restaurant, ariff

been thinking this
i really don't work well with people

you're just so deep in thoughts you can't think straight, you start to doubt whether you should jump or not
i guess if it was really my time i wouldn't put much thought into it and just... do it

still sour about it
guy has that kind of attitude like he talks shit about you behind your back

no i mean if u know your thoughts are not sane why try a risky thing like suicide ,it is counterproductive