Do people in your country confuse Romanians with gypsies? Why?

Do people in your country confuse Romanians with gypsies? Why?

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we confuse all wh*tes with gypsies

we confuse all c*ntinentals with gypsies

Yes. Only gypsies move here from Romania and people on the news always refer to them as Romanians.

we all confuse old w*rlders for gypsies

no, there is no confusion, we know they are the same


yes, i just coll romanian posters on here gypsies to tease em a bit.

Vlachs (which includes Romanians) have nothing to do with gypsies genetically, culturally or linguistically

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we confuse all b*lgarians with gypsies

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we don't even know Romania exist

>we don't even know Romania exist

We don't confuse them, we identify them as gipsies.

I was talking to a Czech guy and he said rather angrily how much he hates Romania and gypsies. When I prodded him further he said that Romanians are gypsies. I never knew there were people who thought this unironically, always thought it was just a meme/banter thing.

No, we know that Romanians are worse than gypsies

What's the difference

Romanians are Vlachs. Vlachs are a group of European people like Slavs. Gypsies are well, you already know.

vlachs are usually black eyed, short and blackhaired though

No. One of them are lazy, dirty, barbaric, thieving rats.
The other are gypsies.
it is over

we aren't a group of our own. we're just mixed. vlach is an exonym given to us in the middle ages

Same here. Everytime a "gang of Romanians was arrested", it's gypsies.

how come, i thought romanians were primarily vlach(southern ones)

More-or-less everyone in Europe is mixed, mixing doesn't make the dominant culture group disappear

>literally have a city called Mangalia
You are making it too hard lads

>we don't even know Romania exist
Same that gringo says.

When the romanian army came here after ww1 they literally stole all telephone cables and electronic devices they could find because they contained copper. They also tried to loot our national museum because they themselves are unable to produce any meaningful pieces of art. Nothing to with gypsies culturally my ass.

People often identify the bad ones(gyppos) in a larger foreign group (romanians) with the whole group as bad examples are memorized whereas the majority of non-gyppo romanians doesn't draw attention.


Your National Gallery is super cringeworthy though

that's a different place

Yah, a conquering army will do that.

We call them both gypsies and Roma people (cikáni, Romové). Actual Romanians are called Rumuni.
I personally dont know anyone who says Romanians are gypsies.

god I couldn’t agree more they fuck and have babies at 70 just to help them get more money when they beg

(referring to gypsies)

Yes and i dont know why, probably because a lot of them came from romania and their names are similar (Gypsies - Romi, Romanians - Rumuni). Also have any one of you met a gypsy that actually managed to finish elementary school?

I don't remember us looting your museums when we occupied romania a few years earlier. Sure there are no rules in war and the victor can do anything he wants with the defeated, but those actions still speak of their character.

>Also have any one of you met a gypsy that actually managed to finish elementary school?
No, even though we force them to send their kids at school, but they always move to avoid such a burden.

Who cares about your shitty little museum? Much better than what you did to Romanian civilians in Transilvania during WW2, and you dare speak of character.

Like I care what a random stranger think about me

I don't condone any massacres but let's not act like romanians during ww2 were innocent and didn't commit any (and how). Comparing states taken over by literal nazis genociding eachother is pointless because that's their MO. Seeing what mostly democratic states do to their enemies is much more descriptive.

based desu

no country has more gypsies per capital than we do. It's weird more people associate them with romania

>I don't condone any massacres

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yes, there were a few of them at my university who got in on the affirmative action™ spots

>Mutt education

Not to mention that German and Austro-Hungarian armies during WWI looted the places they occupied in France, Russia, Serbia and Romania also, so I don't get this whole Magyar "outrage" over this. Army requisition were also a thing even without actual looting.
CP armies in Romania started confiscating and exploiting resources and made thing even more difficult for people who took refugee in Moldova during the winter of 1917. You also had summary executions and murders of civilians.