Yanks fuck off edition
this thread
i like it
Shall be posting in this /brit/
Hate morning /brit/
Alri Thailad
That's because it's not /brit/ during that time it's just a group of insecure larping yanks
They will never get brit but they think they do
They always say it's because /cum/ sucks or some cop-out excuse but they don't realize that they drag down the quality of everything wherever they go. Like cockroaches or jews
kek bet the yank that made the other thread is seething
No need for antisematism m8.
The Brits are butthurt again
>kek bet the yank that made the other thread is seething
Yanks are on the ropes
Brit on vacation here
>make a post whining about yanks
>make another post saying yanks are on the ropes
>americans be like "1812 was a draw"
What's the best Mr Bean episode
Haha the daft yank bastard responded
He is.
need to stop by coles for some extra stuff for dinner
Wish I worked for Top Gear/Grand Tour lads
*strum strum*
fuck off
any alcoholic man in
how long does it take for the shakes to kick in?
>people were being mean to me
>i know! ill spam cartoon porn
what a sad sad life you lead
what would you do if you woke up a yank?
I'd neck myself, me
should be illegal to deny climate change
i would shart the mart
"Thanks for the gold kind stranger!" - Nazi Dentist
Imagine the specimen who goes out of his way to save such pictures on his hard drive lmao
You lads at work?
went to bed last night
was woken up 2 hours later by the missus putting my penis in her
sex was good and ended up nutting in her mouth
you disgust me
you’re aware that’s rape?
you're pathetic
A husband and wife can't rape each other retard.
Why is /brit/ so shit at this time?
*Looks at the flags*
Chinky boy haha you’re not truly british
got a bit of nutella on my jumper
guess i cant wear it anymore until its clean
Of course I am I watch Mr bean and Dr Who
Business idea: assassinate Freemasons
Larp on elsewhere
Dead /brit/
all me
refuse to believe anyone in this early 20s go getter general could be married except to his work
is that a toddler
The plan?
Save 150-200 grand in the next 5 or so years and then move out to the third wold to live on a beach
/brit/ in urgent need of emergency resuscitation
free the ass in ass masons (benders)
no, its a midget
Any Celtic man in?
Literally not all yanks.
started a new job in may and already looking for another
love seeing toilberg's face when i tell i'm leaving
bet he spent a tidy sum on recruitment/hr as well
who cares? I could've just pulled away, said no, and slept. Not like she stuck a finger up my bum.
Just like this woman did nothing wrong
rangers is rorke team
what are you lot reading then?
Told my toilmaster this the other day. He was fuming lol. Being proper salty in emails and stuff now too lol
Making my way downtown
Duhigg - power of habits
Not really a fan - vaguely useful but more self help less research than i was expecting.
Lets us know how it goes when you tell him haha
wow trade chat
I got rid of some old computer parts in the bin today. Cleaning up just in case I go ahead with the *cide.
always curious when i see a fat person does that big ring of flab at her waist get in the way of shagging or pissing
Got about 6 laptop sata hard drives I need to format.
janitor is the comfiest form of toil . unironically
>The following morning the victim woke to discover bite marks all over her chest, stomach and neck
For me it would be night time receptionist
Mum has some paper work she's been filling out on the table about me. Probably about the *tism. God I wish they would just fuck off and leave me alone.
Just smash them with a hammer lad at least have some fun
Ate too much fried chicken yesterday. Bloated and feeling grim. How can i detox?
ye security guard who sits at the front desk alone at night and periodically does a walk round the building corridors
some jannies do a similar thing protecting the property
t. nonce covering his tracks
Sucked too many nigger's penises yesterday. Bloated and feeling grim. How can i detox?
Once had two steaks immediately followed by four slices of nutella toast once. Ended up throwing up in the shower and the steak pieces came out still in perfect condition
don't like fannies when there's too big of a hole visible. it shouldn't have a black shadow in the middle like it's a complex cave system
t. pencil dick
should music be banned
I'll never be having sex.
If I can't fit my entire fist in your fanny with room to spare then we have nothing further to discuss
I wish Americans were banned from Jow Forums, can't stand any of you
I dream of a britain where people only spend 3 or 4 days a week toiling and instead of shopping centres we have alotments, gyms and libraries. People cycle to get about and people actively engage in community led pursuits.
Need individualism and consumerism out of business.
Chuck them in the microwave
Spastic freak
*Votes for the Green Party*
Yeah okay gayboy
good luck with diversity
wageslavery and anarcho-tyranny are the only future for anyone with less than 20 million in the bank
I dream of a Britain where the government subsidies Gregg's, pints, and gf's
Its a weird one but i work with thoroughly suburban people. All they talk about is the shite they buy. They visit london to purely shop. They have prime. They go on holiday to do nought but lie on a hot beach. They toil to engage in feckless consumption
This is not how humanity was designed.
You reckon it's worth rehabilitating such people?
Always cringe at posts like these. I imaagine some absolute neek thinking how can i impress the lads on /brit/ and make them think i too am a jack the lad?
Ah yes i know ill pretend to enjoy greggs and make it seem as though i regularly go to the pub to drink beers. That should buy me some clout!
Redditspace and too many words, not reading