Chinese tourist are noisy

Chinese tourist are noisy.

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lol Japanese are American dogs. got nuked and no military.

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Chinese are rude.

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>go out for coffee
>get an 8oz house coffee, black, in a paper cup to go
>leave cafe holding the cup between my fingers because it's scalding hot
>trying to sip from it while holding only the rim
>accidentally sip too much, coffee literally dissolving the inside of my mouth
>coughing and sputtering, trying to swallow as much of the coffee as I can without letting any more than necessary dribble out of my mouth

I looked up and there were two very small and very cute Asian tourists trying not to look at me as they passed

I have impressed upon them my American culture

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we are sorry about our mainland counterparts. we don't like them over here as well.

hopefully the noisy ones will die out in another 10 years or so

True patriot

Western dog, how do you betray your own people?

You have to go back

>hopefully the noisy ones will die out in another 10 years or so

Earlier than that at the rate you've been going

They are crypto-anglos, full of perfidy.

I'm not Chinese, I just don't understand how you could cuck out to the West as much as Hong Kong has.

>Muh cuck
So because they were part of mainland china 100 years ago, they need to suck their dicks and submit to them and giving up their principals? That would literally be cucking out, amerifat.

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They were part of China for far longer you faggot and were stolen from China by the British in one of the unequal treaties. Now they pretend like they're so much better than the mainland because muh enlightened Western culture when in reality it's because they're a wealthy treaty port and not a massive nation of 1.3 billion people which is harder and takes longer to develop. Rather than help their countrymen on the road to developing China as a whole and helping the entire Chinese people they'd rather act like rich Western faggots and pretend they're better than their fellow Chinese because muh British influence.

hong kongers deny their chinese heritage. they are mentally ill. they are part of China and are chinese. they want to be western so bad....

>sweatshops for iphones and nikes GOOD, based CCP profiting off the exploitation of the working class they're supposed to be liberating!
>free speech and sovereignty BAD, Hong Kong is just an imperialist puppet!

never change, tankies

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Same for bongs and the fr*nch

How many of the Hong Kong people were born in China?
How many grew up with chinkese culture?
You literally want them to give up on their identity to please some commies hundreds of miles away just because they were part of a country that doesn't even exist anymore.
I guess Texans are cucks as well then going by your logic.

Then I suppose the UK might as well just submit to Germany because of muh Heritage

why do asian tourists ask random people to take pictures with them

Except China is moving away from sweatshops and into a high-tech service economy. The Chinese people have struggled arduously over the past few decades to lift themselves out of poverty and their efforts have been paying off. 800 million people in China escaped extreme poverty in China during that time period and the country is stronger and wealthier than ever before. Rather than assist their countrymen in finishing the job and lifting all of China out of poverty they act like faggot Westerners and actively attempt to undermine the CCP's efforts to develop China. They could easily serve as a financial center to help the CCP in its goal of fully modernizing China's economy and continue to keep their luxurious lifestyle but no, they'd rather cuck out to the West and delay their people's rise to glory.

>Muh ebil westerners
Grow up

>They could easily serve as a financial center to help the CCP
you could at least pretend you don't want the party to rob them blind

They speak Chinese, are right next to China and have historically been part of China for centuries until they were stolen through an unequal treaty by an imperialist power that profited off of forcing opium into China and killing millions. Their "identity" is being rich Western faggots that pretend they aren't Chinese. The Texans spoke English and were mostly American immigrants and identified with America and they, unlike the Hong Kongers, realized that they and the United States would be better off working together instead of remaining apart. The goal isn't just pleasing CCP leaders, the goal is to help their countrymen in their efforts to develop the mainland and bring prosperity to all of China but they'd rather sip tea and look down on Mainlanders because muh enlightened Western democracy.

>They speak Chinese

It's incredible how you can rationalize throwing away your identity and giving up free speech.
Must be a new world thing.

Typical Westerner denying the crimes of their countries against the rest of the world. The West's time is coming and it will pay dearly for its murderous ways.
>rob them blind
You mean make them actually invest their wealth into building China up and helping its people prosper instead of hoarding it all to blow on fancy cars and stupid Western luxury shit? Yeah, I do support that.

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yes, and hongkongers-who aren't chimps that can only carry one group identity centered around ethnicity at a time-have determined that cooperating with the least dysfunctional elements of the international community is preferable to kowtowing to a house of cards that engages in organ harvesting and routine political kidnappings

>muh identity
What is their identity? Being some gay city with knock-off British culture?
>muh house of cards
>muh organ harvesting
>muh kidnappings
Stop believing everything you hear from China Uncensored you faggot.

