It's like, clean your goddamn room bucko

It's like, clean your goddamn room bucko

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And that's chaos, suddenly you're in the belly of the beast. And you don't want to go there, that's hell.

Can this meme die already?

Memes don't die user, they're like archetypes. And if you had studied Jung as long as I have, you would have realised that you don't have ideas, but ideas have you

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but it will be messy in about 4 days again

Fucking newfag reddit con artist shit

Fuck off

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We are all Sisyphus.

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fuck off , Jew Kikerson

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>clean your room
ultimate fucking boomer, he even literally /sipps/

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my guess on who these people are from left to right

1. Jordan Peterson
2. Sam Hyde
3. Ben Shapiro
4. Some Faggot
5. Joe Rogan
6. Ben Stiller

not Ben Stiller just another faggot

anyone else tried to read his book? its fucking cancer.too much bullshit about the bible and god and whatnot. i liked him, but after reading 30% of his book i want to kill him

*Blocks your path*

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>dad, can you make them put my name on that scientific paper?
>I want people to refer to me as neuroscientist
dr (((Sam)))

clean le room son

And it’s like, that’s NAWT GOOD. S’like NO.

God I wish I were Mr petersons son

the discussion is out btw.

see you in 2 hours