Tbh they're okay with that stuff too as long as it doens't apply to them

You're beyond delusion. Do you know how I know you're Chinese? Because you speak of the world as the West Vs China.
That's something you only get from media originating from China.

He’s not American, he’s a chinky

>buying coffee
Who does this outside of coffee meetings?

hongkongers will not invest their wealth in corner-cutting, dollar value, spyware ridden Chinese consumer products of their own volition. The state will confiscate a large amount of it, waste most of it on its gargantuan, opaque bureaucracy, then spend the rest far less optimally than a market of voluntary investors would have.

Lol I'm not Chinese. I'm just an American who's tired of Western neoliberal bullshit and how much it's poisoning the world with degeneracy and filth. I'm not just pro-China, I'm pro-East in general meaning Russia, DPRK etc. It's time that the East takes its stand against the West who have plundered and robbed the whole world of its wealth and now have the gall to tell them how to run their nations. No more. Russia and China will stand victorious atop the ashes of the decadent neoliberal empire and finally the people of the world will be free.

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>Hates degeneracy
>Love's mainland chinktown
You have no idea what you're talking about.

imagine being so fucked in the head you go to bat for a government that won't even let you defend them in a public forum

They are...

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>muh bureaucracy
>muh waste
Quit parroting China Uncensored propaganda you fucking NPC. The CCP uses its capital to build high-speed rail, bridges, tunnels, airports, seaports, subways and more all over China and the developing world instead of blowing it on stupid Western tchotchkes like faggot consumerists. How come China was able to build a state-of-the-art high speed rail system from Heilongjiang to Xinjiang if they just "waste" everything? How come they were able to build the longest bridge in the world to link Hong Kong with the rest of the country only to be met with scorn by the Hong Kongers? Where does all that come from if everything is just "wasted?"

I'm not going to let someone who disparages Chinese people in that way tell me what China is like. You'll see one day when your neoliberal house of cards finally comes crashing down.

Why don't you move there? Or give me your address so I can kick your ass so hard you look like a chink. Your choice

>they built the longest bridge in the world to a city that doesn't even want it
you gave me an example of exuberant waste to disprove my charges of exuberant waste

stop chimping out on the internet

Try it you fat faggot. I think I'll stay here and try to help retake this country from the psychopaths that run it and further the communist global revolution.
What should they have spent it on instead? Blowing up Middle Eastern countries or funding jihadist militants? America is the biggest money waster of all. I'd rather our capital go to building infrastructure than lining some arms manufacturers pockets.

China would rather line it's own arms manufactures' pockets on shitty knockoff weaponry to flatten uighyr villages or protect their colonial assets in mali

You have been awarded a social credit worth 0.2! Keep it up!

3 more of those and the party will send him a footbound wife. no more lonely nights for guanglao

what a shameless post

Nope, they use their money for infrastructure improvements while America uses theirs to arm jihadists and sell bombs to Saudi Arabia to burn Yemeni schoolchildren to death.
Fuck off you Malaysian soyboy.

Mao banned footbinding you fucking retard.

Why are you so angry? Chinese always smile for no reason. Smile :)

Why do you think it costs so many social credits?
"fucking stacy, she's such a bourgeois slut, always fucking imperialist chads. she's the first to go when the revolution begins

I'm not Chinese, but your country will be soon.

hapa with a slant for eyes are always chinese/
already is! so you didn't explain it to me why are you angry and calling names?

western """sluts""" wont fuck him so he's working the people's revolution angle to get some brainwashed sideways pussy

Was working as security at a local music event last weekend. There was a bar with a dance floor. A group of 5 chinese entered the bar. 4 of them were removed during the night for complaints from women in the bar about them groping people on the dance floor. They'd go around grabbing boobs and crotches of everyone they could reach.

why he didn't just go back to tongsan then? why he like to torture himself when he got everything's ready for him to go back to china? I don't really get it

Chinese tourists are consistently rated as the worst by their visited countries.
French pretty bad as well.

Visited Notre Dame a year back. Chinese tourists came in all stripes there. Some were immensely disrespectful, no inside voice, flash photographing everything, trying to touch the roped off displays. Others were in hysterics, it was very important for them to be able to see a shard of the true cross. They must have been very zealous Catholics. Very interesting.

he's not chinese, his dad voted for Bush and didn't raise him right so now he's retarded